What we give or what the other one do we distinguish between the two? We may be tired, irritated and abrupt with others and then they lash back with what seems unreasonable rage...... But how deep did our abruptness cut into their hearts? Is it unreasonable for them, how deep was their pain? How do we learn to discern these deep emotional reactions? The human body is merely a tool to the spirit within the man, the brain collects the information but the spirit reasons, thinks and does the discerning.....that part is not in the flesh. Our emotional being is totally apart from the flesh being. How can we see into the spirit of another person? To my knowledge we are not alone - we are connected to either the spirit of creation, which is Gods Spirit, the Spirit of divinity, OR to the spirit of the world. The spirit of the world cannot discern - it sees only the surface and appearances of things and works on assumptions according to actions and reactions - the visible manifestations of inner turmoil and disturbances which are rarely right and by that time the damage is done. The Spirit of Divinity sees within the spirit of another making us far more sensitive and aware of others emotions, preventing an enormous amount of emotional , mental, spiritual and physical stress. So, wouldn't that be the wise choice - to be connected to the spirit that can serve our purpose to our best benefit? When we are not connected to Gods spirit we are automatically sucked in by the spirit of the world because we have no anchor or foundation and are lose and floating.....that is the main reason for all our misery and distress, we don't understand each other, we don't see each other....we see the flesh body we live in BUT NOT THE REAL PERSON WITHIN THE FLESH. causing all the misunderstanding and strife in the world and that is why it is so easy to turn us against each other, simply because we have no idea what is going on.....©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 Dec 2017

Tomorrow....."getting connected"



Life brings about an awful lot of stress,
misunderstandings dump us in a mess,
we unintentionally cause each other harm,
we do not understand emotional charm.

We live in a vessel that carries our spirit,
with a brain that can only reach a certain limit,
our reason and thinking happens in the mind,
not in the brain that collects what we find.

When connected to the spirit of divinity,
it opens the door to a deeper ability,
we can see and discern the other man's spirit,
which passes the abilities of our human limit.

The spirit of the world sees only on the surface,
actions and reactions that cause the menace,
it makes assumptions which are rarely right, 
keeping us stuck in the dark of night.



When we develop the art of humour, we can find something funny in almost anything. It is however an acquired skill which we need to exercise and practice. Life throws us with enough troubles and problems, misery and sorrow, we surely don't have to linger on it and add to the misery. Much of life has to do with attitude - NOT WHAT'S THROWN AT US - IT COMES TO ALL, EQUALLY, BUT.......WHETHER WE SEE IT IN A POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE LIGHT. BUT.....HOW DO WE DO THIS? We don't see trials....we see learning opportunities and new discoveries, with the detective inside us; we don't see tests....we see development of skills and abilities, especially if we have never done it before; we don't see problems.....we see a chance to find solutions, to try new things, to test knowledge; we don't see hardships.....we see the blessings we already have, a healthy body, eyes, ears, so much we received for free that we don't ever consider; we don't see possessions we want.....we see possessions we have that need to be cared for and appreciated and valued; we don't see and lust for the other man or woman......we cherish, protect and love the one we have. We INTENTIONALLY SEEK FOR THE BRIGHT SIDE, INTENTIONALLY SEEK THE HUMOUR AND FUNNY SIDE OF THINGS......THIS IS A GREAT SECRET TO SUCCESS IN LIFE....CHERISHING WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE, WE WILL THEN SEE HOW MUCH WE ACTUALLY HAVE. This will give us more time to find the humour in life. When we look for the humour it presents itself...what we seek is what we find....and when we are content we are happy and happiness breeds humour and laughter....TRY IT FOR A WEEK....YOU WILL BE AMAZED AT HOW LIFE CHANGES....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 Dec 2017



Life is a cocktail of love and hate,
we need a little humour to eat this cake,
there are times it makes us quake and shake,
then it shows mercy and gives us a break.

When we can laugh it lightens the load,
taking us on a brighter road,
a sense of humour is a mighty asset,
just have a look at Fred the basset.

We take life with a pince of salt,
have a good laugh when it brings us to a halt,
we find the funny when we look real deep,
sift through the rubble for the beauty to keep.

When tasks are hard and burdensome,
we throw in some music to brighten the sun,
we turn it into a little game,
add some challenges and give it a name.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 Dec 2017



