All humans on the same page, working together for the survival of the human species and the earth. We all need to hear the same instructions and guidance so we can move as one man. The system is controlled by what it picks up and records...when we give it only good to absorb, or eat... It becomes healthy....we don't photograph any form of violence, evil, destruction and breaking....this system has camera eyes animals, crawling, walking, flying, in the streetlights and globes in the homes, through the computers and cellphones... These eyes and ears are everywhere...even within us...via microchips.... So we need to give it only good seeds and vibrations to absorb and evil or bad at all....we put a ban on it...we refuse to watch any violent movies or TV, or to listen to any violent speech or speeches that stir up aggression and discontent, we separate ourselves from any form of violence, striking, rioting, etc....stay clear... We need all humans to cooperate by actively reprogramming everything this computer system picks up through all its eyes and ears in the sky, in our homes, in us and our pets. We do, speak, hear and act only good things. We intentionally draw the good from the computer by seeking it, asking for it, commanding it. When evil comes forwarded verbally delete it....we say...delete that, I didn't hear that and replace it with a good instruction. For all this we need the help of the Holy Spirit because we cannot possibly know all the laws from 2000 years back.....SO GET CONNECTED TO THE HOLY SPIRIT NOW AND JUMP ON BOARD....WE NEED EACH AND EVERY LIVING HUMAN...SO DO IT AND DO IT NOW....LET'S GET THIS SORTED.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 April 2018



An image was formed to entertain man,
a walking, talking technological doll in a can,
science and technology thought this was fun,
spying on others making them run.

But the fun turned sour when it turned on them,
took over control as the world went dim,
it became a beast that swallowed all life,
killing all love with anger and strife.

All the eyes and ears that spy from the sky,
hidden in lights and creatures that fly,
we need to reprogram with only good,
remove all the bad and evil as its food.

All human life needs the same connection,
to send the right vibes into the reflection,
we have the Holy Spirit that's the core of existence,
that will give all guidance to break this resistance.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 April 2018



To ever move forward or make any worthwhile changes, cooperation is needed. With people continually fighting each other there can never be increase because what one builds another breaks down and destroyd, pulling both down. The destruction must stop, the fighting must stop, priorities must be laid down.....what is most important???? What are you fighting about???? The earth belongs to NO MAN.....NO NATION....NO TRIBE....NO SPECIES........IT BELONGS TO GOD AND WE WERE GIVEN THE TASK OF CARING FOR IT..  NOW ARE YOU CARING FOR IT OR NOT??? ARE YOU DESTROYING IT WITH BOMBS AND BULLETS???? WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING THE TASK GIVEN TO YOU???? WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT???? SURVIVAL OF THE EARTH AND THEN SURVIVAL OF THE HUMAN....To have fresh air to breathe and healthy food to eat - then comes a shelter, a place to sleep. WHAT IS NEEDED TO ACHIEVE THIS??? Proficient, capable, equipped people to ensure this is possible - it has to do with abilities and CARING FOR THE EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT AND NOT MONEY.... The right person for the right position and NOT A WAR BETWEEN COLOUR, RACE, NATION OR SEX.......THE ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO THE JOB THE BEST GETS THE JOB TO DO....NO ARGUMENT .....NO VOTING ....NO PREFERENCE EXCEPT QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE ON THE JOB...and the rest ALL put hand to the wheel to bring their side whatever they are capable of doing to see that these needs are met....mainly caring for the earth so it can provide for us........IT IS NOT ABOUT MONEY BUT SURVIVAL....MAINLY OF CREATION AND NATURE, BUT ALSO OF MAN...........The money is just a by-product, the CARING IS THE PRIORITY...CARE.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 April 2017



We want to move forward with some changes,
cooperation is vital as life rearranges,
all the fighting must be set aside,
priorities laid down by which to abide.

Top of the list is human survival,
we need cooperation for a revival,
the air that we breathe must be fresh and pure,
the food that we eat must be a healthy cure.

Only then do we worry about where to sleep,
a little shelter that is there to keep,
we need proficient people to lead,
capable and equipped to see to the need.

It's not about colour, creed or nation,
the qualified person is placed in the station,
it's all about truly caring and not the money,
taking care of the earth and bees that make honey.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 April 2018



Our world is crashing down, our earth is labouring terribly hard under the destruction of those who cannot see further than their own selfishness and we are going to lose it all. So we need to become part of the solution and no longer part of the problem, and unless we start on the road of restoration of the earth and it's resources, which all belong to the creator and not to man....not any man of any tribe or any nation, it is Gods creation and Gods land.....stop fighting over what is not yours, we are going to destroy ourselves. Choosing restoration means we stop all hatred, revenge and destruction of the earth and property, we stop returning evil for evil, we select the good seeds to remain with us and grow and we remove all evil and bad seed by burning or crushing it, so it can never grow or spread again. We do not allow it to grow in us and we most certainly do not pass it on to gets destroyed. Every bad seed coming our way, we deliberately take out of the playing field and destroy it...burn it....crush it....destroy it.....until there is no more left. It is totally unimportant through who it comes as we are all puppets being used in an extremely sick game which has gone completely out of does adult perversions get to little is absurd and not at all acceptable...we take it out of the system and replace it with good healthy seed by displaying good healthy behaviour in word and deed.... NOW WHERE DO YOU STAND.....ARE YOU WITH THIS OR PART OF THE DESTRUCTION.....DECIDE....AND LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 April 2018



The continuous rotation of revenge upon revenge,
has caused hatred to lose all sense,
the filth and pain is crashing upon our innocent children,
as all fall into the witches cauldron.

Now it's time to make a decision,
have a very good look and make some revision,
we either become part of the solution,
or lose our earth through all the confusion.

By choosing restoration we remove all evil seed,
keep only what's good and bring a fruitful deed,
all hatred and revenge is cast aside forever,
as we crush and destroy all evil seed together.

