There are so many pillars in society it will take us a long time to sort them all - families have pillars, governments do, so does the economy and money, religions, cultures and traditions, etc.....each industry has its own , education, the legal system, medical field and on and on.  Generally speaking the pillars of society are the structures that carry a nation, making the nation the roof, not the floorboards on which to trample and use for profit and gain. The foundation on which we walk are the rules, morals, virtues and values that make humans humane. These are meant  to weave through all aspects of life and through all pillars, regardless of where they are. All this is to protect us from crime and causing harm to each other through anger and rage. When these structures use the rules and morals correctly there will be no greed, corruption, white collar theft, crime, etc....all dealings - business, welfare, education, law, etc will be done in an honest transparent way as to serve the nation with the best possible opportunities for all to have employment, to all live in peace and harmony with each other and for all to have sufficient in what they need. There will be no need to steal and rob as all will be able to earn a liveable income, be occupied and not idle, thinking up schemes and plans, and the nation as a whole will succeed. The pillars will select what is good, decent, morally correct to expose their people to, as to guide them on paths of moral excellence, truth, purity, happiness and success. If they're not doing it, they don't belong as pillars. Those in these positions can have no dirt on them, as they need to be strong enough to stand against any corruption, bribes, threats and the likes for their own sake and the safety and security of the entire nation..... ©



Pillars of society hold a nation up high,
with purity and morals lift them up to the sky,
they lay the foundations on justice and truth,
guiding all their people into valuable worth.

Exactly like a pillar they stand solid and strong,
withstanding the storms of corruption and wrong,
they cannot be bribed or sell out for a price,
they are far to correct to bow to sugar and spice.

Morals and values are woven throughout society,
teaching the nation to live with sobriety,
keeping them safe from crime and abuse,
giving them the right kind of knowledge to peruse.

They set the stage for harmony and peace,
deep appreciation as a way of release,
respect and love for each others differences,
adding humour and laughter to all our experiences. ©




Whether we believe it or not, or want to accept it or not, their are forces used by masters on every level we are living on and these masters use forces or powers to "own" us. The sooner we acknowledge this, the sooner we will find ourselves in the maze called life. This will differ from culture to culture and media, traditions, religions and education, to mention but a few, are used to divide us into groups and "levels" by conditioning our minds, which regulate our thoughts that become our actions and words. When we follow certain beliefs this is who and what we become. There are rules of life that cross all boundaries and control all the "pillars of society" which lead to two major powers - the power of light and the power of darkness. Those of us who obey the rules of life, belong to the power of light. Those of us who are disobedient, belong to the power of the air. Our choices in life will determine where we go, whether it is done in ignorance or not. The main rule in life is love - the pure love that does no harm to another - which includes nature, the earth and other fellow humans. What causes harm ? Lying, stealing, physical violence, killing each other, war, damage to nature through whatever means, etc. When we live at peace with our surrounding and fellow man through consideration, kindness, compassion, understanding, fairness and justice, we pretty much stay on the paths of light where we can see what we are doing. When we veer off these paths into darkness, for whatever reason....trickery, ignorance, curiosity, etc, we come across many obstacles, traps, snares, temptations that defile us and blind us to the truth and the way out. These paths are littered with corruption, lies, deceit, detours, false promises and false escapes always leading deeper and deeper away from the light and the way out and the souls of the fallen. It is best to learn what the rules of life mean and understand them thoroughly and develop the virtues and values that keep us on the right paths. To escape the chains of immorality and darkness, we need to come clean, every hidden secret is a link on the chain that keeps us in bondage to a certain deed of the past that is used as a sword by the masters. Each exposure breaks a link until the chain is gone. The key is honesty and truth and the way forward is abiding by the law of life, which is love, not taking revenge or retaliating but instead finding solutions to differences and problems and ways around obstacles. It really is that simple. There are always valid reasons why we do undesirable things and once we understand these reasons we are able to break free from it, receive forgiveness or make right, whatever is required to move ahead with our lives free from chains and shackles....©

Tomorrow.....Pillars of society.....



The world is ruled by powerful forces,
directing our lives onto various courses,
the rule of life is genuine love,
that keeps us flying as free as a dove.

When we fall to deeds of darkness,
we create the links in the chain of starkness,
every time we expose a wrong,
we find the answers that makes us strong.

The truth will always stand any test,
bringing from our soul the very best,
we can rest assured that our path is clear,
that love will always reveal what is near.

We change our ways to walk in the light,
where traps and snares are clear to our sight,
we will break the chains that hold us down,
rise up strong to collect our crown. ©



Humans and animals that give live birth, have social structures by which they abide and certain rules apply. With humans we are more than just flesh bodies, we are also spirit and soul. We have a conscience until we kill it. We have an emotional side to us and this is where morals and virtues pay their part. We need to keep a heathy balance between it all to become equipped and complete. When we partake in immorality, especially sexual immorality, but also lying, stealing, corruption, etc we cheat ourselves of this, as everything become blurred and we cannot find our way through life's experiences and fall to decay. Our hearts become hardened and we become emotionally detached and cold, disrespect others, loathing, anger and rage start controlling our emotions as immorality destroys our ability to love and care. Love, happiness,joy, etc travels upon certain "waves" or levels, as a result of certain behaviours. These have to do with our zz spiritual side and very little with the flesh. It is spiritual gifts and abilities, a sort of give and take, we show compassion, we receive gratitude, we show understanding, we receive acceptance, etc, what we send out we receive, not always from those we send it to, there are many times we show love and kindness and we are bitten and misused, yet that love and kindness passes through them to others, returning to us through a different we continue to give good things and let the bad float past the side. When we ignore the moral side of our make up, we become chained in the wrongs we do, because we return anger and hate for love and kindness anger and hate will return to us, taking us deeper into rage and revenge,putting a chain reaction into motion - so we actually chain ourselves and end up walking on these "paths" in life where everyone uses and abuses each other because they have lost their "humane" factor. Now not only do we chain ourselves, but we are also further chained by those using us to further their revenge, so we go further and deeper into a state of depravity. Morals and virtues are not there to stop us from having fun, they are there to open the full capacity of who we truly are - to make us complete...©



