What's in it for me? Work as much as you want for what you receive!!!! THIS SHOWS MANS TRUE COLOURS....THE ONE WHO WORKS BECAUSE THE JOB NEEDS TO BE DONE AND THE ONE WHO WORKS ONLY FOR THE MONEY AND DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE JOB AT ALL........THE PRETENTIOUS LEECH.......Some work to perfect the job, because that is the right and honourable thing to do and what we would expect from others, regardless and in spite of what they receive.....THIS IS WHERE THE MEN OF HONOUR FAR OUTSHINE THE REST......the common man, who always ask:"what's in it for me?" and then do the least that possibly can sucking out the most that they can get, but in the long run it becomes his downfall.... no one can trust him, so he is pushed to one side. The genuine person, the honourable man, the decent guy does the best he can in any position, not because of what he can get in return, but because it is his honour to do a perfect job, he works for the sake of the job at hand and not the pay......this is what distinguishes the sons and daughters from the hireling, the genuine from the false. The sons and daughters care about the job, earth and environment, regardless....they often don't even think of pay.....but....the hireling just wants the money and give a sloppy job in sad.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 May 2018



Some don't lift a finger unless they score,
always baying for more and more,
there is no honour for a job well done,
they couldn't care, giving less than none.

What's in it for me they always ask,
not ever doing a decent task,
they only care about themselves,
do as little as they can, stripping the shelves.

The man of honour does the best for the job,
regardless of pay, he will never rob,
he does whatever the job requires,
it's never about personal desires.

This distinguishes the true from false,
the sons who have a finger on the pulse,
it's more important to care for the earth,
than wallow in money and possessions of little worth.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 May 2018



While we think and worry about life, all our troubles and problems remain inside our head where it is dark and gloomy and where there are no doors, we can't reach any conclusions. Everything remains vague and always just out of reach, as if the answers are avoiding us....we just cannot pinpoint it.... To rise to the occasions we require a totally clear view of what our troubles or problems are and the best way to gain this clarity is to SEE IT WITH OUR EYES....A picture gives so much more depth than mere thoughts, so when we place our thoughts onto paper in front of us, OUT OF US....It takes on a life of its own, a different form and from here we can analyse it, dissect it, unravel it and see all angles of it, we can throw it around and play with it, gain information and knowledge bringing us to a safe conclusion. Only then can we truly master the situations in life...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 May 2018



To rise up and above all the troubles we find,
we need to separate it from our mind,
expose it to the light to clearly see,
all the angles of what's to be.

When it stays inside it can't find an escape,
in the darkness of thoughts it can't find the gate,
it runs in circles no beginning or end,
driving us crazy and around the bend.

When we throw it on the table it is set aside,
gets total exposure where it cannot hide,
we can break it down and see all angles,
dissect it, unravel it and see what dangles.

We can pin point what we need to do,
work out a plan of what to pursue,
rise up and above and conquer every situation,
gain total clarity by gaining information.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 May 2018



Remaining calm under traumatic circumstances, is half the battle won. When calm we are rational and are far better equipped to handle situations in a sensible way. Pressure and stress often push us into sudden decisions which we deeply regret later. Whenever we are pushed into decisions without given time to do research and find all the information we need to make a balanced informed decision, decline the offer, if it is meant for us it will come around again. At times we may find ourselves in the middle of a violent situation and when we react calmly it brings calmness into the situation, when we react with threats and counter violence, it gets completely out of hand. When we panic and stress we cannot think clearly and often aggravate an already potentially explosive situation. It takes two to tango and when one doesn't respond it is like throwing water on a fire and it dies down....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 May 2018



A valuable asset is to remain calm,
breathing deeply can't cause any harm,
take our time to make informed decisions,
so we don't end up in disastrous positions.

When an argument arises don't fight back,
let it blow over it causes less flack,
to add fuel to fire is a bad idea,
it catches up to us from the rear.

It takes two to tango from near or far,
we need an opponent with which to spar,
a fire needs wood to continue burning,
a heart needs love to ever stop yearning.

In the midst of a traumatic situation,
calmness brings us gentle consolation,
we can't think clearly when we're spitting fire,
causing regrets that later aspire.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 May 2018



When troubles come and cast us down, a cloud of darkness blinds our mind. It feels like we're clutched in the claws of desperation and helplessness and we cannot move. We don't know where to turn for help and the advice we do get is meaningless. It feels like we are completely isolated and the only person in the world, often taking us into the valley of depression and hopelessness. So many plans go array because of the unexpected for which we didn't make allowance, especially stretching money over a period of time and then we ditch something that may have become a roaring success had we just pushed through, unraveling each problem as it arises. It is almost impossible to lay out a fool proof plan. Something always pops out of the woodwork throwing everything around. A very wise ability to develop from a very young age is flexibility. So many exercise their bodies, but forget the mind, heart, soul and spirit, to know when to resist and when to yield. When we practise this flexibility we can overcome all troubles without being destroyed, we can flip to the next plan....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 May 2018



Flexibility to cope with changes is wise,
many hidden obstacles don't meet the eyes,
it's said to always expect the unexpected,
it saves our plans from being rejected.

When troubles come and throw plans in array,
we need to be ready to try a new way,
the claws of desperation smother our minds,
killing the chances of any new finds.