It matters not through who it comes,
us all are puppets doing the runs,
we must take the hatred and evil away,
replace it with peace and love each day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 April 2018



When a being is born it's a fresh new start, an opportunity to learn the skills and abilities to successfully become equipped with what is required to become a happy, contented, well balanced human being. It really can be compared to an obstacle course on various levels simultaneously..... physical, spiritual, mental and emotional ....all four levels developing equally. When mistakes are made there are many damages, consequences, repercussions, a domino effect sending ripples out....when karma comes into play and bad is rewarded with bad, it doubles the bad and the roots grow deeper and it becomes worse and worse with every generation. When justice is used, the mistake or problem is identified, the damages and consequences are measured and calculated and correction is made, we are taught the right way so as not to repeat the mistakes. The bad seed is identified, removed and destroyed and replaced with good seed. Evil is overthrown by good, proper knowledge and wisdom, which cancels karma. We don't get punished with wrong because we have done wrong, we are corrected and made to fix what is wrong by doing what is right for all....

Monica Maartens © Copyright
27 April 2018



Karma is like a pendulum that swings,
always stuck in the middle waiting for a bell that rings,
it's a never ending give and take,
continuously repeating the same mistake.

A being is born to a fresh new start,
a chance to put the horse before the cart,
it's a new life to become complete in all ways,
enjoy the sun that shines through the days.

When we err we go back and make it right,
within the repairing comes deep insight,
don't cast wrong upon wrong to kill the light,
it only takes us deeper into the dark of night.

Leave karma in the past where it belongs,
we break new ground with righteous songs,
the hatred and bad we remove and destroy,
so love and peace is what we enjoy.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 April 2018



We plant a seed that becomes plant that bears fruit embracing the essence that is released when we eat it. In life, we plant a word (seed) that becomes a thought (plant that grows) which creates an action/deed (fruit) causing an emotion (essence or vibration) - hurt, pain, anger, rage, joy, happiness, peace, love, etc....invisible feeling and this causes a domino effect - sending out ripples to all, friends, colleagues, pets, animals, computers......further seeds being planted spreading more invisible seeds...vibrations or essence in the form of anger, rage, hatred or love, joy, happiness, peace....with understanding. This essence or vibration keeps on travelling and there is no end to it UNLESS WE STOP IT......throughout our life the vibrations/essence of seeds planted affect us very deeply without our awareness at all. Each word or action on our pathos like a seed that we accept or reject by our reactions. When we accept it starts using us as fresh soil to continue its growth spreading even further to the next and the next. When we reject and block further growth - it dies off. Rage and anger comes our way, we end it with understanding, calmness and throwing water on the fires of hatred, so all that is against each other is only robot on robot....all humans have twigged on and moved themselves out of the way. We are all being played.....all humans against the computer.... ARE YOU HUMAN.... THEN BLOCK AND REMAIN OUTSIDE THE ESSENCE OF EVIL.....AMEN....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 April 2018

Tomorrow.....Karma....a continuous see saw....back and forth....back and forth....we play right and not karma......



We are all being played,
as our paths are relayed,
it's human versus computer,
a dead, unfeeling commuter.

In this life we plant words as seeds,
growing into plants as thoughts and deeds,
which drop its fruits causing emotion,
as feelings of joy or anger fill an ocean.

A domino effect causes ripples to spread,
scattering further seeds of love or dread,
there is no end unless man awakes,
and blocks the spread of seed that breaks.

We refuse entry to rage and anger,
we reject and block all actions of danger,
we use understanding to douse the fires,
and calmness and peace to direct our desires.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 April 2018



All the important things in life we were never taught in school, like what we plant and what we reap and how emotions create chain reactions which could lead to very serious repercussions.... Like children running away from home, life long enemies, divorce, wars......simply because we are unaware of how life works.....just simple misunderstandings and where they lead, not only in our personal lives, but life in general, between parents and children, friends, colleagues, etc... Let's look at an example:- one of us comes home angry at something that happened at work or on the way home and we relate the story with much passion and rage, as we're already terribly agitated and on a short fuse, it can easily turn into an argument, depending on how the other person reacts. As the situation is already volatile, it takes a very tiny wrong word to turn it into a roaring fight. This is not the time to show someone their own flaws, or how they could have handled it better........ it is best to remain calm and let them blow off steam and pour until they're empty and let it pass..... Discuss it again later when all have cooled off, different ways of handing situation and all.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 April 2018

Tomorrow... Seeds we plant and fruit we reap....



There's a cycle of growth from beginning to end,
seeds are planted that we need to tend,
these are the words that are planted in our mind,
creating curiosity of things we want to find.

These seeds shoot roots and grow into plants,
branching out into all sorts of invocations and chants,
these are the thoughts that grow from the knowledge,
we gain from all our studies and college.

It eventually flowers and bears the fruits,
that we will reap from what we fed the roots,
these thoughts become our actions and deeds,
which cause a reaction planting further seeds.