Clarity of vision comes from what is right,
opening the channels that bring deep insight,
morals and virtues are what makes us humane,
leading us on paths that are safe and sane.

Immorality carries shackles and chains,
sucking our lives into darkened drains,
our hearts become hardened as our vision blurs,
emotional detachment is what occurs.

As we lie and cheat and steal and deceive,
each becomes a link in the chain we receive,
sexual deviations become moral depravities,
stealing us away from life's realities.

We end on the paths of use and abuse,
broken down as an emotional recluse,
in anger and resentment we lash out and fight,
losing the joys of the ways of the light.



Immorality is distributed far and wide, women and men's bodies are exploited  and displayed in seductive ways to promote fashion, perfumes, deodorants, shampoos, body lotions, razors, motor cars, etc, etc..... awakening lust and desire in many people. Men and women allow themselves to be used in this manner because of fame and fortune, it is one of the prices to pay, and they will do almost anything to be in front of the camera.... Porn is everywhere, in every home, on TV's, in the movies, on the billboards, in the magazines....further enticing people into lust and passion. This often leads to affairs and certain perversions that cannot be found at home and often lead to unwanted, unplanned, accidental pregnancies. Either this pregnancy has to be terminated by abortion or there is an unwanted child born into the world, which is grossly unfair. Sometimes men are deliberately trapped in this way, hoping to catch him through a pregnancy. This child may be given up for adoption to strangers who will never understand the child because it is not their blood....which is still grossly unfair on the child, or the child becomes a fatherless child. As this child is born out of wedlock, he/she is already cursed as this world goes. So already at birth there is a sword over this child's head. Every child has a right to a mother and father, to bring them stability in a very hard life. How and where a child is born is not that child's fault, they never asked to be here, but they are here, regardless of whether it was a one night stand of pure lust, or an adulterous affair, or whatever reason. Contraception is never 100% sure and unless we are willing to take responsibility for mistakes, like an unexpected child, DON'T DO SEX PERIOD!!! NO CHILD DESERVES TO BE AN ACCIDENT OR A PRODUCT OF LUST OR EVEN WORSE, RAPE....RAPE SHOULD NOT EXIST AT ALL, IT IS NEITHER A HUMAN OR ANIMAL ACT. We should find other outlets for our lust. Best medicine is keep our eyes pure, don't entertain porn in any form, whether an advertisement, movie, TV, magazines, billboards, turn away from it, change the channel, avoid the movie, no one forces us to look at it. 
Ever child deserves to be loved just because they are a child, it is good enough reason, it is the parents that have committed the wrong, not the child and a child should never suffer for the parents wrongs - they had nothing to do with it.....© immorality chains us....



Conceived through an act of drunken lust,
unwanted, unplanned but to be born I must,
the consensual adulterous immorality,
that has no control over its sensuality.

Born as a bastard into a world of judgement,
spurned and scorned as an object of defilement,
pushed and shoved from place to place,
as nobody really wants to see my face.

I'm only a child, I never asked to be here,
couldn't you have controlled your adulterous affair,
how could your wrong be any fault of mine,
I had nothing to do with all your good time.

All I ask is for love and acceptance,
just for who I am and not my deliverance,
I did not choose my arrival on earth,
I did not choose the parents of my birth. ©



Affairs may seem very exhilarating and exciting, all the intrigue and secrecy, until it is used against us. These things never remain "secret" and the damage and devastation it causes in relationships is extremely severe, especially when children are involved. Everyone is so busy with their coverups, lies and deceit and the other with the hurt and disappointment and the children are caught in the middle of all this, feeling enormously guilty, as if it were their fault, they feel in the way, ignored and terrified because they don't know where this will lead and what is going to happen. They go through enormous trauma and as the parents are so busy with their own drama, the children end up with the wrong company to seek comfort in drugs and drinking, to be part of another world and another life, so they can pretend this is not happening. They prefer to be as far away from the home as possible, feeling very afraid, very lost and extremely vulnerable to those luring children into the darkness of drugs with crime and prostitution following shortly thereafter, because they are now hooked and crave their next fix, but must now start paying for it, it is no longer buddy, buddy for free, that was only to get them addicted, thereafter it's pay get their 'highs" and there another innocent child goes down the drain - thanks to the affairs and taking marriage vows as a joke.....the children pay the highest price. ONCE MARRIED, OR BRINGING A CHILD INTO THE WORLD, ANOTHER MAN OR WOMAN NO LONGER EXISTS FOR YOU......IT'S OVER......YOU MADE YOUR CHOICE.....YOU HAD SEX......STAY THERE AND MAKE IT WORK.......IT IS YOUR DEBT TO YOUR CHILD....DO IT....©



Lost and afraid children seek for hope,
between the anger and fighting they cannot cope,
they flee from home into the arms of darkness,
where drugs and users drown its harshness.