We need to sometimes go with the flow,
or move from the main stream and go very slow,
there are times to strike and times to hold back,
time to reel in the plans that are slack.

There are no hard and fast rules to follow,
when trouble hits it all becomes hollow,
we need to be flexible and move things around,
before all our plans go to ground.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 May 2018



Often what we seek seems to hide from us and so many obstacles block our path. It may be due to misunderstandings. Have we ever tried to wear the other mans shoes, tried to see what we see through their eyes? So few of us have learnt how to express ourselves clearly! It should be a school subject.... conversing with others in relationships, business dealings and life in general and also how to listen to understand...not just hear. Could it be that we are our own greatest obstacle due to not clearly stating what we we even know ourselves? Searching for a needle in a haystack is almost impossible until we know exactly what the needle looks like and where to look.....that is half the battle won. Many obstacles and blockages disappear when we do our homework and clearly define what exactly it is what we are seeking. The clearer it is in our mind, the easier it is to see and obtain. There is a lot we can do to bring what we seek closer to us by laying the proper foundations before we want to start building a life. Each brick we lay - information we reveal - brings the vision closer.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 May 2018



can we see our problem through another mans eyes,
do we make ourselves clear and break through the lies,
can we see all things from different angles,
that may be where our vision dangles.

When we build a clear picture in our mind,
our eyes know what it us they must find,
with enough information our vision becomes clear,
drawing what we seek very near.

Dealing with people is part of life's game,
we don't all call things by the same name,
much confusion can be cleared out the way,
when others understand exactly what we say.

Expressing our needs is quite a task,
we can't get along by wearing a mask,
we need to paint a picture with words we use,
then all will gain and none will lose.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 May 2018



When we look at things, people, circumstances, almost anything, what we look for is what we will see. Between everything that is there to find, our eyes will select that which our mind calls for and will overlook all the rest that is there. With the right attitude we can build a castle in a gutter with nothing more than deep appreciation for the beauty around us and in nature. When we intentionally look for the beauty in life, the love in others, the solutions in problems, the meaning behind hardships, our lives are transformed into the most amazing journey. We seek for the beauty and good within others and that is what will manifest itself for us to find. It is pretty much up to us to program ourselves to seek for the joy life can bring and laugh through the tests and tribulations, unfolding the hidden gifts and treasures within them to help us grow and become full and complete. We instigate what we see by looking for it....OPEN YOUR MIND TO SEEK FOR JOY AND BEAUTY AND IT SHALL BE YOURS.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 May 2018



Our hearts desires direct our vision,
sending our lives on an interesting mission,
when we seek the good and beauty in others,
it has a way of lifting all covers.

What we look for is what we see,
and that's the way that we will be,
turn a gutter into a castle by seeing the beauty,
how the insects and plants make a daily treaty.

Whatever we seek will manifest itself,
it is how we dig and where we delve,
it's up to us to direct our eyes,
either to the darkness or to the skies.

When we seek for the joy life can bring,
we always have a joyful song to sing,
we laugh through tests and tribulations,
find a way through all situations.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 May 2018

Sorry we missed yesterday...had a power failure and was left in dark Africa with a flat battery, haha...



So often in life we want to prove ourselves without the help of others because there are so many opinions and advice given that it becomes most confusing and no one can see a situation through our eyes or through our mind and heart. It is almost impossible to advise another on how to live their lives. All we really can do is tell them what we would do or have done under similar circumstances. We can share our experiences and they can try what worked for us or adjust it to their view. When we try and push rules and advice onto others if often causes rebellion and two people see things exactly the same, our past, upbringing, education, culture, etc have a great influence over us. It is always wise to seek out those with experience in what we  are looking for but always remember they have long forgotten the small steps.... look between the lines and ask step by step directions....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 May 2018



No two people see life the same,
each has his own way to play this game,
different opinions become so confusing,
sending us on paths that become deluding.

Too many rules can cause resistance,
opinions of others with constant persistence,
we like to select what we want to use,
make our own choices without excuse.

We can share our experiences with others,
tell them his we handled all the covers,
they can try to see how it works for them,
or find their own way through all the mayhem.

It's their life to live we can only stand by,
lift them from the mud and help them fly,
but we can't force opinions onto their heads,
their own experiences will make their beds.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 May 2018



None of us is perfect in any way, we all make many mistakes, wrong choices and decisions based on insufficient knowledge of situations and what lays behind it ....when we seek for information it is nowhere to be found and generally we simply don't have the time to do indepth research and therefore trust those who bring us the offers, taking chances and hoping for the best. For all of us, by the time we are old enough to start understanding about life, we are already trapped and can't find anyone to talk to, to help us out because everyone is trapped and no one really knows how we became trapped or how to break free. Normally by the time this happens we already have careers, house, probably family and have too much to lose, or so we think, so we simply continue and do the best we can. THIS IS ALL WRONG......we should be taught about these traps in life as children to prepare us for the long journey ahead, but this education is sadly lacking, we don't understand the importance of virtues and morals and the devastation of being held at ransom by our conscience making us prey to others that feed off our mistakes and errors. We didn't even stand a chance, we were caught totally unaware of these dangers in life and then we have no idea what to do about it and accept it as the way of life...BUT IT ISN'T.....IT IS THE WAY OF DEATH....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 May 2018



By the time we're old enough to start understanding,
we're woven into this life that's so demanding,
we can't make any informed decisions,
we're never given time to do revisions.