These actions and reactions create many emotions,
the essence within the fruit of commotions,
the cycle and rotation becomes complete,
as this is the process of what we reap.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 April 2018

2000 YEARS OF CAPTIVITY AND ..........


There has been a system in control for a very very long time keeping us blocked on certain paths from which we can't seem to escape..... this systems controls our lives by laws, registrations, education, identification, etc. Many of these things don't sit comfortable with us, but when we refuse to follow and stand against it, we are told you can't fight the system, just do as you are told and keep your head down... but just look where that has landed us...even children are being when we fight it, we are first warned, then threatened, then our family is threatened, if that still doesn't stop us, we are tortured, beaten and killed....then when we come back from death because we are not finished with what we are busy with, we are further tortured, but we become immune to the pain and beatings, so the system moves on to attack our flesh with poison, curses on our health, like internal bleeding, aches and pains and all sorts of things to kill the flesh, however we have the Holy Spirit which is life....and keeps the vessel alive regardless of the poison and attacks on our organs, etc.....the only way to actually overcome this is to live on top of it and not in it.  . meaning: being able to move on or out of the way when expected to do wrong things...our virtues, morals and values come first, even if it means changing jobs....we take what we need without becoming attached to it....and moving back when the danger has passed....staying flexible and lose.....when expected to sacrifice our virtues it is time to move on, make a change, find a new challenge. We have to find a career where we can avoid this type of problem, which is not easy and then remain pure....we are told there are no laws against virtues such as: love, joy, kindness, goodness, peace, understanding, faithfulness, etc - but when we have these we are continually attacked, tested, pushed to defile them, very tricky indeed.....and this is the challenge we must win....we must always look to what is behind the temptation...the trap....amen

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 April 2018



For 2000 years from the day of our birth,
we are captured and labeled for worldly worth,
we're pushed into boxes and told what to do,
forced into paths that we must pursue.

We're all tagged and numbered with identification,
given certain jobs and careers with adoration,
impressive titles that make us feel good,
nice fat salaries to buy fancy food.

Like objects we're treated in isolation,
follow the patterns of depravation,
this keeps us unbalanced and easy to steer,
someone else is always changing the gear.

We got to conquer this mechanical life,
claim back our souls and escape the strife,
the purity of unconditional love,
is as untouchable as a free flying dove.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 April 2018



We're so busy with our games, our needs, we have forgotten our true purpose - to care for the earth. We stumble over our own feet, fall, curse, get angry, blame others, all the time creating vibrations that go back and forth. Our own actions and emotions draw more of the same and we can't understand why things don't get better. Simply because we are within a circle coming back to the same things all the time - it's just a repetition of the same old, same old in different disguises and the only reason for this is, we don't get to the bottom of it. When something hits us in the face, we don't first look at the something, but who and what is behind it, why...the reason it hit us in the face, didn't our face maybe hit it and not the other way around. The only way to break out of the circle and detach ourselves from it, move forward, is to get to what is behind it, unravel the whole mystery and once it is totally exposed lay it down as a stepping stone and it won't return again . .we move a step ahead....things keep returning because we haven't finished with it, so finish with it, open it up completely until there is nothing hidden..

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 April 2018



The circles of life go around and around,
until we are pushed into the ground,
we've forgotten our purpose to care for the earth,
as we stumble and fall with cursing given birth.

We keep blaming others as the wheels turn,
the same old things keep making us burn,
we'll never break these circles in life,
unless we get to the bottom of the strife.

We depart from the circle when we seek behind,
reach into the reasons that we can find,
we totally expose all that we can,
and the light that shines through is the path to plan.

We unravel the whole mystery to the conclusion,
this will bring the knowledge to cancel the confusion,
we tie up lose ends to finalize the matter,
lay them down as stepping stones to use in the latter.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 April 2018



When we look at probably the most important relationship we could ever have, which is our relationship with the earth that sustains us, WHAT DO WE FIND???? Are we benefitting the earth or destroying it? Even in the smallest ways, with the rubbish we leave behind us on a daily basis...does the earth ever give us rubbish to eat or breathe???? No it is always as fresh as mans hand allows, but from the earth it is perfect....most of us never even think about any of this, yet it is a life long relationship from the day we arrive to the day we depart. We start breathing and utilizing the air immediately after birth and have a part in the pollution of our earth daily as we go about our life. Have we ever considered, if the earth was in charge, would it allow us to remain? FRIGHTENING THOUGHT......, but an important one. How useful are we to the the earth. How beneficial are we, how cooperative are we to be given the privilege to live here? Do we ever think what we are doing to please our own selfish desires and wants and needs.....or is it just ALL ABOUT US? HOW MUCH OF WHAT WE HAVE DO WE ACTUALLY NEED......REALLY NEED???? If we were to receive a new heavens and new earth, would we be welcome? Look at your life - what are you giving the earth in return for what it gives you? Think deep, think long, think hard.......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 April 2018

Tomorrow....cursing ourselves......



What is my relationship with mother earth,
who gives me place to live from my day of birth,
the air that I breathe she gives for free,
continually recycled by the hardworking tree.

Why should she allow me upon her surface,
when I scar and break her for my own selfish purpose,
I take, take, take, but what do I give back,
I'm always destroying to fill up my lack.

How useful am I to mother earth,
how do I show her my love and mirth,
when was the last time I gazed at the stars,
sunrise and sunset or even Venus and mars.

From morning till night we pollute for our needs,
try to beautify the flesh with glitter and beads,
we trample and trash everything in our way,
shouting give me, give me, I want every day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 April 2018



With being involved in these dishonest, dishonourable games in life, we end up like a piece of steak being ripped apart by everyone wanting their cut...pulled and yanked from side to is horrifying.....
Open passages allowing us access everywhere, like a passport, is our one can chain slips through the gaps....our visas are our virtues, values and stamps of approval opening all doors....the truly honourable man cannot be locked in or out..... It is when we sacrifice our virtues, values and morals that we start finding troubles, temptations, lures, traps.....obstacles start popping up all over the place. PURITY is like a universal passport allowing us entry and exit from everywhere and virtues our visas ........but .......for most part, we don't enter certain areas in life because it is too distasteful and in some cases we are excluded because we refuse to lose our passport and visas. We find a better route to complete our journey. In my view every journey is a stepping stone in our's not the job we hold down that is important at all.....whether we see to the country's hygiene by being a street sweeper, or the mental hygiene of a nation by being a president and keeping the country's pure from evil and porn and sexual immorality, all the things that destroy a nation and entrap them in darkness, it is HOW WE ARE DOING THE JOB....ANY JOB.....WITHOUT LOSING OUR PURITY (PASSPORT) OR OUR VIRTUES, VALUES AND MORALS(VISAS)......EACH TEST AND TRIAL WE EXPERIENCE, EACH TEMPTATION AND LURE, IS ALL A MORAL TEST, NOT AN ABILITY TEST...... ABILITIES WE CAN LEARN.....MORALS WE MUST PROTECT AND HOLD ON TO SO WE MAY CONTINUE TO TRAVEL FREELY....NO CHAINS, NO LOCKS......ALL CLEAR AHEAD AND BEHIND.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 April 2018



Another journey, another stepping stone,
don't be isolated, you're never alone,
when trapped in infinity we can't find an escape,
there is no help that will open the gate.