The affair seems ever so exhilarating,
the intrigue and secrecy so exciting,
nothing ever remains a secret for long,
as it bashes the family to pieces with wrong.

There is so much disappointment, sorrow and shock,
the mind and heart both shut down and lock,
while one runs out and slams the door,
the other falls in tears onto the floor.

Such a betrayal causes so much pain,
something inside dies in the pouring rain,
nothing is ever the same again,
the respect and trust is all down the drain. ©



A sad day arrives when our trust in people is so devastated that we close the book on love. The pain, disillusionment and disappointment won't allow us to delve deeply into anything in life, so we choose only the things on the surface, that which we can feel outside the body and see with our eyes. We can only trust what we can see and nothing else. We don't trust or have any dreams, or visions of the future, but only what each day brings. We trust only on our own abilities and skills and painfully plan every step of our lives like a military exercise. We have to have all the details before taking any steps. We always have to be in control of our emotions and also everything and everyone round us, otherwise we become irritated and unsettled. Nothing ever comes naturally or through spontaneity. This can take us far in life as far as material possessions are concerned, but it leaves an enormous hole in our lives - a deep emptiness and dissatisfaction with everything and everyone around us. This hole is an empty soul, the home where love resides and can be filled with nothing other then love, but we are unable to trust and therefore also unable to love. We continually try and fill this hole with more and more and more material things and never find true satisfaction , because "things" can never replace the love the soul demands. A life without love is a lonely life and continually leaves us disgruntled, simply because our soul desperately needs love. When living with someone like this, it is like walking on egg shells most of the time, because they find fault in every single thing we do - they tend to become outer perfectionists to make up for the lack inside, and no one can satisfy them. Their possessions become more important than even their families, leading to a lot of strife in a home. In the event of losing something material, all hell breaks loose and causes a massive upheaval with plenty of fighting and nastiness. If they had to lose all their material possessions they would completely fall to pieces because they have no safety net - nothing else to fall back on. Their lives are completely unbalanced. Trust should not be placed in people to start off with, it is too big for anyone to carry, we all make mistakes and do wrong things which break trust. TRUST BELONGS TO GOD - A FORCE GREATER THAN MAN AND from man we have no expectations except that which they can and are willing to give. We need love as an emotional balance in life for then we are able to withstand any fall. Material possessions then become what they are and nothing more....items and objects to use when and as we need them. If it is there, great, if not, it is also okay, we can still get along without them for our true strength comes from our emotional stability, which when attached to Gods love is unbreakable and totally separate from worldly possessions....©




When trust is broken at an early age,
we tend to lock our hearts inside a cage,
disillusioned we become with life,
leading to arguments and awful strife.

We turn our love to things we can see,
materialism is what becomes the key,
we shut our hearts to love and passion,
finding in worldly things our satisfaction.

This leaves us with an emptiness inside,
we become disgruntled which we cannot hide,
our soul will cry for love and attention,
continually pushing us for a connection.

We never live our lives to the full,
as the emptiness inside continues to pull,
our money and possessions lose their taste,
as our lives are spent in a tragic waste.

Monica Maartens ©



We are all equal in that we have received life, yet we all differ in our outlook. We all have or should have equal rights to live freely and enjoy the life given to us, yet we all differ in our abilities and skills.  We are all equal in that we need food, shelter and air to breathe, yet we differ in nature. This 'nature' we have that makes us all different, is something we are born with  - could it be our DNA structure, it does not change through the years. Some people have a deep inborn love for nature and animals and a love of the outdoors. For others this is a terrible strain because they are more structured and enjoy the luxury of a bed, house, ablution facilities.. As this nature of ours will travel with us throughout our lives, we should learn to be true to ourselves at all times. When choosing a life partner this is extremely important to have similar natures, otherwise what one loves and needs to keep balanced and happy, the other abhors and hates, forcing themselves to go along because that is what is expected of them in a relationship, leading to feelings of resentment, anger and unhappiness, which cannot be hidden very well and spoils the adventure and experience of the other, because they're continually complaining and bitching about all the discomfort and cannot see the beauty around them through the frustrations they have to endure. Either they have to endure this or enjoy their lives in separate ways, which puts a terrible strain on a relationship, especially a marriage, even pulling children apart in the choosing of sides. This is when people drift apart and start living past each other, where they start meeting other people more like themselves with who they are more compatible, this is where temptations have a field day. When peoples 'natures' are so different, their hearts are in another place, their outlook on everything is opposite causing endless arguments over the smallest things. It becomes a very strained relationship invariably ending badly. Our hobbies change all the time, our likes and dislikes change, our interests change, but NOT OUR NATURE....IT IS WHO WE ARE.  When embarking on a life long relationship, don't be attracted to outer beauty which fades, or money which can run dry, or position and power which can change overnight, find the nature and soul of the other person so you are able to travel on the same level and not waste precious years of investing time and effort into something that is going to fail and don't pretend you like something when you hate it in your heart, you won't be able to hide it for a long time.. Especially not a life time...when the first passion wears off it will start irritating the hell out of you which causes major problems.....choose wisely.......©

Tomorrow...trusting in material things....



When choosing a partner for life to abide,
make sure you see life from the same side,
when we don't see eye to eye on life's worth,
arguments and strife is given birth.