How many plants and trees, human and animal lungs have absorbed this pollution before it clears? How much deep invisible damage has it caused.... There are words spoken of Yin and Yang, Good and Evil, Light and Darkness as a balancing act. How much good must be done to clear away the damages done by evil???? The impact of evil on a life reaches far, far deeper than what meets the eye. Let's take theft for example.....we steal possessions from another...... not only does he suffer the loss of his possessions BUT HE ALSO LOSES HIS TRUST AND RESPECT FOR PEOPLE...HE IS LEFT WITH INSECURITIES AND DOUBTS, ANGER AND RAGE AT THE VIOLATION OF HIS PRIVACY....and even revenge may come into play. An enormous impact on the emotional state of a man takes is easy to replace the stolen goods or money, BUT IT VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO REGAIN THAT MANS TRUST....TO RESTORE HIS FAITH IN HUMANITY, IT MAY TAKE MANY YEARS, IF AT ALL, AND A LOT OF HARD WORK, TIME AND EFFORT......ARE YOU UP TO IT???? IF NOT DON'T STEAL....YOU ARE ONLY OPENING A VERY DEEP, VERY BLACK HOLE ON YOURSELF.... IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Same with love and relationships, if we can't go the full way, don't confess your love, don't promise your love, when broken it is devastating.....enormously destructive. Jobs.....when given a task and we mess it has to be undone and redone... Sweet and bitter water don't flow from the same spring, the bitter defiles the sweet and must be cast away. So when we decide to play with THE BALANCING GAME......KNOW THAT THE EVIL WEIGHS FAR HEAVIER THAN THE GOOD....A LOT OF GOOD HAS TO BE DONE TO REMOVE THE STAINS OF EVIL. It's best not go down that road at all. Besides, it rarely stays with one person, the anger, disappointment and shock spills over onto the family, friends, colleagues.... rippling further and further. We need to learn to do what is just and right under all conditions, even adverse ones. If it does come our way, we should never allow it to spread any further....©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 Dec 2017



We play with things we know nothing about,
end up tormented as we scream and shout,
we think we can cover our evil with good,
but it keeps on growing under the hood.

When dealing with darkness we dig to the root,
we cannot dress it up to look pretty and cute,
evil never just remains on the surface,
it spreads its tentacles blocking every entrance.

The impact of evil reaches soul and heart,
it eats away love as it breaks us apart,
it destroys our trust as we lose respect,
taking us down the paths of neglect.

Sweet and bitter don't come from one stream,
the moment they mix it's like mud in the cream,
it defiles it all and must be cast away,
start all over with a bright new day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 Dec 2017



When we have a disagreement on topics, we thrash it out until we reach a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved. The greater man is not the one who INSISTS ON BEING RIGHT, BUT THE ONE WHO IS WILLING TO YIELD AND MAKE ALLOWANCES FOR OTHER OPINIONS. Life throws us many curve balls, often obstacles are thrown in our path to prevent us from finding the truth, to waylay us and keep us occupied with totally unnecessary problems and hassel's. HOW DO WE DISCERN WHAT IS IMPORTANT AND WHAT TO IGNORE??? When we have an aim in mind and an obstacle serves no useful purpose to aid us reaching our goal - we push it aside - so often these obstacles block our path and we end up on a totally different path all together......not at all where we were heading. I truly believe there is knowledge and lessons in all things that come our way, but each in its own time, so unless it has relevance to what we are busy with, it is in the wrong place for now and if we can't move it, we go round it, over it or under it.....there is always a way.....but we don't allow it to sidetrack or block us. It can and probably will come around again and if it wasn't meant to be, it will just pass by. With this in mind, we get ahead, weaving our way through or past these many pitfalls. If and when it is useful for building knowledge and skills, we break it down to manageable pieces, turn the mountain in molehills which are easier to unravel and deal with.....bit by bit. We then take from it what we need and store it in our minds for future use. It is pointless learning a library full of knowledge and theory when we can't compare it to the actuality, to real life events and circumstances as and when they happen. The "theory" very rarely agrees with the real experiences. As we go through the experiences and marry the theory and written knowledge to it, we build an enormously strong background which to fall back on and this is where wisdom comes in. When the theory and practise agree, when it serves the purpose for which we need it ......©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 Dec 2017



Life is an obstacle course with many bends,
we cannot always rely on our friends,
in our search for truth we are often blocked,
because it exposes the deceit and rot.

Troubles and tribulations are laid in our way,
causing doubt and confusion to take up our day,
we waste so much time trying to fight the odds,
instead of pushing it aside not playing with sods.

We set an aim to reach our goals,
search for the answers deep in our souls,
whatever is in the way we remove,
or find a way past so very smooth.

Unless an obstacle can aid in our quest,
we push it aside and give it a rest,
if it's meant to be it'll come around again,
so don't waste time on things that are vain.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 Dec 2017



We go through life never thinking deeper than the surface, becoming entangled in so many strings and lose ends, eventually we don't know what is going on. Sometimes the best thing to do is a make a clean break, distance ourselves from life and start unraveling it from there. Unpaid debts follow us wherever we go,  not only the material kind, but also the emotional, spiritual kind. We can run but never hide - it travels within us wherever we go. Once we distance ourselves a little from the crows nest of life, we are able into start making sense of it all. The only way to truly break the noose around our necks, is to remove our neck from the noose - the more we pull away the tighter it draws. To loosen the noose we acknowledge and admit our error, we own it, make the necessary amends by paying the material debts, even if it is small amounts over a long period until it is paid off, otherwise it will block us in the future ...we go onto a black list and credit is denied due to bad debts. The emotional kind we resolve by making the necessary apologies and clearing the air, thereby ensuring our peaceful coexistence with all people. Through our different views and experiences we see life through different eyes and we most certainly do not have to agree on all things, but can respect each others views without becoming rude and insulting. When we insult others, the problem lays with us, our own lack and insecurities and that is what we need to deal with. The moment we belittle others, it shows our own lack of understanding and consideration and we belittle ourselves. So the clean break comes from dealing with each situation as it arises, NOT LEAVING LOSE STRINGS TO BECOME A CROWS NEST IN THE FIRST PLACE. IT WILL NOT JUST VANISH - IT NEEDS TO BE DEALT WITH....©

Tomorrow...dealing with situations....