We don't understand the importance of morals,
keeping pure and away from all quarrels,
we don't understand the importance of virtues,
how it keeps us safe from all the dark issues.

Nobody teaches us for what to look,
it's all in code written in some book,
by the time we're old enough to understand,
we're already trapped in the sinking sand.

We fight and cry and scream for help,
as we drown in the ocean our feet wrapped in kelp,
we never even stood a chance,
we were simply dragged into this hellish dance.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 May 2018



Every living being desires to survive, have a place to live and food to eat. Millions battle finding work, falling to evil and corruption on a daily basis. Integrity and morals mean nothing to a hungry man and will do what he needs to provide for himself worrying about the consequences much later, if at all. He doesn't realize or even care that he is being trapped in a vicious game that becomes darker and darker. Each time he has a need he has to pay a cost, normally by doing something undesirable as evil now has a hold over him and if he refuses, they break him in various ways. There is always a way to make an honest living, but it is often difficult with many obstacles, but at the end of the day it is the best way. When we run the wrong race and take the wrong paths, make the wrong decisions, there is a way out.....we acknowledge it and bring it into the light, because there we clearly see the way out. True evil flees from the light and that gives us the freedom through total exposure, cutting our losses and running a new race.... we drop everything and start on a whole new path.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 May 2018



When we throw our integrity down the drain,
we keep losing all the headstart we gain,
whenever we strive to move ahead,
there's a toll to pay that brings us dread.

Every step we take has a price at stake,
we opened a door holding hands with a snake,
now it's too late to run for the gate,
every time we move we're stuck in check mate.

The best we can do is move ahead,
cut our losses instead of playing dead,
acknowledge that we backed the wrong horse,
put a spanner in the works and change our course.

We admit and own the mistakes we made,
taking control of the way we have strayed,
this takes the accusations out of others hands,
lifting us out of the sinking sands.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 May 2018



What I discovered rather late in life, unfortunately, is that life is an obstacle course, not of difficulty, but of our nature... the true person that we are inside. Regardless of what comes our way, whether it is work, career, pleasure, entertainment, or any other area of life, all of it in varying degrees test our virtues, values and morals. It's the only true test we ever face, when given an option to cheat, to remain make money or remain climb the corporate ladder or to cherish is not winning the race, but winning the virtue race even though we are last, but have all our virtues, values and morals in tact....we are first. These are our permanent treasures which grow and develop each time we refuse a bribe or payoff or "gift" to prosper  THIS IS THE REAL RACE.... the money is temporary, so is the house and car, jewels and material possessions...none of this comes with us into judgement day, but our virtues, values and morals do. It is more about who we helped along the way, than how much we collected along the way.....think about it....

Monica Maartens ©copyright
21 May 2018



The true test in life is hanging on to who we are,
negotiating offers that will take us far,
we're always being tested on all levels of life,
whether pleasure, entertainment, career or wealth.

All life's paths test our values and virtues,
prodding and pushing at our morals and issues,
will we fall to cheating when times get tough,
or will we hold on to honesty even though it is rough.

Will we sacrifice our purity for money and fame,
cheapen ourselves then give others the blame,
or will we let it pass and find another way,
hold on to the truth for yet another day.

Will we opt for the corporate ladder and deny our morals,
taking delight in human praise and falsified laurels,
or will we choose to uphold our permanent treasures,
that far outweigh any material measures.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 May 2018



Our eyes and ears record everything within the scope of the lens of the eye and the hearing. We consciously only concentrate on what we are looking at directly without noticing the full vision that our brain records....the surroundings, the colours, the conditions. We hear only what we listen to but our brain records all the background sounds and noises without being aware of it. It also records, in a memory bank, our coldness, warmth, wind, stones under our feet, physical pain and discomfort without us realizing this. It is an amazing instrument and has an impact on the way we think and react.
Our purpose, direction and reason is all obtainable through our soul, showing us the true life, our real purpose, the continuation of all things, something we are also unaware of and yet, it is our life. The world and all that is in it is of a temporary nature and always changing and unless we are grounded and anchored within the soul, we are taken on many false paths, leading absolutely nowhere except to disappointment, regrets and sorrows. It is so important to have a solid grounding and foundation within the soul as we can developed what needs developing without being continually side tracked by false lures, temporary pleasures causing us so much pain and wasting so much of our time.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 May 2018



Eyes and ears record more than we know,
not only what we see but the entire show,
the ear collects all the background sounds,
things we didn't hear but float along the ground.

Our brain is a rather remarkable tool,
absorbing the senses in a memory pool,
the cold and warmth or pain's we feel,
the things that make our bodies reel.

Knowledge of the world fill the pages of our mind,
leading us astray through false things we find,
we need a solid grounding in the truth,
a deep foundation assuring us worth.