We need to give wings to our inborn nature,
to take us to where we find the best pasture,
this is not taught or acquired over time,
it's the way we are and goes down the line.

To find balance and joy in all our ways,
true to ourselves we must be through the days,
we travel together with those of our kind,
that have the same vision and purpose in mind.

With this all in place we will move ahead,
succeed in our goals which are laid on the spread,
happiness and joy will bring constant pleasures,
as we seek with one mind to find the treasures. ©  



When soul connections are made, there is no deeper human relationship because souls recognize each other through values - the same common goals, the same nature, which is far deeper than the flesh, appearances, looks, money or possessions - it is a connection of calling, a mission, a life long passion to search for the deeper meaning of existence, to reach for the depths of love and to search for the perfection and completion of love. The cherishing and appreciation of emotions above material things that rust and perish, the important things in life that grow with fullness and beauty and become more and more precious, that don't perish and fade or become weak with age, but become stronger, fuller and more perfect, more complete. When one partner is ways on about money, outer beauty, possessions, seeking to fill the emptiness with dead material things, it becomes terribly irritating....the emptiness and frivolity of it all, the meaningless treasuring things that don't last, it makes no sense..... This sometimes happens when people are deeply hurt, disillusioned and disappointed by others, especially family and adults while they are still children. They lose all trust in love as their trust was broken and instead of delving into the mistrust to find solutions, they bury the pain with any love they may have had, avoid emotional contacts and connections, because it hurts too much and go the material way - placing their trust in that which they can see and feel with their hands, until that is destroyed too and they are left shattered by the unfairness of life and fall into a deep helpless hole of depression. When children are hurt so young it is very difficult to bring them round again, because they have experienced the bad, but haven't understood it and because of the immense pain, don't even want to understand.....©

Tomorrow...habits change, but not our nature.....



There is in life a sacred mission,
that leads us to a divine conclusion,
to find completeness in every way,
to seek perfection in every day.

When two souls meet a journey begins,
to cherish the divine connection it brings,
it is a calling and life long passion,
to seek for the meaning of glorious elation.

We search for the beauty that life does offer,
adding precious treasures of love to our coffer,
we dive to the depths of emotional gifts,
finding purpose and meaning that bring us lifts.

We weave a life with threads of gold,
bringing new visions into things of old,
deeper and stronger our love will grow,
like a crystal clear river it will always flow. ©

Edenrising: IN IT TOGETHER

Edenrising: IN IT TOGETHER: FULL PARTNERSHIP There are many marriages, that work in there own way, based on a partnership agreement where both basically live their...



There are many marriages, that work in there own way, based on a partnership agreement where both basically live their own lives and in a way remain strangers to each other. They find emotional outlets elsewhere, which opens the door to evil and manipulation, especially when children arrive on the scene. As there is no"family love" as such, but merely a financial provider, these children are easily lured into darkness, simply because there is no sound family structure built on love and companionship, so the children find this comfort and love in a family outside of their "cold family", which leads to the breakdown of society in general. Marriage is meant to be a melting together of two souls in a sacred union of togetherness in all ways. It is meant to be a weaving together of hearts and minds on a journey of becoming complete as beings and having a partner to share in this amazing journey. It is an experience of complete openness, exposing all our secrets, becoming an open book for the other to read, enjoying the total and sacred freedom of letting it all out, knitting together thoughts and emotions, desires and dreams, having no fear of being ridiculed or despised, no fear of rejection, because the love that binds us together is far, far, far deeper than the flesh, the appearance, the surface. It glues us together cell by cell, we become each others breath, each others heartbeat, each others life, this amazing connection is what makes us complete, brings that immense contentment, that feeling of wholeness and fullness - the very purpose of life - to find completeness......©

Edenrising: TWO SOULS MEET

Edenrising: TWO SOULS MEET: BECOMING ONE Going into marriage is a time of tranquility, being totally transparent ensures its longlivity. two souls melting and ...



Going into marriage is a time of tranquility,
being totally transparent ensures its longlivity.
two souls melting and becoming as one,
sharing thoughts and dreams filled with joy and fun.

We move ahead with the same mission in mind,
together we seek for life's wisdom to find,
we hold no secrets that can bring sorrow and doom,
stand by each other through the dark clouds of gloom.

We keep our love within the ring,
so joyful songs will be what we sing,
there is no other that can lure us away,
with evil temptations that make us stray.

There is so much more than lustful sensations,
a life woven together with delightful elations,
treasures and pleasures like precious gold,
our sacred vows that keep us from the cold. ©



When deciding on a life long,(hopefully) spouse to share our existence, days and nights, dreams and aspirations with, is far, far, far more than money or convenience, or looking for security, a good provider, or marrying into a family for prestige or power, there is still the living together under one roof, the possibility of children that have the birthright to a loving , caring family life where parents are compatible and love each other. Marriages of convince should not bring children onto the world and into the loveless marriages and houses. It is proclaimed that all beings are alike and the same, this is not true - there are the carnal beings whose only concern is material things and prosperity, money, possessions, house, car, outer appearances and what will people say and will do almost anything to be it. Without feeling bad, guilt, remorse or much of any emotion at all. Then there is the spiritual kind of person which is all about  love, emotion, compassion, fairness, nature, caring about the earth and others, the animals, etc and no caring much about material possessions, except as a tool to use when necessary. They would far rather live in the country side than any city or town and camp and do trails outdoors, and not shopping or restaurants and nightclubs. It is also said that opposites attract and balance each other.....maybe when romancing each other, but once the honeymoon is over, the drama starts......the carnal person will not yield but demand what they want and normally get it just to keep the peace. The emotional person is always the one that yields and yields and yields, giving up their entire life, their love of the outdoors, their camping and hiking trips....because the material person manipulates and controls their emotions through emotional blackmail. It is like two different molds that have shaped them and life becomes a total misery for the non material person. The only time emotions come into consideration for the material person is when they play and manipulate the others. FIND SOMEONE FROM YOUR OWN KIND TO GO INTO LIFE WITH.... or you will have endless sorrows, griefs, regrets and frustrations.....BE VERY CAREFUL AND WISE WHEN CHOOSING A PARTNER FOR LIFE....IT IS A LONG, LONG TIME TO MAKE SOMETHING WORK.....©