Unresolved issues have lose strings that dangle,
they float around aimlessly causing a tangle,
unpaid debts catch our necks in a noose,
pulling ever tighter as we cannot break lose.

To make a clean break we cannot run and hide,
it follows us to wherever we decide to abide,
we loosen the noose and withdraw our neck,
the moment we acknowledge and pay our debt.

Things don't just vanish into the night,
it always comes back into the light,
we agree to disagree when we don't see eye to eye,
then allow it to peacefully float on by.

Our debts we make arrangements to pay,
little by little we clear it out the way,
with nothing from the past to spoil our future,
is the policy with which our lives to nurture.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 Dec 2017



Beware of bribes and easy money,
it never ends in sunshine and honey,
we become like puppets on a string,
have to jump when the bell does ring.

One hand washing another brings trouble,
the payment due always seems to be double,
it starts a cycle of never ending debt,
leaving us trapped and feeling inept.

It's best to take the longer way,
step by step learn skills each day,
we build a solid healthy foundation,
showing us the details of every situation.

We owe nobody nothing at all,
do not need to heed to any call,
what we receive we have honesty earned,
building on truth from the things we have learned.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 Dec 2017



People find it strange when we don't accept favours, but insist on going the long route. When we take short cuts or rely on others to open doors for us, not only do we lose out on the precious experiences giving us the solid foundation and background in the finer details of the direction in which we wish to follow in life, it also invariably has strings attached. The danger here is, we don't know what lays ahead -one hand washes another, but what will we have to wash ??
We tie ourselves with obligations to another and when payment comes due, we may not be willing to reciprocate, leading to much annoyance and ugliness. This starts breeding animosity between people and threats come into play. The long route is far better in the long run as we work our way to where we want to be. We learn the skills required for our purposes and obtain our promotions and employment in a honest manner without owing anyone anything. When we accept bribes and gifts to open doors for others, they may enter and cause enormous damage and somewhere along the line we are drawn into this - bribes blind our eyes to what is right and fair and lead us down paths best not travelled. So when we want a certain position we do the proper groundwork to obtain it justly and fairly through pur own merit and hard work. When we want possessions, we work in honest labour and save until we can buy it. This way nobody can ever lay a burden on our shoulders that we cannot carry....... we make our own way. Too often when payment comes due and we refuse to partake because it is dishonest, even criminal, our jobs, even families are placed under treat and we fall to destruction. Don't be caught up in this game at all - it always get dirty, very dirty. Make your own way honestly and steadily, OR STAY WITHOUT will still get there with your honour and conscience in tact...©Copyright

Tomorrow...making a clean break....


A Son is born as a gift to man, to show the paths of freedom to attain. Like sheep that are lost we fall and break, not knowing which paths we ought to take. Christmas is celebrated around the earth, gifts are given and feasts are had. For millions it is a time of great rejoicing, for millions it's just another day of great sufferings. The doors of salvation are open to all, as even death went for a fall. To follow the paths of divine inspiration lifts us from our worldly depravation.. When committing our spirits into Holy hands, we find the right paths that lead across the lands. We walk in a light that shows the way, bringing celebration into every day....



The greatest gift bestowed upon man,
is the connection through Jesus to the spiritual realm,
the word was with God and the word became flesh,
lived between people to guide them through the mess.

People came from far and near,
to receive their healing and depart from fear,
the blind could see, the deaf could hear,
He healed them all and dried their tear.

He gave His life on a cross to die,
so we may receive the Spirit to fly,
open our souls to the portals divine,
with clarity see the paths that are fine.

The Spirit remained when He ascended on high,
the gift to us so we may draw nigh,
a constant contact to keep us near,
so we could live our lives without fear.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 Dec 2017



The worst thing in life is NOT KNOWING WHAT IS GOING ON. The insecurity, confusion and doubt bred by being in the dark, once we know what's going on, we know what to do about it and it stops being a threat. To overcome the darkness of ignorance, we seek out the light in which truth is found. We become activity involved in seeking the reasons behind events and circumstances, we don't remain in the dark and grovel in self pity and confusion, but get up and find direction. We know the answers are in the light, so that is the direction we follow. Once WE start moving, everything starts moving and when we are activity busy seeking the answers, our minds are busy with positive activity, and that in itself is already a massive help to alleviate the negative aspects of darkness, there isn't enough time to play both hands,so WE CHOOSE to play the productive hand. When we just sit and take whatever life throws at us, we will drown in all the muck, terror and fear. WE CHOOSE TO SEEK THE ANSWERS IN THE TRUTH. Here we will get to know ourselves, and also the other side, the 'enemy', which is our ignorance. Unless we do, we will always be a toy in someone else's hand. SO, WHAT IS IT GOING TO BE FOR YOU??? To forever dance to another man's tunes OR TO CHOOSE WHICH TUNES SUIT YOU????The world is a big playing field for many 'masters', in many arena's, unless we have a good master that makes us worthy partners, we WILL BECOME A SLAVE. With Jesus Christ we are free men, like brothers and sisters in the Godly kingdom, where love, care, compassion and kindness rule, the other masters not so much, you do as you're told....OR ELSE....... ALWAYS STRINGS ATTACHED....©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 Dec 2017

Tomorrow....strings attached.....