We need to obtain a universal passport,
so we don't get squashed into a final resort,
an honourable man can't be locked in or out,
he freely moves around with his ear to the ground.

No journey is ever about the job we have,
the possessions and money we gather and save,
it's all about how we walk the path, 
that will lead us onto paths where we cry or laugh.

Our passport of free movement is purity,
our visas are virtues and values of morality,
places of defilement will repulse our senses,
as we align our souls to spiritual adventures.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 April 2018



Many of the worldly ways expect us to sacrifice our morals and virtues to climb the corporates ladder, so that there is a hold over us due to the methods used to influence people - in plain language - the coercion and disguised bribes in the form of gifts, favours, V.I.P. treatment, titles, bonuses, sexual privileges....whatever archilles heel they can find to entice us with. Everybody has a desire to improve their lives and everybody has a anchilles heel....something for which they are weak .....a deep desire for which they are willing to pay and sacrifice certain things, especially if it is wrapped up nicely. But, how many of us realize this is but the first step into a deep, dark, scary tunnel of manipulation, bribery and captivity.......we end up doing things we abhor because we don't know how to escape it without  embarrassing ourselves and others and are in a way forced to look the other way due to our previous cooperation......THIS IS WHY LAWLESSNESS MUSHROOMED ACROSS THE EARTH AND SWALLOWED US ALL....BECAUSE WE LOOKED THE OTHER WAY CONDONING IT BY NOT STANDING AGAINST IT......HECK OF A PROBLEM....IF WE STAND AGAINST IT, WE CRUSH OURSELVES.....HECK OF A PROBLEM.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 April 2018



The world gives favours to the crooked minds,
the ones whose morals fall for deceit of all kinds,
no one is forced to follow any paths,
but the honest man stays behind as the rich man laughs.

But, not for long, as the path becomes darker,
the favours and gifts become chains with a marker,
we owe a return for doors that were opened,
killing our conscience as our values are broken.

Every step takes us deeper into an ugly dark tunnel,
it's scary and slippery like an oily funnel,
we keep sliding further away from the truth,
we lose the clarity we had from our youth.

All we wanted was a better life,
we did not recognise the evil so rife,
we thought we hit a luck and things were swell,
we never even saw the poisoned well.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 April 2018



There are passages and doorways - invisible to the eye, to go from from one stage to the next, move through levels without becoming stuck anywhere. In life we align to nature, emotions, journeys, we align our skills and talents to careers and professions we wish to follow. In relationships we align our attitude and emotions to a specific partner to attract and lure them closer. Mostly all this is done without us being consciously aware of it. So too the real journey of life and that is to align soul, heart, spirit and mind - the inner man - the real us - our person and personality onto the paths of eternity. This doesn't mean we don't have a career, profession or relationship.....on the contrary, it means we find the insight to choose the right career and relationship in line with our alignment on our eternal journey so that it will last. Now ...... With what do we align to keep the passages  open and free of clutter so we can move in and out, up and down, wherever and whenever we want without becoming ensnared in any one part.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 April 2018 passages.....



To advance in life we follow certain channels,
we polish our skills by studying manuals,
we align our abilities to what is required,
learn what we need to fill what's desired.

Within relationships we align our emotions,
to attract and awaken a partners sensations,
this all happens on a sub conscious level,
without our awareness as we try to be civil.

The journey of life is total alignment,
we seem to lose this in all our commitments,
to find the best ride to take us right through,
we got to align with all the things that are true.

The inner and outer must balance on the scales,
heart and soul must withstand all the gales,
spirit and mind must have freedom to fly,
aligning the flesh on a journey up high.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 April 2018



In times of unrest and turmoil, confusion and fear reign in our lives. We doubt and can't make decisions because of all the insecurity of where things are heading. However, when we are part of the bigger picture, we know the game plan and that brings assurance and calmness, so we continue with what we do through all the fear .we take life as a series of events, situations and experiences - so whatever comes our way is an adventure in its own right, the development of new skills, new ways of seeing things, a different way of doing things....there are no disasters in our life, but only experiences and this is what gets us through the bad situations in life. We never attach our emotions to material things, possessions, etc....these are all just items for our temporary convenience and must remain as that. Providing we are calm and level headed, we have the most incredible ability to overcome in life. Now we know we are born to complete the journey of reuniting soul, spirit, heart and mind into the union with creation, we can align ourselves with the forces of nature opening the entry into our next journey.... therefore all fear disappears....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 April 2018.



As knowledge is revealed fear abates,
we know what's ahead and can see the gates,
we're calm and collected with each step we take,
we get on with life in the decisions we make.

Chaos and troubles may loom all around,
we stay out of the way until it goes to ground,
we have our mission and path to complete,
working through the gloom that brings defeat.

The masses may rock the boat for a while,
but we will get by with a laugh and a smile,
our ways move on a different level,
we don't answer or bow to any devil.