Tomorrow....full partnership.....



Seek above all love and compatibility,
assuring each their own individuality,
we're all lovely dovey until we tie the knot,
then try to rule the roost with an iron rod.

Habits and hobbies change all the time,
but our inbred nature stands for all time,
we may be naturalists and love the earth,
show deep concern from our day of birth.

Some are materialistic and take what they want,
regardless of cost and rage when they can't,
the earth is merely an object to be used,
causing mighty clashes with fighting and abuse.

The spiritual person sees through different eyes,
cannot abide with materialistic lies,
constant friction will rule in the home,
chose wisely so joy will cover you with a golden dome. ©



What is the basis on which to build relationships that will stand the test of time? What are the rules we have to follow to keep friendships alive and thriving? Probably the most important rule is love, which entails : consideration, compassion, gentleness, an ability to see the person above and beyond what they say and do. Understanding that words and actions don't always come from the heart, but from stress and reactions to hardships that life throws at us. We often REACT in a bad way when things go haywire and not according to our plans, or when times get tough and we're going through a hard time......frustration, irritation, disappointments and confusion lead to anger and outbursts simply because we become overloaded and need to vent. While this is going on, we still need to care and love enough to reach into the pain and distress, without being drawn into a fight. We need to develop the ability to place ourselves in the shoes of the other person, to see the situation from their point of view and not to allow it to spoil a good friendship. This is not always easy, especially if we haven't been through similar situations. We ask ourselves "what would I do" if placed in the same situation?  But.....with many traumas in life, unless we have been there, it is all but impossible to even imagine what it must be like. These are the times we just stand by them, be an ear or a shoulder to cry on, or even a sounding board for their ranting and raging without taking it personally. We give them the space to explode and let it out without taking offense. It is often a build up of a whole string of little things, left unresolved for a long time, that add together and one day a tiny little spark sets off an avalanche of rage and anger as it all pours out at one time, there is no more space inside to store it away any more, it has to blow out. When we understand this it will not hurt us but fly over our heads and when it is over, it is all forgiven and forgotten. There are no grudges, no bad vibes no revenges to take, it was simply what it explosion of pent up emotions and no serious harm is done. The friendship is still there because we saw the person and not the evil that caused the adverse reactions. When we have a full understanding of this our friendships will last....©



To be a friend is to reach within,
beyond the stress that life does bring,
to show compassion when things go wrong,
stand by each other when emotions run strong.

Be an ear that will hear the fear,
be a shoulder that is always near,
patiently endure the storms that rage,
be there when we turn the page.

Stand with each other through thick and thin,
even when the lights become very dim,
always be completely open and honest,
reminding each other to remain very modest.

To understand all the days of doom,
when dark stormy clouds bring sorrow and gloom,
to rejoice and be happy when things go well,
lifting each other to float on the swell. ©



A very important thing we should all learn from a young age is that nothing remains hidden. Sooner or later it comes back to haunt us. Maybe not in our career, but in our family life. When we are young we get up to all sorts of things to "prove" ourselves, we take dares, do undesirable things to impress others, which we would not normally do, especially not in front of our parents or teachers. It is far better to be called a square or spoil sport and find other "friends", than to have these things bite us and soil our future. It often falls on our children causing immense heartache and regrets. IT IS SIMPLY NOT WORTH IT. When we want to build careers in the service industry, the likely hood of this being held against us is very high, especially for lawyers, doctors, nurses, preachers, teachers, politicians, etc..... there comes a time when daddy's money can't and won't bail you out, because it is YOU THEY WANT, IN YOUR POSITION, TO USE AND MANIPULATE YOU TO OPEN DOORS AND HIDE CRIME AND YOU END UP AS A SLAVE TO LAWLESSNESS AND NOT A PILLAR OF THE SOCIETY AT ALL...... AND WORSE STILL....YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT, WITH YOUR FAMILY UNDER CONSTANT THREAT AND FEAR OF EXPOSURE EATING YOU ALIVE. We are afraid of exposure, losing our jobs, defiling our family name and trying to protect our family in the wrong way, all in order to keep these things secret. It never stops here - it becomes a lifelong " imprisonment" to our past. This should be explained to children so they don't fall for these things. Imagine the horror and dread when we start a family and our spouse or child is pulled into darkness because of our past and we are helpless to defend them due to our secrets and cover ups. Innocent people get hurt and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. IT IS NOW TOO LATE TO FIX THINGS. WE MUST NEVER THINK THINGS WILL JUST DISAPPEAR - THIS STORY OF I WON'T TALK AND YOU WON'T TALK SO NO ONE WILL KNOW IS A MONSTROUS LIE..... THERE IS ALWAYS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS. We must learn from very young to be totally transparent.....the moment things happen, expose it and shut it down, get it behind you.....DON'T LET THE PAST BE THE JAWS OF ENSLAVEMENT FOR THE FUTURE......©




Learn from young to be transparent,
all we do becomes rather apparent,
nothing can be hidden forever,
don't believe in the word called never.