Insecurity of not knowing is rife,
confusion and doubt bring many a strife,
to grope in the darkness is not a life,
ignorance and fear cuts like a knife.

Once we find the right direction,
we know where to turn at each intersection,
our lives will never fall to deflection,
as we follow the paths to attain perfection.

All our answers are in the light,
moving away from the darkness of night,
our vision is cleared with deep insight,
on wings of elation we take into flight.

We guide our lives onto paths of truth,
learn virtues and values from days of youth,
we dig until we find true worth,
enhancing our lives with joy and mirth.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 Dec 2017



When placing fear in a persons mind, you control that person. Find the Achilles heel and use it as a rudder to turn the man where you want him. It is such a sad world to think the strong and wise manipulate the young, the weak and the uneducated. The very ones who are meant to guide people to success and glory, are the ones who are intimidating and manipulating them...such a sad world... such a shameful thing to do....especially luring little children into situations beyond their control and knowledge, then making THEM THE GUILTY PARTY FOR NOT KNOWING BETTER.....WHAT A SHAMEFUL THING TO DO. Then through the guilt and shame fear is instilled in these young minds " what if people find out, or your parents?" THIS IS PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE and is often used by leaders, or rather by those using the leaders via the method of peer who can this be???? The ones that write our scripts? The ones studying human behaviour? Using the leaders to test new theory's while they sit back and watch the a safe distance of course???? Those that refuse council from God, playing little gods themselves????? What when this comes to the light and answers must be given....??? What will you say??? You were testing theories without any regard to the consequences of your tests, all the mental, emotional and physical harm, pain and distress that was caused. People are intentionally terrorized so they may be "studied"...... What type of person causes another human being harm, so they can study the results???? Have you no conscience???? Entire nations are steered into a state of confusion, while the industrialists fill their pockets and greed runs rampant and the poor, the less educated, the weaker suffer unbelievable stress....AND NO ONE CARES????? BECAUSE SOMEONE IS DOING A STUDY AND WRITING A THESIS FOR THEIR OWN SELF IMPORTANCE AND TO HELL WITH THE POOR PEOPLE CRYING AND DYING IN THE PROCESS OF SO CALLED "PROGRESS."
Unfortunately it doesn't stay here but infiltrates every part of our life....this fear and chaotic confusion rules our entire existence causing enormous stress and fighting, even within our homes. FEAR IS BASICALLY BASED ON IGNORANCE OF HOW TO DEAL WITH MATTERS BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN BENT WHILE STILL VERY YOUNG....THESE FEARS HAVE BEEN IMPLANTED SO YOUNG, WE DON'T UNDERSTAND IT AND WE CARRY IT WITH US CAUSING SO MUCH TURMOIL AND TORMENT. Whatever we fear we should study in depth - the more that comes to the surface, the less our fear. Everything has an explanation, everything, providing we bring it to the light to see the problem in the first place. As we dissect it, it becomes clear and we gain understanding removing the fear. To break this psychological warfare in our lives, we need knowledge and then the wisdom to change it around. The manipulation of innocent, ignorant minds has been a toy of the greedy for a very long time, while us, the common worker, who is not educated in all this deep stuff, fall prey to this monstrous practice daily....we place our trust in leaders and governments because we don't know any better, as that knowledge has been withheld from us. We need to remember, a president is merely the " face" and tool of the organization really in control.....THEREFORE, IT IS TIME WE PLACED OUR TRUST IN GOD AND NOT MAN, IT IS TIME WE FOLLOW GOD'S COMMANDS AND NOT MANS MANIPULATION OF OUR MINDS, IT IS TIME WE COME TO THE LIGHT OF TRUTH AND ALLOW GOD'S WISDOM TO GUIDE US TO SUCCESS AND PEACE. THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE WE WILL FIND THE REAL TRUTH AND FREEDOM TO LIVE IN PEACE AND HARMONY.....©Copyright.




Psychological warfare is very deadly,
yet there is a simple remedy,
whatever fear and guilt we have,
we drag it from the darkened cave.

We take the things that bring us fear,
cast it out to see it clear,
we break it down in little pieces,
find the roots that always squeezes.

Pluck it from our tortured minds,
unravel all the fear it hides,
guilt and shame just wastes our time,
causing confusion down the line.