When our spirit and life is anchored in the soul,
we find every answer to fulfil our goal,
we become complete and fully equipped,
to conquer any life without being ripped.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 May 2018



The best way to negotiate this life is in a balanced way.
Flesh is our hardware, our instrument or vessel with the tools we need to operate effectively. A brain is a recording studio by means of eyes and ears ...the receptors of the brain, hands and feet to get us along, a mouth to receive food to energize this absolutely remarkable vessel. 
Soul is like the center of knowledge, the software where we find direction, information, meaning and purpose.
Spirit is the operator using the software to control and direct the hardware, the vessel.
To keep this perfectly balanced we need to know about it and understand it, how it works together in harmony. Without the soul we gain only the surface knowledge without the essence and meaning, causing a spiritual imbalance leading to hardware problems, like, misbehaving, violence, rage....all stemming from a sadly undernourished spirit. Our hardware can be infiltrated by outside forces causing it to commit deeds which we did not instigate leading to enormous confusion, doubt and fear, because we don't know what's happening to our bodies or in our lives and this is no good....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 May 2018



Our flesh is the hardware equipped with tools,
automatically following the survival rules,
through the eyes and ears the brain records,
with hands and feet that serve the lords.

Our soul is the software to the centre of knowledge,
the secret mysteries we don't find in college,
it gives us direction and meaning and purpose,
reaching far deeper than the mere surface.

Our spirit is the operator using the software,
controlling and steering the physical hardware,
it needs the essence and deeper feeling,
opening the door of visionary seeing.

Our hardware can be infiltrated,
causing our spirits to be agitated,
our flesh does what we never intended,
leaving fear and confusion that cannot be mended.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 May 2018



Spirit is the life within the flesh, our personality. Flesh is like the hardware, the vessel, the spirit is the operator of the hardware. When the portals of the soul are open, our spirit is connected to the spirit of the creator and we receive our direction from the core of existence through our conscience taking all of creation into account when doing our deeds. When the portals are closed our spirit is influenced by what enters in from outside, in the form of education, worldly knowledge, traditions, cultures, events sand circumstances into which we are drawn through lack of proper knowledge. As we are not privy to true facts we are misled by material things that bring physical satisfaction without serving the spirit, causing enormous emptiness of real value as the spirit continues searching for deeper satisfaction, which it can't obtain from material things. This brings about terrible restlessness and turmoil within us. Spirit is basically love, emotion and needs love....divine become complete. When silenced it becomes bitter with frustration turning into anger, rage and violence and a very troubled life.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 May 2018



Our spirit is what operates the flesh,
either bringing us joy or dumping us in a mess,
when connected to open portals of our soul,
we clearly see the way to our goal.

When blocked and made to fend on its own,
it swallows seeds that others have sown,
leading us into many dead ends,
bringing sorrow and pain that never mends.

When it is silenced and bound inside,
frustration and bitterness cannot hide,
we try to ease it with physical pleasure,
grabbing at any material treasure.

None of it brings any lasting satisfaction,
all of it only false gratification,
anger and rage start turning to violence,
using the wrong way of breaking the silence.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 May 2018



Our soul is the portal to all existence, the passage or way to knowledge and wisdom. It's like an umbilical cord that reaches out from a creator splitting into millions of "strings" attached to each creation. Everything has a purpose and space working together to keep creation in place. The same plan is implanted in the original creation  where the entire system works together to aid and benefit one another like a self sustainable closed corporation. Providing it is not interfered with, it should carry on forever because what one needs the other excretes and visa versa leaving no waste or smoke or fumes that can be harmful.....a perfect system. All things with soul automatically do this by impulse, a deep seated knowing what to do, it doesn't need to be taught, it is just there .
However, when the soul is ignored or neglected and underdeveloped in man due to his free will(which is not the case with nature and animals), this lays dormant and we don't know what we're doing, we may as well be a zombi.... we intentionally ignore or push away the inner warnings not to do things as our physical flesh is lured and enticed and crave for selfish gratification ignoring the damage we cause to our delicately balanced environment. Our soul is also the soul of the earth, the sky, the nature, the animals....the real ones, not the soulless artificial technological images destroying everything. WAKE UP MAN - RECONNECT WITH YOUR SOUL....NOW...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 May 2018



A soul is the portal to all creation,
common link between earth and nation,
it starts with the creator splitting to all,
to save the earth we need to heed its call.

It starts from one central point or core,
spreading to every creation with more,
it feeds the instructions of how to survive,
all aiding each other to live and revive.

The one excretes what the other needs,
some make flowers, fruits and seeds,
there's one overall plan benefitting all,
and it's through the soul that we hear the call.

A soulless being has no feeling or thought,
it tramples the earth as it can't be taught,
it takes what it wants and cares for none,
destroying the earth when the day is done.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 May 2018



How can we ever succeed when we're pushed into boxes? How must we travel our journey, find what we need to complete our development into becoming full in all aspects of who we are meant to be? Where are we supposed to find all we need in between the rubble? Why are we not taught all aspects of our being from early childhood? Why must we fall in ignorance when we have schools? Why are all these attacks on us permitted? We are a body of flesh that needs certain nutrition to keep each cell we even know what cells need? We are a spirit of vitality that needs direction to exercise and develop our spiritual rights, which includes our emotional and mental well being, our soul and what a soul needs to survive. Why are our spirits not developed equally with our flesh? This is a gross atrocity against our general well being. Where is the education that balances life? Look at the state of the nations. The world is out of control DUE TO A TOTAL IMBALANCE. WHEN IS THIS INJUSTICE GOING TO BE TOTALLY CRUSHED?