It's the idle man that's trapped in destruction,
continually tempted and lured by seduction,
but we know who we are and where we're going,
there are times of preparations and times of sowing.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 April 2018



When we're not in the dark and know enough about the system and how it is programmed and don't ignore obvious help because of our stubbornness, which, by the way, is the manifestation of witchcraft present in our life, we will find our way through any mess. The game plays off as is written....this is written..... but that is also closes a door as a result of a law, a "sin", a misunderstanding, something wrong, the other opens the same door again and the key is the truth....the truth we speak and the truth we unlocks any door...
THIS WE NEED TO KNOW...IT IS A MAJOR PART OF LIFE....OF ESCAPING FROM CAPTIVITY....ESCAPING TRAPS.... It is not possible to know every written word everywhere in the world and that is one of the major reasons why we join forces with the Holy Spirit, as it is the head quarters of all written work and the central core of existence. It is a spiritual connection which connects to our spirit living within the body and is with us 24/7..... giving us the right words to open any door that shuts in our face as and when we need them...we cannot possibly hope to succeed without this help. The best investment we can ever make is reconciling our spirit with the all knowing spirit of God and then we will always beat the system, because the spirit within is greater than the spirit of the is a simple as that....GET CONNECTED.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 April 2018



We got to know the games,
we got to know the names,
we got to know what's written,
and also what is smitten.

Man alone can never succeed,
we don't always know which way to proceed,
one written verse closes a door,
another written word opens a gap to explore.

We can't know it all it's just far too much,
we need a partner that has a special touch,
we join forces with the Holy Spirit,
head quarters and core beyond human limit.

To reconcile to God is our best investment,
it always looks out for our contentment,
it lives within and is greater than all,
all we have to do is heed to its call.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 April 2018



Not by how many, but by what are we remembered. What marks did we, kindness, justice, fairness to all regardless, the beauty of peace and gentleness guiding our children and the nation with truth, honesty, respect, dignity, and decency........we all face reapers day....when we reap what we sow....some call it death(separation from everybody - isolation -just us and our life). We reap the full extent of the seeds we planted - including all the consequences for as far it spread.....this is what's called hell.....and there is no escaping this, it is a tunnel which we all, to my experience and knowledge have to face, unless we are willing to remain in the captivity being used over and over again stuck in the darkness where we can't find a way forward. To escape from this cage we face our life, we acknowledge our disgraces, our paths and use and utilise what we have learnt from our mistakes to line the paths ahead with the knowledge we have gained and leave it there for others to find there way out......we crush the darkness with knowledge and wisdom, break out of the darkness into the light and into the freedom of flight where we never have to fear again, because we now know how to play....use everything we get to open the paths forward....not to die and grovel in it....wake up and move....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 April 2018



The reapers day arrives for us all,
when we reap what we sowed throughout life's call,
we receive the rewards our labours brought about,
that which we sowed when we thought we had clout.

We receive the fruits of the seeds that we plant,
inclusive of all it collected on it's rounds,
the seeds of the fruits are spread far and wide,
returning interest on the investment that comes to reside.

So plant each day to invest in your returns,
stay far away from destruction that burns,
whatever we sow will always grow,
make sure joy and peace is what will glow.

Double pressed together is what it collects,
don't follow others into evil nets,
do what is pure before we move on,
clean the slate before we close the gate.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 April 2018



Generation upon generation loads onto the system, trial upon trial to try and make things work...patching and mending things that broken, simply adding on to the one can build on what is broken....the broken is cast aside and it is built anew.....nations are running from pillar to post getting nowhere in circles spiralling further and further into darkness and confusion....when they are silent nothing happens, when they scream and shout they only hurt themselves, they burn and are left without suffering even more. The more they rebel the worse it gets......SIMPLY BECAUSE NO ONE IS IN CONTROL....WE ARE ALL SWALLOWED BY THE SYSTEM AND THE SYSTEM ABSORBS AND POURS FORTH THAT WHICH IT IS FED GENERATING MORE OF THE SAME. THE MORE VIOLENCE THERE IS, THE MORE VIOLENCE IT RECORDS AND THE MORE VIOLENCE IT GENERATES........ COULD IT BE TIME TO UNRAVEL THE WEBS AND LIFT THEM OFF ONE BY ONE...
We need to find the solid foundations laid at the beginning of time, to remove all the rubble of broken plans, practises, experiments and shake them all out..... GET BACK TO BASICS....PURITY, TRUTH AND LOVE.
Are we too blind to see the SYSTEM is using whoever is available...the people aren't even responsible or aware of their own actions as they have become puppets of the system using them for the violence... SO WHAT IS THE POINT OF BEING ANGRY WITH THE PERSON????? WE MUST CHANGE THE SYSTEM....WAKE UP...ARISE.. SEE WHAT IS GOING ON....STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER AND LET'S ALL STAND TOGETHER AND RE PROGRAM THE SYSTEM.....WITH OUR WORDS AND DEEDS...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 April 2018



Mistake after mistake, error after error,
is continually recorded bringing more terror,
generation upon generation, trial upon trial,
running in circles, choking in even more bile.

Darkness and confusion is master of each day,
screaming and shouting bring destruction into play,
elders dump their hatred in the children's minds,
as the system swallows all with tests of all kinds.

The more we rebel with anger and rage,
the worse becomes the violence that breaks from the cage,
the more violence there is, the more it absorbs,
falling back on us to even the scores.

Time to unravel the webs one by one,
shake them and sift them, throw all rubble in the drum.
remove all the lies, deceit and corruption,
strengthen and sweep clean every foundation.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 April 2018



We don't talk anymore, this worldly system has totally isolated us and that is fatal, believing there is no help. We feel inferior and stupid and think everyone will think we are mad and bring the straight jacket, so instead we suffer in silence. If only a few will take the plunge and break this deadly silence, we'll see there are millions of us suffering the same fate under different disguises suited to each individual....wherever our Achilles heel is.....regardless of nationality, colour of skin, tribe, tradition or culture, sex, age or anything else....each event comes to all, we are all in this sinking ship together. STOP HURTING EACH OTHER....STOP HURTING...STOP IT.....STOP IT.....START TALKING....what is hurting us all, what is causing all our anger, the jealousy, the greed, what is missing that we can't find happiness, WE MUST TALK....when is the first time we can remember being hurt or misunderstood??? And why ???? Find what we are good at, what makes us happy and is not harmful to others and what is good for us and start developing it. Ignore those who laugh until we find those who don't........