With understanding we win this war,
as knowledge takes us to the core,
the more we know the less the fear,
we trust in God who makes it clear.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 Dec 2017



We should never be afraid of the cleansing, of coming into the light, of going through the process to the training stage. Many look the other way, pretend all is okay, because they FEAR TO COME FACE TO FACE WITH THEIR DEMONS, they FEAR EXPOSURE OF THEIR LIVES, they FEAR ALL THE HATRED, LOATHING AND EVIL TO BE EXPOSED, so they play a make believe game with themselves, that it's not there, shines through in their words and deeds, in worries and fears, in sleepless nights, guilt and regrets that devour each new day. I KNOW, I USED TO DO THAT, I'd pretend it was just a nightmare and if I ignore it, it will go away, flick my hair back and pretend it is all okay...I don't care, while breaking up inside. THIS DOES NOT WORK. ALL WILL FACE THE DAY - DON'T BE TRAPPED ON THAT DAY. IT IS A MOUNTAIN WE ALL HAVE TO BREAK DOWN. JUST COME TO THE LIGHT... NOT FOR PUNISHMENT, BUT FOR RELEASE FROM THE PAST. THIS IS FOR ME.....LET THE PEOPLE TALK, SO WHAT, I AM GOING TO BE SET FREE AND THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.....ALL THE REST IS ELEMENTARY. In the light is all the help we need, and ONCE IN THE LIGHT.....THE DARKNESS IS TOO AFRAID OF EXPOSURE TO COME CLOSE... BECAUSE WHEN THEY COME CLOSE TO US THEIR DARKNESS AND EVIL IS EXPOSED BY THE LIGHT, SO THEY STAY AT A SAFE DISTANCE THROWING THEIR THREATS AT US.....CALL THEIR BLUFF AND SEE WHO RUNS ....THEY DO.....THEREFORE DO NOT BE AFRAID, THEY WILL NEVER ENTER INTO THE LIGHT, THEY ARE TERRIFIED OF IT...SO IT IS SAFETY FOR US...JUST COME....FIND THE FREEDOM OF RELEASE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING. REMEMBER ONE THING....THE LIGHT DOESN'T PUNISH, IT GIVES CLARITY, EXPLANATIONS, UNDERSTANDING AND RELEASE. This is really where the training already begins....seeing where and how we became trapped - why we became trapped - how we escape the trap - what we can learn from these experiences and where and how we can use this in our future purposes. All of us are born for a specific purpose and reason and this is background training to fill those purposes. Had we known it was just training, we wouldn't have experienced it with such deep intensity - we wouldn't have gained the right experience of total isolation, terrifying fear, the hollowness in our hearts, etc, we would have known we are okay and just floated past on the surface. So this part of the journey was based on a need to know basis.... Now why all the pain and sorrow - how could we ever help others without knowing the depth of pain ? How could we ever understand the depth of rage unless we understood the depth of pain that manifests in rage?.......©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 Dec 2017



We can't keep on drinking the dregs of the past, 
it starts to get bitter as it rots in the flask,
whatever we store is like a river that grows,
it collects even more wherever it flows.

Bigger and darker it consumes our being,
blocking the way we should be seeing,
we cannot pretend that is not there,
it will take us on paths where things are unfair.

We need to bring it into the light,
to take away its power and might,
once we see clearly we lose all our fear,
there is lots of help to dry every tear.

We must move forward with deep understanding,
lose the guilt and regrets that are so demanding,
all worries and fears are consumed by the light,
as we are guided into fresh new insight.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 Dec 2017



Walking away from darkness means we are walking away from the ignorance that got us there in the first place. Life is a maze of unknown steps - all experience gained and not at all in vain. Mostly we have no idea of how we ended up where we's all a hazy mess...WHAT HAPPENED???? WOULDN'T IT BE AMAZING TO FIND OUT !! The first step is the decision to move into the light. Secondly to accept the right help that can get us out of the darkness, which is the Holy Spirit, because it enters into our souls and is available 24/7. So our help is on board, with us all the time, through everything... WE ARE NEVER ALONE AGAIN. Thirdly a spring clean. Everything that caused us falling into darkness comes to the surface. This is an amazing journey seeing how easily we were misled and got lost. Every event, situation and experience comes into a bright light, unravelling all our confusion and doubt. It seems chaotic and frightening, but just work with it, finding the understanding of how things actually work. The mountain of doom and gloom is lifted off our shoulders, bringing enormous relief and freedom from the past. As each event comes up, take what lessons it has to offer us, store that away in the memory banks and cast the rest away. The pain, sorrow and ugliness does not get to stay - throw it out, get rid of it - it is just extra baggage which we no longer need, we have extracted from it what is useful, the rest is merely waste. This way we always grow and move forward, out of the muck. Once the house is clean, we move to the next step...the excitement begins as we go into the growing stage. Some call it trials and tribulations, I call it training and development of precious skills to cope with life....© and development



In the dark tunnel we grope around,
but here is where many mysteries are found,
it's just a stage that we're going through,
to reach the light where all is true.

We go through the process of cleaning our mind,
dig very deeply for all we can find,
we pluck out the weeds that cause sorrows and fears,
bring it to the light so we can dry all our tears.

We empty our hearts and pour out our souls,
remove all the dirt that dampens our goals,
we work with the spirit to bring us renewal,
finding the paths to spiritual revival.