We don't want to live in a state of fear,
when the truth of our deeds start coming near,
if we want to live a life of worth,
we need to abide with truth from birth.

We must not be afraid of full exposure,
bringing to each situation its closure,
deal with all events as they appear,
finding the knowledge that makes it clear.

There's always someone who knows what we've done,
it's never written off as "just for fun,"
we don't want to be locked in the past with chains,
bringing storms and rains as we lose our gains. ©



As we negotiate this tricky life, we need to keep in mind that our actions have consequences....maybe not immediately, but surely somewhere down the line. When we decide to work with people, we need to keep our slate clean, least we are blackmailed into wrongdoing due to shame or dishonesty from our past, endangering the lives we work with. If there is anything that can be held against us, it can become a very dangerous manipulation tool in the wrong hands, forcing us to open doors which can harm others while we must look the other way.  When we do make mistakes, never keep it secret or hide it away - DEAL WITH IT HOWEVER DIFFICULT IT MAY BE. We pay our dues, make right, be open about our mistakes. We all make mistakes and wrong decisions, but to HIDE IT IS NOT THE WAY TO GO - IT ALWAYS REAPPEARS TO CAUSE MASSIVE PROBLEMS. DEAL WITH IT SO WE ARE ALWAYS OPEN AND THEREFORE REMAIN FREE FROM BEING USED IN THE WRONG WAY. This applies especially when wanting to teach, be a lawyer or doctor, preacher, politician, financier, working with others money, etc......the pillars of society where others can work through us to be to yet others. There must be nothing serious they can manipulate us with. We have to have a clean record so we are able to stand strong and straight and resist evil influences using us, bribing us or blackmailing us. This is vital because not only do we get hurt, but through us others get hurt and no one wants to find themselves in this predicament. We can't always walk away, or change our job, because often we are forced to stay where we are through treats of harm to our families, or fear of exposure that may ruin our 'name', our position, our profession, etc. For your own sake, keep away from 'mischief' and shameful behaviour and if and when it does occur - DON'T HIDE IT - TAKE THE RAP THERE AND THEN AND PUT IT BEHIND YOU. It is not going to go away on its own and it will not remain hidden. DEAL WITH IT IMMEDIATELY. DON'T LEAVE THINGS - REGRETS ARE EXTREMELY COSTLY.... ESPECIALLY THE EMOTIONAL ONES..©



Unresolved issues  become little tails,
Following us around, putting us in jails,
they grow even longer as gossip bounds,
be coming ever bigger as the do the rounds.

It grows like a shadow that over us looms,
daily growing darker bringing its dooms,
nip it in the bud and get it sorted,
before it becomes completely distorted.

Later in life it becomes a cross,
getting heavier with added dross,
it rears its head when least expected,
causing disaster as we're rejected.

Others may use it as a sword to strike,
because we didn't bother to make it right,
regrets always come way to late,
crying and mourning outside the gate. ©




As we reach the end of our schooling and teenage years, our free ride starts coming to an end. Hopefully we have leant something about responsibility, like caring for a pet, keeping our room tidy, working with our pocket money in a sensible way, etc because soon we are going to put up our own home which brings a whole new set of responsibilities. Our tree of life is going to branch into many different directions which all need equal attention. Most of us enter into adulthood with no foundation of what it entails and battle tremendously. Our school education does little to prepare us for the big world out there, so all we have is what we have seen and learnt at home, but for most part we don't know how to budget, work with finances or how to fit into the corporate world. There is an entire life ahead of us, the world spread out before us, we have to start earning an income and provide for ourselves and soon probably a family of our own. Continually keep the fires burning. Looking at a career choice is far more than a job and an income - it becomes a way of life. As we spend seven to nine hours every day in our workplace, we need to at least enjoy what we do to gain financially, otherwise we become terribly miserable and unhappy. We should carefully select from the immense choice of directions something that will suit our nature and personality. In childhood our choices change many times, we want to be this and that and the next thing, but how much do we really know about the actual day to day job.... what we are required to do? In the material world there may be sacrifices we must make for advancement. What are they and are we willing to make them and more importantly, can we live with ourselves after we have made them? Any profession takes training and the first few years are used up equipping ourselves for the life ahead. Every time we change our mind, we are delayed and need to start again. Certain jobs are more of a mission in life, expecting us to give a lot of ourselves, sacrificing family time for the sake of gain. Can we do this? What is more important to us? We are all born for a purpose greater than work and back and when we establish what that is, we will be in line with our true calling and find happiness and contentment in all we do. When we go against it, we will continually be pulled in different directions fighting with frustrations, blockages and anger. Search deep inside for our true mission and purpose and follow those paths. Keeping in mind to ensure a balance between work and family, we need time to play and spend with loved ones for they are the cement of a family......© past "mischief" and actions may have an influence on career paths......



The future lays out its spread,
our entire life stretches ahead,
we need to choose a direction,
make an important decision.

What shall we do with our days,
which paths shall pave our ways,
the greatest success to achieve,
is love and joy to receive.