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 May 2018



Souls with the purpose of completing who we are,
we're given a journey to travel near and far,
it's time we claim our rights to full education,
body, mind, soul and spirit for each nation.

It's our right to know what the soul is about,
it's our right to learn about spiritual clout,
it's our right to feed our hearts with love,
to find the inner essence that fills the glove.

What nutrition do we feed our cells,
how do we find where the spirit dwells,
what do we need to give our soul its light,
how can we grow when we always fight.

A great atrocity is committed against our being,
all the rubbish we're fed just blinds our seeing,
where is the balance in the human life,
to bring us harmony without the strife.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 May 2018



With all the directions to choose from, all the advice we are given, all the things we see and hear, how do we choose what is right for us and right all round. How do we know what is safe to choose, that is not going to come back and bite us in the back? There's really a simple what is just and right...from an unbiased position. Would you like to be cheated? No, then don't cheat! Would you like being lied to and deceived? don't do it to others. Would you like to be robbed and looted? No...then don't do it to others, not even the earth. Would you like truth and honesty? Then give it to others.
Live in such a way that if it comes back it brings only good to you....and this way we never have any debts to repay because we have never caused any harm, there is nothing chasing us, we have no fear....we have dealt with love, fairness and justice which is the recipe for remaining free.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 May 2018



How do we choose what is right for life,
to remain in peace without any strife,
how do we know what is safe to choose,
what we will keep and what we will lose.

There's a simple rule to follow each day,
don't hurt or take unless you can pay,
do unto others as you will for your life,
keeping your back away from the knife.

You wouldn't like to be treated with deceit,
continually pushed into traps of defeat,
so don't hand it out for others to accept,
it normally causes enormous regret.

Don't gather up debts that you need to repay,
live every day with only fair play,
never cross any line that will bring later shame,
it always comes back as part of the game.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 May 2018

Apologies for two days absent....connection problems...thank you....



Perks are all just for control, when we see all the perks with a job, we become so excited about the amazing deal we have scored seeing only the benefits for us and not the 'catch'. We often ask "what's the catch", only to be told there is no catch and that is true......providing we step in line and do as we are told, even when it is against our conscience and morals....when we want a way out because we don't want to go further, it is then that we see the ugly side of perks..... The noose around the neck, pulling tighter and tighter the more we pull away until it comes to the crunch.... step in line or face full exposure, and all of a sudden the " perks" become total nightmares......what happens in the club never stays in the goes on the records of useful titbits.....the proof is there......SO.....STEP IN LINE OR ELSE.....and all of a sudden we have a horrifying  awakening and helplessness sets in or even death.....meek like a little lamb.....yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir.....perks.... really..... What were you thinking....what a shame.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 May 2018



A rude awakening hides away in perks,
what happens in the clubs is only for jerks,
there's always someone that knows what's done,
the little quirks that you thought was fun.

Perks are  handles to use for control,
in perfect disguise to trap our soul,
there is no catch if we step in line,
do what we're told for the rest of our time.

When we try to back out we see the ugly side,
when it gets too dark and we want to hide,
the perk becomes a noose pulling very tight,
choking our life as we're swallowed by night.

All our secret quirks and desires are recorded,
we best step in line before we are reported,
a terrible helplessness ties our hands,
making us wish we can sink in the sands.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 May 2018



Everybody is pulled through the same nets, but it seems different because we all fall for different things - it's almost like a competition against our morals, virtues and values - a constant chiseling to break us down and bring us into chains to be controlled, manipulated and manoeuvred. The poor, hungry man often yields to food or money and will do almost anything...... almost, depending on how desperate they are. The young man often yields to lust and sex, to get the pretty girl, especially if they are not too good looking and feel inferior, it is a tremendous lure to be rewarded for a deed (normally evil) with a super sexy girl which is already working for the harlot. The young lady whose outer beauty has been promoted and told "if you have it, flaunt it" easily yields to nudity ( loss of her morals and life) to get the modelling, film, singing contract, even so the good looking guy....they sell their bodies to their ultimate destruction. The bookworm and studious teen will do almost anything, including bending the rules, for the "title",  "the position", bringing " honour" to his family..... forgetting you cannot bring "honour" with disgrace and cover ups. They are expected to do the corporate the company man, including the clubs and the ladies in waiting, bringing them into chains of shame as they catch others in chains of shame. Each has his/her own weaknesses and we were never warned properly not to be involved with this "buy off"..... Somewhere in life it catches every single one of us and then we have a massive decision to make....expose it all and break free. ..or be taken captive for all time????

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 May 2018



We all have dreams, hopes and desires,
we all have sparks that light our fires,
we all are pulled over the same nets,
some work hard while others place bets.

The hungry man can be bought with food,
a man that's poor will take money to be rude,
an inferior young man will fall for a girl,
do whatever he must to have a swirl.

The beauty queen will sell her morals,
do whatever she needs for falsified laurels,
the corporate one will bend any rule,
to climb the ladder to the title they pursue.