With each outpouring we lighten the load,
allowing the light to shine brighter on our road,
soon it is over and we're ready to grow,
find all the truth that through us will flow.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 Dec 2017



Turning away from darkness into the light, takes us through a short stage of cleansing. For a while it seems like everything is far, far worse than ever before....LIKE WE ARE GOING THROUGH A TERRIBLY DARK TUNNEL....IT'S NORMAL, DON'T WORRY. We feel totally isolated and alone, BUT WE ARE NOT - WE HAVE A MILLION TRILLION ANGELS AND OTHER FELLOW HUMAN ON OUR SIDE. - we're just at the starting point of meeting them as we enter our new phase of life. We all have special things to fathom and understand and that is why the temporary isolation giving us time to get the worst dirt of the way in our own privacy and time. Now all our wrongs of the past come to the surface as the Holy Spirit needs a clean place to reside and THAT IS WHY IT SEEMS WORSE THAN EVER BEFORE, because a lifetime is now being evacuated from our hearts, minds and's a's CHAOS FOR A SHORT WHILE..... ABSOLUTE DARKNESS....BUT....THIS TOO SHALL PASS, JUST WORK WITH IT. Everything that is pushed to the surface, we confess and repent and release and's we can see clearly how we landed there, what happened and why, like a mighty puzzle falling perfectly into place, as the guilt, regrets, fears, anger, etc is pushed out the way through the repentance. The moment we accept Jesus and salvation, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER JUDGEMENT, BUT HAVE GONE FROM DEATH OF SIN TO LIFE OF FREEDOM......KNOW THIS...BELIEVE THIS.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 Dec 2017



When turning from darkness into the light,
we find a dark tunnel blocking our sight,
but don't turn away, this too shall pass,
as it opens its mouth to glorious green grass.

The Spirit will enter to make a new start,
having to move all the dirt from our heart,
the taps are turned on to wash us clean,
so we can find the way to our dream.

Have no fear, salvation is near,
evacuation takes place to make everything clear,
no longer bound for judgement and doom,
but freedom that rises out of the gloom.

All that happens has a reason and purpose,
as the dregs of the past all come to the surface,
our trials now become opportunities to learn,
the hunted becomes hunter as our freedom we earn.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 Dec 2017



So many times we reach for the light, but something always drags us back. We know we are always being watched and when we fail to escape, we are used as an example to others and punished terribly for our attempt to escape, as a warning to others who may dare to try this....DO NOT TRY !!! What we don't understand, is this is a mighty spiritual warfare against unseen forces which we know little or nothing about and it is not in our power to fight it. All we need to do is believe and stand - resist the devil and he will flee. Easier said than done because our minds are so indoctrinated by doubts, insecurities and fears, WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS. HERE IS A BIT OF TRUTH THAT I KNOW WORKS BECAUSE I TESTED IT. When we reach out to Jesus, WE ARE DRAWN BY GOD AND WILL BY NO MEANS BE CAST AWAY....KNOW THIS, HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THIS. We receive the Holy Spirit which resides within us - THIS STRENGTH IS NOW INSIDE US - NOT OUR STRENGTH, BUT GODS STRENGTH.....KNOW THIS, BELIEVE THIS. We ourselves don't try and fight it - we give THE HOLY SPIRIT CONTROL TO WORK THROUGH US, USE OUR VOICE WITH WHICH TO SPEAK THE RIGHT WORDS, so all we need to do is be submissive to the POWER OF GOD....BE A USABLE VESSEL, THAT'S ALL...KNOW THIS, FEEL CONFIDENT IN THIS. We commit our spirit and life into Gods hand through Jesus Christ, the mediator and channel to God - WE THEN BELONG TO JESUS AND GOD'S KINGDOM ....KNOW THIS, BELIEVE THIS. When the darkness tries to bring doubt and confusion to our fleshy mind, WE SAY: "DON'T SPEAK TO ME, SPEAK TO MY LAWYER" .....KNOW THIS - IT IS TRUE - NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF JESUS, BUT, DO YOU KNOW THIS, TO USE IT ? KNOW THIS, USE THIS. Nothing, not even the darkness of death can pluck us from HIS HAND.....KNOW THIS, HAVE CONFIDENCE IN THIS.....LISTEN TO JESUS, OPEN OUR EYES AND EARS TO HIM ALONE - shut our eyes and ears to the lies, deceit, threats and confusion that wish to tell us different. WE ARE SAFE WITH JESUS...CALL THEIR BLUFF....WE KNOW... AND THEY WILL KNOW WE KNOW AND LEAVE US BE......©

Monica Maartens © Copyright
18 Dec 2017 by what ? 



So many times we reach for the light
then find in the way many things that bite,
we'd rather stay hidden in darkness that smothers,
least we are tortured as an example to others.

We need to gain a deeper understanding,
that the paths of light are not demanding,
once we surrender to God our lives,
we enter a shield that bluntens the knife.

Here is a bit of truth to know,
as we hang on tight while we grow,
no force can pluck us from His hand,
God is the one that breaks the band.