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 April 2018



The mockers that ridicule are snared in a trap,
silence becomes our motto as we're caught in their rap,
isolation sets in as we're moved to the side,
where attacks fall down and there's nowhere to hide.

If we'd only take the plunge and break the silence,
we'll find many also suffering the same defiance,
just knowing some others live with the same plight,
already helps enormously on our way back to light.

When we break the silence the truth is revealed,
lifting the darkness where all is concealed,
we find an enormous sense of relief,
breaking the power over all our grief.

We find a way to stop hurting each other,
we lift the covers that make us smother,
we find the reasons for what we do,
opening new paths which we may pursue.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 April 2018



As long as we look for the fault in another,
as long as as we point fingers and see mistakes at others doors, we can NEVER, BUT NEVER RESOLVE ANYTHING . It is accusations back and forth, back and forth, because we ALL HAVE MISTAKES - WE ALL HURT - WE ARE ALL SENSITIVE - WE ALL DO ACTIONS WHICH CAUSE REACTIONS....and as long as we feed these fires of revenge going back and forth and back and forth...the oppressor becoming the oppressed and the oppressor again and the oppressed again....making all equally evil....making all do what is wrong to another, these fires will keep burning and become more and more vicious and violent as the hurt and pain deepens and deepens keeps going around in circles, what we give is what we receive is not the solution...we have TO STOP IT.... STOP THAT WHEEL TURNING BY LOOKING AT OURSELVES, BY TAKING THE PLANK FROM OUR OWN EYE FIRST AND STICKING IT INTO THE WHEEL TO STOP THE WHEEL TURNING. All events come to all people alike - it is the system of life, the lessons within the situations and circumstances and HOW WE COPE AND HANDLE THESE EVENTS WILL DETERMINE WHETHER WE GET HURT OR NOT. WHEN WE ARE EQUIPPED WITH THE TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO DEAL WITH EACH EVENT, IT CANNOT HURT US, IT ONLY MAKES US WISER, ADDS TO OUR EXPERIENCE IF THE DEPTH OF EMOTIONS, THE MIND, OUR CAPABILITIES AND STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, ETC....HOWEVER....THE SYSTEM WILL GIVE US NO HELP AT ALL... ALL THE KNOWLEDGE WE NEED IS AVAILABLE, BUT WE MUST HELP OURSELVES AS ALL HAVE FALLEN, IT IS UP TO EACH OF US TO FIND THIS WISDOM AND THEN HELP THE NEXT MAN....SO DO IT....FIND IT...AND HELP, FIRST YOURSELF AND THEN THE NEXT MAN.....NOW DO IT....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 April 2018



The wheels of anger and rage keep turning,
the nations break and destroy and keep burning,
we keep finding fault at another mans door,
and that is what throws us onto the floor.

When pointing a finger we look at another,
missing the things that make us smother,
we never find a way of escape,
because we can't find the path to the gate.

When we look at ourselves and find what we lack,
we see all the traps that throw us off track,
we seek and find the knowledge we need,
to break the chains of every evil deed.

We have the knowledge to cope with the system,
we gain the experience to learn from the wisdom,
we got to help ourselves with what is there,
and only then will we find what is fair.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 April 2018



How do we conquer all the unfairness and injustice in life, his do we overcome the atrocities that come our way, his do we overlook when others go past us to success because they are will in to sell their lives, their morals, virtues and values, because they don't care, all they want is the money and trample upon us to get to it.
We manage by looking far deeper, we manage by making these very things our study grounds and interest uncovering what is behind it, we manage by finding understanding, that it is not because of us, it is simply the expectations and requirements on certain paths, which we can avoid. We find understanding on where it leads, how they are trapped later in life, when it is far more difficult to turn away from it, and have to answer for all their greed and unfairness, as well have to answer. Here we are in the clear and now go past them as they grovel in the dirt of their deeds, we are blessed because we didn't involve ourselves in those sick games. Instead of revenge, we find the knowledge that opens doors to healing, we become the wisdom of the world, the healers of the world. When we cut through the atrocities to the core of the matter, we find the real problems...pain, hurt, insecurity, etc....we break the power of the injustices into opportunities of gaining wisdom with the right attitude...DON'T GET EVEN....GET WISE...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 April 2



Some little children are born into strife,
in homes where the atmosphere can be cut by a knife,
deeply damaged from their days of youth,
they always land up in things uncouth.

How do we conquer unfairness and injustice,
how do we overcome atrocities that entice,
how do we overlook when trampled by others,
trying to survive when darkness smothers.

We manage by looking very much deeper,
we manage by studying the things like a reaper,
we uncover to find what is hidden behind,
throwing it around to bring it inside.

We find understanding of where it all leads,
learn the wisdom of uncovering deeds,
we find the knowledge that shows new ways,
becoming the healers that brighten the days.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 April 2018



We talk about being between the devil and the deep blue sea, on a continuous see saw of two timing...catch 22...we damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. We have the sacrifices to make to rise in our jobs, the job comes before our morals as it feeds us and the harlot which traps us on the other side also wants their share, by luring, tricking or trapping us in shame and disgrace......things we never even considered, let alone planned, it sort of crept up on us and caught us totally unaware. This happens to us all and we don't have to stay there. Once we start exposing these matters, the truth becomes apparent and we see exactly when and how we were manoeuvred into these shameful situations...taking the blame off us, as our innocence is revealed and we find our escape.... damaged - yes, embarrassed - yes, stuck -not any more....and much, much wiser, now knowing what to look out for. It is far, far more disgraceful and damaging to remain stuck when there is a way out, regardless of how hard it is.....when we can expose the whole filthy situation reclaiming our innocence and purity and the moment we take control and expose our selves, we take the power and weapons out of their hands and render them helpless.....TAKE THE LIGHT AND COME RIGHT.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 April 2018



Whenever a light goes on to show the way,
grab it tightly before the end of the day,
do not allow it out of your grip,
least you end up in a messy slip.