Whatever we choose to do,
happiness we ought to pursue,
we spend so much time in our labour,
make sure it is something we savour.

To enjoy what we do brings great pleasure,
filling out days with delightful treasure,
we don't want to have to look back,
with sorrow and regret at our lack.

So choose what it is we enjoy,
so happiness and laughter we deploy,
life will unfold in success,
as continually we will progress. ©



We can look at trials and tests in life as being victimized, tormented and targeted by some 'unknown, invisible, enemy', OR WE CAN SEE IT AT TRAINING TO DEVELOP OUR SKILLS AND ABILITIES, as preparation to give us the knowledge and deep insight we need into situation which occur in life. In my experience most people say :"go with the flow, don't make waves, it's fate, it's destiny, it's just the way life is, grin and bear it, etc, etc, etc." Very few can give us the reasons behind it and so we battle through life....falling from hole to the next... Our attitude towards these tests will determine the outcome, either we dig in and overcome each test becoming conquerors or it's going to drag us into the dungeons of darkness with confusion, frustration, anger and depression. When we feel helpless in the face of a storm, the storm takes control and wins leaving us battered, broken and torn. Then we need to do damage control with the long outdrawn battle of putting the pieces back together again. Already we are so exhausted with fighting the storm that we may just sink into the darkness and be overcome. When we see all events as opportunities to grow and learn more, finding within the depths the purpose and meaning of it all, seeking knowledge and information on it, the secrets and mysteries of life are revealed. Every event and situation is a seed and it's up to us to plant it, water it and make it grow to its full potential. A seed is only a seed until it starts to sprout and grow into which it is meant to be, because it is in the growth that the true purpose of it is revealed - when we are busy unravelling the circumstances surrounding us, we are actively busy gaining insight and we have no fear. Fear doesn't even come into the picture simply BECAUSE OUR CONCENTRATION IS ON OVERCOMING AND REVEALING WHAT IS HIDDEN IN THE DARKNESS....WE ARE BUSY. Fear is an enormous factor in the lives of those who sit and DO NOTHING. EVERYTHING SEEMS LARGER THAN LIFE. When we take the first step into seeking answers, reasons, purposes, it breaks down into much smaller sections, and what used to loom like a mountain in front of us has now become a collection of little mole hills, quite manageable..... BECAUSE WE ARE ACTIVELY DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, ALL THE TIME EXPANDING OUR KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE AND WISDOM. WE ARE GROWING A GARDEN OF SEEDS IN LIFE AND THEREFORE WE ARE MOVING FORWARD AND NOT TREADING IN THE MUD MAKING THE HOLE DEEPER AND DEEPER. SO GET ACTIVE - START LIVING THE EXPERIENCES OFFERED AND MOVE AHEAD......©



Take every test as a challenge to win,
embrace every trial to overcome all sin,
attach it to experience as we learn to swim,
or float when the waves become too grim.

While the storms in life batter and beat,
we calmly continue its strength to defeat,
we keep ourselves busy finding its meaning,
moving to the center all to be seeing.

Every test and trial is preparation ,
to equip us for all and any situation,
without any fear we move ahead,
using knowledge and wisdom to delete the dread.

We live the experience of life to the full,
not allowing the storms to break our will,
we activity defuse any explosive situation,
rising above with fresh inspiration. ©



When we have a moral compass it is not too difficult to draw a line and stand strong against the storms that rage. It really is a matter of weights on the scales of righteousness. When an offer is presented, we weigh it with our conscience before entering in. Is what we are about to do acceptable behaviour, will we do it in clear sight of others, is it going to bring us or our family shame, disgrace and embarrassment, is it going to hurt anyone in any way - emotionally, physically, mentally, financially or spiritually. When things are done above board, it is open in the light and clearly visible, there is nothing that needs to be hidden. The moment we are pushed in to a corner or pressurized to make rash decisions suddenly without the opportunity to check it out and do our research - it is often a trap and turns into a disaster......stay away from it. There is a philosophy in life.....IF IT IS MEANT FOR US IT WILL GIVE US THE TIME OR COME PAST AGAIN WHEN WE ARE MORE PREPARED AND READY. DON'T BE PUSHED INTO A PLACE YOU DON'T FEEL READY TO OCCUPY. IF IT REALLY IS THAT IMPORTANT IT WILL WAIT FOR YOU OR COME BY AGAIN. Some things we learn as we go along, but some we need to prepare for, because we have to lay a proper foundation otherwise it falls to pieces half way through then have a lot of mess to clear up, wasting an enormous amount of time and effort. We can't put the cart before the horse, because then that cart is going nowhere. Building a successful life is very much the same as building a house.....a solid foundation is dug up and laid first, then strong bricks are selected and the right cement at the right mix is used to attach the lines are strung up to build a straight wall, measurements are taken to leave place for the windows and doors.....none of it is guess work, a proper plan is drawn from which we build. It is amazing that we take so much care planning material gain and so little planning emotional development. Life's foundation is purity, the bricks we select are virtues that become our values, the labour we use is truth and we cement it with love, because love does not cause harm and therefore we will have no comebacks that cause our lives to crumble and fall. We can yield when it does not defile our virtues, morals or values, for there are many ways to reach our destination. The moment we are expected to sacrifice our honour, decency,
respect and values, we stand like a solid rock and don't give an inch. This too shall pass.......©

Tomorrow.....being tested....