The Spirit of light will enter within,
bringing a joyful song we can sing,
all we need to do is believe,
allow the spirit our soul to retrieve.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 Dec 2017



Why are we so tested from such a young age, is it just to break us into the system of life, or are we deliberately being trained? IS SOMEONE STUCK AND TRYING TO FIND ANOTHER WHO WILL HELP THEM, WHO WILL CONQUER ALL THESE TESTS AND TRIALS AND LEAVE A WAY OUT? When tested and we cannot help - why should we have the light.....that makes us fake.... Is this a question of elimination? IS THIS A CRY FROM THE DARK? When looking at both sides of the coin or placing both light and darkness on different sides of the scale to balance the scale......seeing both sides equally. WHAT DO WE FIND? We live in the light, make decision without all the information we need and then find ourselves trapped in a disastrous situation, or out of curiosity, interest and daring we enter into doors because it seems so inviting, interesting, exciting and become lost and can't find a way out. WHERE DO WE GO? We go to those in the light who can see what's going on, to give us a helping hand. We go to the preacher, the man of God who works for God and has no fear because he is employed by God and therefore under God's jurisdiction and protection, and is therefore able to intercede for us, show us the way out, give us the protection we need and guide us back to the light - and then what happens - ALL OUR HOPE IS QUENCHED AS WE FIND THEY ARE NOT PROPERLY TRAINED, NOT EVEN THE PREACHER KNOWS HOW TO HELP US...................can you imagine the SINKING HEART, THE HELPLESS FEAR, THE HORRIFYING TERROR OF : "there is NO man - there is NO help" - it's a devastating blow - it is probably the most terrifying experience we can have to realize, we have to leave this church again without the help we believed we would find there and the total isolation presses us onto the ground as darkness falls upon us. Our hearts fall right trough the bottomless pit of utter hopelessness.... Could this be why there is so much violence? The deep desperation of the calls of the crying souls?....©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 Dec 2017



Desperately calling are the souls from the deep,
trying to find a hand that will keep,
each time they reach to the light for help,
their hopes are quenched and a bad hand dealt.

So many times it's been a false call,
deeper into the darkness they slip and fall,
one by one helping hands are blocked,
as the noisy shackles and chains are locked.

To find no help is a devastating blow,
deep in the darkness where nothing will grow,
the hopeless desperation of crying souls,
echoes in the chambers of empty holes.

Those in the light are tried and tested,
too many times they wrongly invested,
when they are drawn and need to fall back,
terrible torture is used till they crack.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 Dec 2017



When pain and trauma is not dealt with and resolved, it grows with us becoming deeper and more devastating as more and more is added on. Adults have enormous responsibilities of families and jobs, insurances, financial commitments, expenses, etc and have little or no time to seek for answers, leaving them open to whatever life throws at them. It is work and back, schools, running around, caring for a home, cars, family, so we just live with it and call it " such is life"...what a blatant lie. .IT IS NOT LIFE - IT IS CAPTIVITY TO HELPLESSNESS, so we simply accept and conform to it. The problem with unresolved pain, even just from words, is that each time a similar thing happens it hits on the same spot, making the cut deeper and deeper each time, until it won't heal or go away anymore and this is when we loose it....go nuts, the tip of insanity. It's not the first cut that the deepest, it may give us the biggest shock, but it's the final cut that drives us over the edge and into the realm of insanity.....insane with pain. We can take an awful lot of abuse before eventually snapping. When we're constantly berated and belittled as a person, child or adult, those words and deeds stick, like "stupid, brat, idiot and the many more. These words reappear over and over in life, each time cutting deeper into terrible memories that won't go away and very often leads to an eruption of uncontrollable rage, resulting in enormous devastation to those around us. We don't even know where the anger comes from or how it happened, it simply explodes and pours from us like a volcanic eruption. We go into a blind rage and are now big and old enough to lash back at that particular word hitting the one from which it issues, even though the meaning was entirely different.  The WORD IS THE TRIGGER TO THE PENT UP RAGE AND FRUSTRATION...JUST THE WORD. After the explosion we have bitter regret, because we honestly never meant to hurt anyone, it just happens, it is something we can't control, it has a life of it's own. THIS IS THE RESULT OF UNTREATED PAIN. Each cut start the wounds bleeding again until the pain becomes unbearable, normally leading to excessive violence. It is VITAL TO DEAL WITH IT AND UNDERSTANDING BRINGS HEALING. Most of us live with stress of some kind and when we realize it is an explosion from the past and NOT AN ATTACK ON US AS SUCH, we are able to move past it without being crushed by it. We know deep in our heart who we are, that we are good and genuine, so we don't allow these words to make us what we are not - we let it roll off our backs - it is not relevant to us - THE SHOE DOES NOT FIT THE TRUTH ABOUT WHO WE ARE SO WE DON'T WEAR IT....WE DON'T BELIEVE OR OWN IT. DO NOT CARRY ANOTHER PERSONS RAGE AND ABUSE...LET IT FLY BY.....©Copyright the violence a call for help?......



Constant badgering cuts like a knife,
the cut gets deeper as we go through life,
each time it hits on the same spot,
causing more pain and eventually rot.

Just one word can ignite a fire,
raging and burning with destructive desire,
all our old wounds start bleeding again,
as we're taken back to the horror and pain.

It never gets a chance to heal,
destroying and crushing the way we feel,
cut upon cut going ever deeper,
devouring our love like a grim reaper.