We are caught up in sacrifices for our jobs,
believing that this is the draw of the lots,
but we're also sucked into the game of shame,
which renders us helpless, cripple and lame.

We're too afraid we will lose our face,
when we bring to light the things of disgrace,
so we live in hiding all of our days,
silently following all the wrong ways.

But the greater shame is to wallow in mud,
while the whole world can see our life is a dud,
we're the only one who thinks we are hiding,
while all can see clearly how we are sliding.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 April 2018



Let's not confuse rights with privileges -we have a right to be treated with human respect and a privilege to acquire the skills to obtain the goods we want. ....a house is not a right, but a privilege for those who have the right to the opportunity to develop the skills required to earn the house. The governments should ensure that the economy and cost of living is and remains within the reach of the people, so they can achieve these goals. The right to be treated with respect means being free of all forms of violence, intimidation, threats, insults, etc. When there are disagreements that we cannot sort out amiably, there are courts to act as referee between the parties to avoid violence, intimidation and wickedness.....that is if we can find an honest court. However, when we deny another person the right to refuse being drawn into evil and wicked practices, we forfeit our own rights. To fall into this space is extremely bad, it is better to face death and refuse to partake in doing evil, than to do evil and have to live with the regret, self loathing, anger and rage it beings about... It is not worth it...this kind of life is not worth living .....and if you are proud of the evil you do and feel it is not wrong, maybe you should not have had life at all....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 April 2018



Many privileges are misinterpreted for rights,
making people lazy with aggressive fights,
they want and demand and become rebellious,
they don't understand responsible zealous.

They stand with hands cupped in begging,
becoming a curse on an earth that is sagging,
they refuse to put any hand to the wheel,
as they make their demands to clinch a deal.

They trample on rights and privileges alike,
lawless activities fly like a kite,
forcing all to follow in their begging steps,
falling deeper and deeper into evil nets.

No man should bow to another mans threats,
they should take them and throw them into Godly nets,
turn around and walk away from evil intent,
so we needed ever live a life of regret.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 April 2018



It is not fair or right to be forced into decisions to harm others. It is not fair or right to have to sacrifice our morals and values to achieve in life......BUT THE WORLDLY PATHS INSIST ON IT. WHY IS THIS? WHY CAN'T PEOPLE JUST SUCCEED ON MERIT? Could this be due to the greed leading to dishonesty, cheating and corruption, or maybe the secret experiments swallowing the money......a cover under which to hide by dragging everyone into it...into some form of captivity, buying their silence with disgrace and shame, or death. We speak of human rights - this applies to the victims as well. The moment we deny another human the right NOT TO BE OPPRESSED AND INTIMIDATED, WE LOSE OUR RIGHTS AS OPPRESSOR...WE HAVE FORFEITED OUR RIGHTS. We can never trample another, victimising them and forcing them into a beat or be beaten situation and then claim human rights. We have thrown that right away when we expected others to cross that line. Then there is ALSO THE GODLY PATH ON WHICH TO TRAVEL LIFE'S ROAD, RIGHT THROUGH THE MIDDLE, CRACKING THE OTHER TWO WIDE OPEN, ACQUIRING THE SKILLS AND AGILITIES WE NEED IN AN HONEST MANNER....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 April 2018



There's a worldly path and a path of divinity,
running parallel into eternity,
the worldly one is split into two,
do unto others or it will be done unto you.

We must obey or stare death in the face,
when fearing death we're sealed with disgrace,
we loose all rights as we deny it to others,
and become the captives of a life that smothers.

When playing the game of revenge and get back,
we best ensure we keep this game on track,
when entrapping the innocent, meek and mild,
to inflict our rage we become unkind.

We can however deny either path,
neither oppress or grovel while others laugh,
we choose the straight path right through the middle,
with skills and abilities play the honest fiddle.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 April 2018



On certain paths of life we find ourselves at a T - junction, we see no way out and are forced into choices we do not want to make.....this separation seems to befall us to another, otherwise it is done to you. If you don't hit your friend, we will hit you, or worse still, we will hit your little brother or sister, if you don't lead them astray we will hurt your family!!! Recognise this??? I am sure you do. You either become the domineering oppressor or the quivering victim....and there is no one to help, we are surrounded by oppressors with no way out .This is a terrible situation to land in and unless we have deep insight and a spiritual exit, we will not escape this. I escaped by placing my family under Godly protection and refusing either option, I choose Jesus Christ and the road that exposes all this intimidation and manipulation of lives.  If we become the perpetrator we go into bondage and slavery of the harm we have caused is a debt on our heads, when we become the victim we go into bondage of anger and rage at the atrocities done to us.....we all lose, we all get trapped by darkness...... When we go to Jesus Christ, we see both sides clearly and find the thin line in between, doing what is right and exposing what is wrong helping the others escape.... Very difficult choices...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 April 2018



We either select our path to travel,
learn the skills our obstacles to unravel,
or we will be selected when we float around,
to become the oppressor or be bullied to the ground.

In this terrible situation we find ourselves,
falling into dungeons and gutters where evil delves,
when we push and shove we can rise to the top,
making others a victim as we play dirty cop.

They use our loved as motivation,
to force us into this horrific situation,
when we can't make it through they do it to us,
push us and shove us and throw us under the bus.