So we are tested to find our gate,
a weakness within to seal our fate,
to take it back we must pay the toll,
or we got to go forward with the roll.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 May 2018



When we know what we seek, we know what to look for and then easily find it. The world has trapped us into this terrible competition against each other.....pushing each other down to be better, walking over others to shine.....THIS IS NOT WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT. Regardless of which level we're on and there are many, regardless what kind of job we do and there are many, regardless what salary we earn, if any at all, all this is secondary to HOW WE DO what we do. The more we put into our labour, research, adventures or whatever it is that we do, the mysteries are released to enlighten us even further. Life is not about  collecting luggage and material possessions that tie us down is about collecting experiences, knowledge, mysteries, secrets, becoming one with whatever we is in the giving our all that we receive it all, we should ideally get through life without being imprisoned by anything.....including is only for convince and use. . .

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 May 2018



Give it you all, fall into the call,
become one with what you do for fun,
the more we put in the more it will bring,
the deeper we dive the greater the ride.

We collect only that which is not a load,
light and easy upon our road,
life is about how much we put in,
revealing the mysteries our journeys will bring.

Whatever we do we do it with zest,
bringing forth our very best,
we dig in deep for what we seek,
to fill the gaps where we are weak.

How we do what we do is way ahead,
it far outshines how we earn our bread,
it's in living from the heart that opens doors,
finding the joys our soul explores.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 May 2018!



We become so busy in life we lose track of life itself. First it's school, learning , sports and all the activities we are expected to do and then planning a future, work, college or university, or a trade or career and it's push, push, push all the time. We must perform and achieve and excel, sometimes regardless the cost, but we lose track of life. There are so many important things we totally lose track baptism as babies meaning we were consecrated to God - set aside for His purposes, but then life happens and this is pushed aside, into the background, or so we think, because we now have to provide, pay rent, buy a car and petrol, prepare for a family, not realising we are being sucked into a false life, a totally material world bringing terrible imbalance to our lives. This is permitted, because all the while, wherever we go we are learning and gaining experience. With every move we make we are further estranged from God from our side....not from His....when the time is right and He calls, we will come. Unless we were taught from young to consult with our higher power which is God through Jesus Christ before making any decisions, we won't know any better.. . as we are consecrated to God, we are a continuous target to bring down and need extra spiritual help to overcome this and THIS WE NEED TO KNOW.... IT IS IMPORTANT....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 May 2018



Baptised as babies and consecrated to God,
makes us part of the family with an approved nod,
in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
gives us a shield beyond human limit.

We forget all this as life starts to flow,
it's school and achievements as we grow,
careers or a trade looms up ahead,
as we have to start making our own bed.

So quickly we're sucked into a false existence,
we follow the patterns without any resistance,
we become so involved we forget our purpose,
as we float about on top of the surface.

As we're consecrated we're always a target,
being sucked ever deeper into the harlot,
this is so important and we need to know,
to get in touch with divinities flow.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 May 2018



Daily we are initiated into rituals and we are blissfully unaware of it or what is really going on. We are never prepared at all.   Like entering school, then high school, then university/college, then real life....societies and clubs - rituals and initiation require us to do certain things "jobs, dares, even crimes" to "PROVE" ourselves worthy of being included in the club/society, even certain professions and careers require a hold over us, hence the rituals and deeds done in darkness to ensure and enforce our cooperation. Many of us don't even know and realize this, we just follow the pattern without thinking any deeper. Many undercover and deceitful practices are like privy information, but very much part of the money and profit, and these deeds of darkness keep us silent.....BUT THE GREAT DANGER OF ALL THIS IS: IT KEEPS US TRAPPED, NOT ONLY WITHIN THE POSITIONS WE'RE IN - BUT FAR WORSE.... IN AN EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL MESS, KEEPING US CHAINED TO CRIME WITH NO PROSPECTS OF FREEDOM EXCEPT AT A VERY HIGH COST.....OUR LIFE AND ALL WE HAVE....BUT OUR LIFE HAS ALREADY BEEN STOLEN, SO ALL WE HAVE IS NOT OURS ANYWAY....THERE IS NO PEACE OF MIND IN THIS TYPE OF LIFE. FIND ANOTHER PROFESSION AND LIFE WHERE WE ARE NOT HELD CAPTIVE BY RITUALS......
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 May 2018



From childhood we are drawn into many games,
secret rituals given fancy names,
compete in tasks or take a dare,
to show we're willing and really care.

Deeper and deeper we're drawn into this game,
as we climb the corporate ladder for higher gain,
we follow the pattern without further thought,
forgetting the warnings our forefathers taught.

Soon we find we're shackled with chains,
as silence accompanies our daily gains,
we're trapped with crimes and deceit in disguise,
as the cost of emotional blackmail is on the rise.

