Our greatest loss is not the material goods which are plundered, but our love, our compassion, our goodness and kindness, our respect for others and this is what drags us into the clutches of darkness....... but it is written: "woe to those who make one of my little ones fall, woe to you". When we become so angry that we retaliate, we become as bad as those doing this to us, making us all the same. We must overcome with light and not fight darkness with darkness as then it becomes really dark for all. SEE A DIFFERENT VIEW - MATERIAL THINGS ARE TEMPORARY COMFORTS, OUR EMOTIONAL CONDITION IS ETERNAL....CARE MORE FOR THE ETERNAL POSSESSIONS THAN THE TEMPORARY POSSESSIONS.....BACK THE RIGHT HORSE AND CUT YOUR LOSES. OF THE MATERIAL POSSESSIONS, WE KEEP ONLY WHAT WE NEED AND USE EACH DAY, THE REST GATHERS DUST AND NEEDS CLEANING WHICH COSTS MONEY AND IS TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. So we get rid of all the excess we have gathered over the years, it has served its purpose and is no longer required. The more we move on, the less we have to take care of and protect, releasing us from an enormous responsibility, giving us far more freedom to simply enjoy our days instead of being tied down with dead objects. We spend far too much time working for dead possessions, where we should be spending it with family and friends enjoying each others companionship, even when we carry so much pain....going home takes first priority, so let's not loose sight of the gate...
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 September 2018
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