Rather than fight we make it right,
go back and find why sets it alight,
bring it into the open to see clear,
so we don't hurt the ones we hold dear.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 Dec 2017



The goodness of man is tested to the hilt,
we're placed in situations where there's no time to think or seek answers and then yield to the pressure, doing things that we know are not honourable - then life goes on, we get busy and forget about it. If we had the Holy Spirit within, this would not have happened, unless it was for the purpose of training, to take us in, show us what is happening and then guide us on the right paths out. Otherwise we would have known exactly what to do and say and where to go. BUT....WE DIDN'T HAVE IT AND BECAME  TRAPPED... WHAT NOW?
From young we are under observation, when something traumatic happens, out of the blue a psychologists pops out of the woodworks and IT WOULD APPEAR as if we are being channelled into different directions from a very young age - tested, tempted, pushed and shoved, all the time being watched to see how we react !!! This is a little disconcerting , coming to realize that we are never private, nowhere, not in our home, not outside, not in our bathroom or toilet....there simply is no privacy from these prying eyes. BUT....THE STRANGE THING IS: somebody is seeing the trauma we go through, BUT WE RECEIVE NO COUNSELLING, NO HELP, NO EXPLANATION, NO DIRECTION, NO HEALING - WE ARE SIMPLY LEFT WITH OUR WOUNDS AND BROKENNESS, TO FIND OUR OWN SOLUTIONS AND ANSWERS. STRANGE, DON'T YOU THINK??
The fact that people KNOW WE ARE HURTING, CONFUSED, TRAUMATISED, BUT DON'T LIFT A FINGER TO MAKE IT BETTER!!!!! STRANGE !!!!! Could it be because they don't know and we are merely objects of observation to study, like a lab rat, on which they can write a thesis?
Is this how others study? Writing notes on another persons pain? Now - I wonder, did they also instigate the events that cause the pain? How otherwise would they have known to watch us, unless they're involved in instigating the circumstances? We ask - HOW CAN ANY HUMAN BEING INTENTIONALLY CAUSE TRAUMA, DISRUPTION, CONFUSION, FEAR AND PAIN IN A FELLOW HUMAN.....UNLESS IT IS NOT HUMAN!!!! OR UNLESS THEY ARE TRAPPED THROUGH THE VERY THINGS NOW HAPPENING TO US AND ARE TRYING TO FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL ACTUALLY MANAGE TO OVERCOME IT AND LEAVE A DOOR OPEN FOR THEM TO FOLLOW....Let's see what we can find...©

Tomorrow.....pain grows with us......



Evil enters our home from outside,
catching us off guard with nowhere to hide,
sudden decisions are thrown on the table,
without giving time to see if it is stable.

When rising up to refuse the suggestion,
we are made to look small with subtle aggression,
tiny indications of threats appear,
bringing upon us an insecure fear.

We need to oblige the company man,
least we're demoted or given the can,
we do what we know should never be,
but through the confusion we cannot see.

Trauma and shock hits the family,
as it punches holes in our humanity,
a psychologist appears from out of thin air,
who's using who in this worldly lair.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 Dec 2017



Life is like many games - there are rules. Follow the rules and we win the game. It is like a massive obstacle course, with trials and tests to overcome. When we know all things and follow the rules, we clearly see where to go and what to do, but ignorance causes us to be forced into impossible choices, like: threats against our family, death threats, bankruptcy threats, our jobs and investments......then we yield and give way to the threat. The problem with giving in ONCE IS, ONCE IS ENOUGH, THE DOOR IS OPENED and it never stays at once - it is extremely difficult closing that door again, so it is best NOT TO YIELD.......BUT HOW????
Firstly, knowledge - knowledge gives us a strong foundation, like: there is protection for a family from a higher power called God and how we manage and apply this protection, there is no such thing as death - it is merely a separation from a free life - captivity - there is a way out - DON'T FEAR DEATH, clear up any dirt that can be used against us. In this life we have the seven deadly sins: pride, lust, envy, anger, covetousness, gluttony and sloth. .....avoid them, but even if trapped in them, there is still a way out when we are enlightened. We cannot possibly know all things. Most knowledge arrives in transit. As we go through life and the experiences, we gain the knowledge, so a door should always be open with the choice - TURN FROM THE WRONG WAYS AND LIVE RIGHT BY ACCEPTING THE RIGHT MASTER AND GUIDE, OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF OUR DEEDS. It is not so much the darkness that catches us, BUT OUR IGNORANCE IN THE FACE OF THAT DARKNESS....©

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 Dec 2017

Tomorrow... Caught up in life with no time......



Life tests the goodness of man on a daily basis,
bringing us trials that are pushed in our faces,
unless we have the knowledge to succeed,
it will break and destroy us like a little reed.

Impossible choices are laid on the platter,
bringing disaster and sorrow in the latter,
it's a massive obstacle course to overcome,
avoiding captivity that will block our sun.

Any dirt is dug up from our past,
threats against family in our faces is cast,
even death or bankruptcy is on the table,
as we are marked with destructions label.

But, there are always ways and means of escape,
with the right kind of help, we avoid this rape,
it's not so much the darkness we must fear,
but finding the wisdom that makes it all clear.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 Dec 2017

A BREAK.....