No prospect of freedom except at a cost,
our life and all we have is lost,
there is no peace of mind in this life,
find another profession that avoids this strife.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 May 2018



The human yearning to belong, be needed and be wanted is enormous, and so also one of the most misused emotions we have. Firstly we are isolated and separated from family and loved ones to make us vulnerable and needy, then we are tormented with tests, trials and tribulations to find our weak spots...... Achilles heels....then we are "invited" into clubs, gangs or societies, and made to feel great and important, belonging to this fantastic elite group...becoming one of the "family".... But it is all just to use us, with perks of course....mainly to keep us " in line".... Our true loyalties should always be with our blood family, however with "the agreement with the grave" when a family member "dies" they are resuscitated as "captive slaves" within their own families, which is a terrifying thought!!! As we trust them, they easily mislead us as we don't want to hurt their feelings by not obeying them...very tricky situation. At the end of the day, everything taken into account...... there are really only two sides to BELONG TO....God and the freedom and safety of the spiritual journey OR the world and the captivity of imprisoned bodies, either Zombi's or clones....all under the power of the spirit of the air and its different departments hurting others and even our own.....who wants to fall into this hell hole???????  DEEPLY DESIRE TO BELONG TO THE REALM OF FREEDOM SO WE NEVER GET USED TO DO EVIL OR CAUSE HARM TO OTHERS......BELONG TO LOVE...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 May 2018



Human beings are social by nature,
male seeks female to complete his stature,
the family unit is a safety haven,
a precious sanctuary to hide from the raven.

The deep desire is exploited by the masters,
who isolate and separate us from rightful answers,
we are broken from our families to make us prey,
alone and vulnerable they strike without delay.

Daily tormenting with tests and tribulations,
expose our weaknesses and great elations,
we're then "invited" into clubs and societies,
feeding our yearning of belonging with false realities.

Estranged we become as families split apart,
bopping on the waves for all to strike or dart,
we have to fit in or we are cast aside,
alone in the world with no place to hide.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 May 2018



Being spiritually connected makes us part of the game, not just onlookers or outsiders trying to look in, stumbling for our gain. We become initiated or baptised into lifestyles which regulate our lives. When studying a subject we become part of it  and only then are the secrets, codes and keys revealed to us. We need a special connection to unlock the deeper meanings and understanding of spirituality and to receive this key we need to walk through the door into the realm of spirituality...we then become sons and daughters of this kingdom and words now become meanings and realities....they no longer lay on a page as words, but become our lives - the word becomes flesh - the word becomes alive as it starts living and it is within the living the word that the treasure chests are opened and we find all the secrets and mysteries. An outsider or onlooker can never find is in the travelling of the journey.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 May 2018



To unlock any door we need a key,
a certain code through which to see,
knowledge is merely the outer coat,
the essence and meaning is what floats the boat.

To truly understand we become what we learn,
baptised or initiated into the lifestyle we earn,
we walk through the door to see what's inside,
the only way to find the secrets that hide.

Now, knowledge is no longer words on a page,
we've broken open the chains of the cage,
the words become flesh and come alive,
as we become the journey through which they strive.

The treasure chest opens all their mysteries,
secrets and codes all become realities,
to find spirituality we got to be spirit,
travel on paths beyond human limit.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 May 2018



An intentional choice is based on a fully informed decision where ALL THE FACTS ARE CLEARLY VISIBLE AND NOTHING IS HIDDEN AND NO THREATS ARE USED....then this choice is our responsibility..... however most of our lives are a combination of ignorance and being herded into situations as part of the social fibre of life as everyone just accepts it as part of the norm and does the best they can to simply survive all the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional trauma that embraces these situations. No one really knows exactly what is going on or how to get out or even where to start and we are mostly so traumatised, depressed and exhausted just handling each day, we have no will or energy to do anything. Then the days arrive where all this is thrown in our faces and we just silently endure our disgrace and shame because there is no once again we simply accept what comes next......THIS IS NOT RIGHT....NOT RIGHT AT ALL....A choice is really a decision based upon ALL THE FACTS....AN INFORMED DECISION....AND THEREFORE NONE OF THIS SHOULD BE THROWN INTO OUR FACES...we have already paid through all our trauma....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 May 2018



Herded like sheep from class to class,
part of the social fibre of the brass,
we all just accept it as part of the norm,
this pattern that starts from the day we are born.

We do the best we can to simply survive,
there doesn't seem to be any help that's alive,
enormous trauma embraces these situations,
breaking mind, body, spirit and emotions.

No one knows how to make an escape,
when they try the chains rattle at the gate,
so traumatised, exhausted and depressed,
they're clutched in the claws of being distressed.

Then the day arrives when it's thrown in our face,
as we cringe and drown in all our disgrace,
we never really made an intentional choice,
just always followed the leading voice.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 May 2018



Seems a joke was started with artificial beings becoming mans toys and spies, which completely lost control and became a violent curse, all because we're not in the loop. We don't know how to handle this because we are uninformed, this has all been done on the sly.... Now all things are permissible, but some things are shameful, distasteful, unnatural and simply not is not human or animal we automatically pull away from it - but - because "it is written" all events must come to all and where we refuse to partake in undesirable behaviour, we are tricked, trapped, even drugged and set up to appear as though we have partaken in certain activities.....SO, IN FACT IT IS NOT US DOING THESE "SINS" BUT OTHERS DOING IT UNTO US OR THROUGH US. ...AND THEREFORE WE ARE NOT GUILTY OF THESE "SINS, WRONGS, CRIMES," however wherever these events happen, these artificial human intelligence is there to record it all with their camera eyes and speaker ears....and when used against us they isolate the event using only certain parts of it, and conveniently forgetting to include the before....the setup and planning to trap us....and the after.....the trauma, tears, regrets, heartache, and fear we endure....this is all because we were not taught how to identify this artificial creature....or how to deal with it.....even if we knew all the written instructions we would still need the key to unlock the code, and that key is the Holy Spirit. SO......DON'T BE HELD GUILTY....WALK OUT..... WALK AWAY......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
04 May 2018



A little game was started as a joke,
artificial intelligence as images that choke,
let loose between the human race,
misleading all to fall to disgrace.

