The man with a plan falls into a different category, here are as many snares as anywhere else, but, in a different disguise. As he is always busy building a life and profession or career, he doesn't have so much idle time as others and therefore the snares are hidden within his profession. The go-getter always wants to achieve and wants to get to the top of his game as quickly as he can, so snares are often hidden in the short cuts... The "get there faster" area of his life. When others open doors for him, he becomes entangled in paybacks. However, when we stick to our guns and take the honest, hardworking choices we are able to move past these traps. Many high ranking jobs require people to belong to certain clubs, as a prestige thing, and within these "clubs" undesirable activities are sort of expected from them if they want to move "up"....sort of " fit in". There is great danger in this, as at a later stage it will be used against them. It acts as a leverage tool to steer them into a position where they can be controlled and manipulated, especially where big contracts come into play, then they have no choice but to become involved in dishonest dealings to cover up what happened in the "club". Thereafter they are shackled and chains to be used by their " new masters". This causes a lot of strain and stress, guilt feelings which filter through to the rest of their lives....bringing unnecessary frustration and helplessness.
At times it is better to change ones profession than to be chained....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 Jan 2018 do we discern this....
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