Let not the honourable man bow to darkness,
virtues and values feed our humaneness,
always weigh the pro's and con's,
chase away the evils and wrongs.

Do not bow to vices that bite,
stick to what you know is right,
do not allow threats to deter your way,
truth and righteousness will save the day.

Dig in deeply to uncover the core,
bring all the darkness to the fore,
use the protection of Godly wisdom,
thereby retaining your precious freedom.

What is meant to be, will surely be,
it will come again when you are free,
don't be pushed into rash decisions,
take your time to do your revisions.

Monica Maartens © 16/10/2017



Life is so packed with many different routes to follow, it is very easy to be pulled into various directions, without even realizing it, at any one time, causing us to become panicky and losing our heads when the ride becomes too fast, not knowing what to hold on to or what to let go. As we gain more and more knowledge and experience so our truths develop and grow, forever changing. We should never hold on to philosophies and teachings simply because yesterday's knowledge becomes today's compost on the new experiences we gain - they change as we delve deeper , higher and wider. It starts from a seed, then roots itself in deeply, then grows and makes branches, leaves and flowers, eventually fruits as it becomes our words and deeds.....all totally different to the appearance of the seed. The truth of the seed remains in the seed, but as it grows it expands and develops into many different uses and views and we need to remain open to these 'changes'. The real truth lays in the nourishment of the fruit - the proof of the truth lays in the practical use of the growth of the seed. We need a fool proof recipe to use throughout life, that will work under any condition in all circumstances. Now what would that be? What is going to keep us firmly anchored through the storms that bash and beat around our heads? When we are implanted with morals and virtues from a young age, we have a clear vision that cuts right through all the lures and temptations. We have a solid foundation on which to build our lives. Virtues and morals are one thing that doesn't change : honour, moral excellence, righteousness, courage, valour, goodness, purity and the likes. It is like love and faith, it doesn't come in measure, it's either there or it is not, period. It is a complete unit. When we plant any seed in the soil of purity and feed it with the water of love, it will branch forth into righteousness, goodness, justice, fairness and bear the fruits of joy, peace, kindness, mercy, compassion, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, deep happiness and contentment, regardless of the circumstances - these qualities will be the POWER OVER THE CIRCUMSTANCES. Events and situations mustn't throw us from pillar to post causing us to lose our heads in the turmoil and confusion that it brings with it. Our virtues will be like a sharp sword controlling the circumstances to fit into our morals and virtues. We don't cheapen and sell out on virtues and morals but stand solidly in them, they always win. We're the person and the person is in control of the situation. WHEN WE HAVE A SOLID FOUNDATION - A SAFETY NET - A MORAL GUIDE LINE TO WORK ON, WE WILL BE ABLE TO ADAPT AND YIELD WITHOUT BREAKING UNDER PRESSURE AND LOSING OUR HEADS.....©

Tomorrow....when to yield and when to stand.....



In life that's so varied with many choices to make,
so many adventures and explorations to undertake,
how shall we know what will make or break,
what shall we bypass and what shall we take.

It's so easy to lose our head,
when the platter of life lays out its spread,
we need a recipe that stands the test of time,
so wherever we venture it will keep us in line.

Herbs and plants start life from a seed,
sprouting roots and leaves to provide in our need,
it completely changes as it grows,
from out of the seed its nourishment flows.

So too the knowledge is a seed of wisdom,
as it is used it nurtures our freedom,
based on virtues it releases is treasures,
changing our lives into magnificent pleasures.

Monica Maartens © 15/10/2017



There are so many passages and journeys in life and we are all so individual in our perception and understanding of circumstances that we can't really judge each other. It is said that our paths are written for us before we are even born, and we need to travel on certain paths to gain the knowledge, insight and experience we need to do what we need to do. So....just because we are on certain paths, doesn't make us lost, bad, evil or misinformed.....we have been guided onto these paths intentionally to gain the deep insight only experience can bring. Reading about something and actually experiencing it are world's apart. The most we can do is share our experiences so it is out in the open and others can take from it what they need to find their way around. One of the 'games' in life is to get from start to finish without falling into bondage of any kind, so we need to be very aware of this. Not to be brought under the power of others due to things we wish to hide or wrongs we have committed that deserve reprimand or even punishment. This steals our freedom of choice and pushes us into a position of silence or looking the other way, adding to the wrongs and taking us deeper into 'slavery' of sorts. The only thing that holds us ransom  is our silence and secrets. Once we expose what is hidden there is nothing to hold against us and we are free. At its worst we can be held captive by "the agreement with the grave" where we become puppets in someone else's hands and we have no say, no longer responsible for our actions, just a tool in another's hands, stuck inside a body that does evil and having to live with it......what a nightmare. What can we do to help those in this trap is to pray for their release, as they are spirits trapped in 'dead' bodies and being in the darkness are not able to do it for themselves. So instead of judging them, pray and help them to be released......©

Tomorrow.... keeping our heads....



So many people travel through the earth,
so many roads to walk from birth,
so many levels of understanding,
in this life that is so demanding.

Our mission is to get from A to Zee,
exploring all the things we need to see,
each ones perception differs from another,
it's not suppose to dampen or smother.

We need to beware of falling into bondage,
turning on each other with darkened revenge,
learn how to live in justice and fairness,
filling each other with joy and happiness.

We don't do things we need to keep secret,
later in life it leads to deep regret,
held over our heads like a sword that strikes,
too late to try and make it right.

Monica Maartens © 14/10/2017

A BREAK.....