We refuse to cross lines to become depraved,
with shameful actions that become derailed,
it's distasteful and unnatural and simply not done,
it doesn't fall under the title of fun.

But because "it is written" it has to be,
all events must come to all as we see,
so when we refuse we are tricked and trapped,
with threats and violence are forced then capped.

But we in fact didn't DO these actions,
these actions were done unto us through factions,
so don't take the blame for a sick little game,
stand up for the truth and clear your name.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
04 May 2018



Fully equipped at birth to travel in a spiritual way and to communicate on a spiritual level, all of which does not cause any pollution to our earth. We have never been trained in this, we all KNOW there HAS GOT TO BE MORE. WHAT ARE WE MISSING. WHAT IS THIS HOLE IN US, THIS EMPTINESS WE FEEL. We search in the stars and in the bars, we search in education and knowledge, we search in money and position, professions and titles, we search in adventures and explorations - we are all over the place with things keeping us busy, yet we still feel "alone" in crowd, in company, in society - why?  All this business keep us away from the inner journey we need to connect to....we need silent time to do find our inner man, our is our inner spirit seeking an outlet - it also wants to fly, have adventures and explore, meet fellow spirits in that divine connection, like an invisible channel/wavelength on which all these spirits connect and hear each entire spiritual family, filling that empty gap and making us complete lacking nothing.....weaning us from the desire to fill this gap with material and physical things which don't work.....only spiritual can satisfy spirit....

Monica Maartens ©copyright
03 May 2018



We play in groups yet feel so alone,
it all seems so empty like hearts of stone,
there's too much drinking and laughter is too loud,
everyone seems to be following a crowd.

We know deep inside there's got to be more,
we feel in our hearts that are hurt and sore,
there is always an emptiness echoing inside,
jumping off walls where there's nowhere to hide.

We search in the stars and in the bars,
we search in finance and fancy cars,
we search in knowledge and education,
but still end up in an empty situation.

It's our spiritual connection that requires satisfaction,
the personality we are that needs some action,
we need to connect to likewise spirits, 
in invisible wavelengths that excel human limits.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
03 May 2018



The world is in total turmoil and uproar, because the wrong people are in the wrong jobs, when ministers, pillars of society, presidents, leaders were selected according to efficiency, qualifications, experience and honesty things were going smoothly. There was no corruption or theft, all departments were doing their jobs effectively and efficiently, all the time, every time, but since voting came in, people were used and influenced by promises and bribes, witchcraft, intimidation, threats, terror tactics in the form of guerrilla warfare style.... door to door intimidation, isolating families and terrorizing them in them homes. Entire countries are held captive in an open concentration camp. Every household is in bondage, living under constant fear of attack resulting in forced voting just to avoid terror and then the terror comes anyway, especially on the children who now belong to the witchcraft and terror regime. The only way to avoid it is to belong to a stronger master  and to my knowledge only Jesus Christ is stronger than these forces of it makes sense to commit our lives under this protection and work with the God of creation and not with the destructive powers of terror.....WE MUST CHOOSE ONE SIDE....WE CAN'T BE PULLED IN TWO DIRECTIONS...

Monica Maartens  ©Copyright
02 May 2018



This world is spiraling out of control,
taxes are rising as people pay toll,
the higher the salary the less they can buy,
while the poor go hungry with children that cry.

The disabled and pensioners are fading away,
below the breadline they battle each day,
while the ministers and presidents go on world tours,
five star hotels with all the best lures.

The employers go bust at the rising cost,
paying off workers as jobs are lost,
more and more people stop paying taxes,
whilst governments waste on phones and faxes.

The world is spiraling out of control,
fear abounds with tears that roll,
prices can't rise, the costs must drop,
before this fat bubble bursts with a pop.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 May 2018



All humanity need to work together with one purpose and aim in mind....survival of the earth and us....stop the selfish greed and notice the earth that is earth - no do this we all have equal responsibility to remove all forms of evil that comes our a little daily test which we must win and conquer....if someone brings porn, we burn it because it causes defilement of our morals and humanity....we replace it with something good on how to care for nature.... Same with cursing and revenge.  Remove it and replace it with blessings and forgiveness bringing peace and understanding to all people and REPROGRAMMING a system overloaded with evil. We all work together to alleviate violence by refusing to have any involvement in it in any way.....we don't follow it, we don't talk it, look at it, or do it....we give it NO PLACE IN OUR LIVES AT ALL......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 May 2018



Evil comes as evil goes,
turning into violent shows,
we must learn to change it around,
bring all the evil to the ground.

Humanity is staring extinction in the face,
hiding and grovelling in all their disgrace,
we rot in porn and moral decline,
destroying our children that used to be fine.

All must work together to bring upliftment,
all must find their peace and contentment,
help to reprogram a system from violence,
refuse involvement and turn from silence.

To break the power of violence and destruction,
we walk away from evil instruction,
don't talk it, or do it, or follow it around,
don't watch it or give it place to abound.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 May 2018

A BREAK.....