There is an escape where we agree to neither,
turn our backs on the web of the spider,
we choose Jesus Christ and the way that is right,
throwing all their evil into the bright light.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 April 2018



There is always a pattern, a sequence of events, one thing leading to another, reactions on actions, so we must expect this and use it to grow by. There is two ways this can go - it can push us into a dark box where we become miserably lost, OR it can train us to conquer and overcome, nothing ever stands still in life, it is ever moving, ever changing and to move with it and stay on top if it, we need to understand that everything that happens to us or comes our way or that we seek out is for a purpose. I do not believe anything at all is accidental.  It has its purpose to enlighten us, enlarge our outlook and knowledge, train us, equip us, PROVIDING WE REACT AND EMBRACE EVERY EVENT, TAKE HOLD OF IT, STUDY IT, ANALYSE IT AND LEARN FROM IT ALL IT HAS TO OFFER. This is why so many fall into the rut of material stagnancy, because we say "such is life", accept all the bombs falling on our heads AND LEARN NOTHING AT ALL....SO IT REPEATS ITSELF AND STILL WE LEARN NOTHING....WHAT A WASTE OF OPPORTUNITIES.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 April 2018



Actions cause reactions back into actions,
consequences require acknowledgement for retractions,
expect it, know for sure that it will come,
to answer for our deeds is the full sum.

There are two ways this can play out,
so we better know what it's all about,
it can push us in a box where we get lost,
or it can train us to conquer and overcome the cost.

Nothing is accidental, it comes as is planned,
we need to embrace each event as it lands,
study it, analyse it, explore every angle,
the little things that crush us into a mangle.

When we simply accept what is thrown our way,
it goes round and round day after day,
we never get ahead, we never learn a thing,
we keep on going around in a ring.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 April 2018



We try to negotiate life without owing anyone any debts, especially emotional ones....but it seems like a constant battle trying to get ahead, trying to make ends meet. For certain privileges there are certain sacrifices we must make which bring about certain consequences which are not always visible, but may tie us up in knots at a later stage. It is rare that we know where it is heading at the time we decide on paths to follow and later the cost, we feel, it too high and we are in too deep to turn away now. This is where we make the fatal mistake, our greatest error, because after this we become completely entangled losing all control over our lives becoming like puppets bowing to masters to hold on to our miserable little possessions and life becomes a burden and a torment and a nightmare instead of a journey of excitement and joy. Many of these consequences hold us back - box us in and we can't move so we simply except what life throws our way and become disgruntled, unhappy, claustrophobic leading to many other problems and disputes at home....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
04 April 2018



Certain sacrifices offer certain perks,
but it's hidden is disguises by crafty works,
it leads to consequences we cannot avoid,
trapping us in nets that make us annoyed.

We never know where the paths ahead lead,
so we allow certain things our families to feed,
then come the costs in which we get lost,
it just seems too high so we hang on to our post.

That's our error as we lose control,
fall very far down a darkened hole,
becoming puppets on chains to unknown masters,
in life's terrain where there are no answers.

These privileges we obtain are rarely gain,
they lead to consequences that bring us pain,
box us in to accept what life throws,
instead of reaching out and grabbing what grows.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
04 April 2018



The reason our lives stay in one place and we are forever treading water, is simply because we are stuck in a rut. Our lives just go around in a circle, because it's purely based upon material things. House, car, job, bigger house, bigger car, better job, smaller house, smaller car .  as the economy fluctuates, but we never escape the material realm, simply because we have closed the other doors or maybe never even opened them at all. Our entire life is this work in progress and our tasks and experiences open the next doors, so unless we actually live this life we are given, no doors will open for us. A car is to get us from A - B, a house is shelter from the weather and a place to sleep....practical uses while we are discovering in how many ways we can develop and grow as beings - how much we can withdraw from within us to beautify the world around us......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
03 April 2018



We're stuck in a rut forever treading water,
never breaking out of the material quarter,
we are bound in slavery to material obsessions,
working our lives away to care for possessions.

There are so many financial burdens forcing us into labour,
day in and day out it shows us no favour,
we are so busy just trying to survive,
we completely forget to watch the sunrise.

Heart, soul and mind are poured into a vessel,
the tool we are given with which to wrestle,
we have many talents we need to develop,
learn to canter and then how to gallop.

We need to develop abilities to cope,
extend our hearts and emotions into hope,
learn to wiggle our way through tight spots,
base our lives on surety and not on lots.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
03 April 2018



Earning money for survival is but a part time job - the real reason for life is not making money, but collecting treasures. Finding the golden thread with which to weave the puzzle of life together. Our day job is just for food and shelter, our real job is uncovering the truth, finding ways through life's traps without losing any of our virtues and values while planting, tending, developing the seeds that lay dormant within us. The test of life is to see how many of our seeds we have planted have successfully grown. We arrive with a heart, soul and mind poured into a vessel called a body, for our journey. Our soul is the storeroom of all our seeds and also the portal to our divine connection, allowing us to enter in and out and get a birds eye view of events and receive the knowledge and wisdom on how to negotiate this journey, whist remaining intact and growing as many seeds as we can to fruition, to experience as many circumstances as we can for the purpose of seeing the workings of the knowledge and wisdom in action, required to succeed. Our real journey is conquering an obstacle course without being a burden on others, becoming equipped and proficient ....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 April 2018



We have a career that pays our expenses,
we have a life that builds our defenses,
the two travel together hand in hand,
as we make our way across the land.

We arrive on this earth with all we need,
to complete our journey as we plant our seed,
heart, soul and mind must remain intact,
as we conquer this life with truth and fact.

Our soul is the portal to our divine connection,
we need to keep it open to see our direction,
it's also the storeroom of all our seeds,
that we need to plant to supply our needs.

The journey of life is like an obstacle course,
we need to conquer it without using force,
becoming equipped and proficient in matters,
leaving nothing destroyed or laying in tatters.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 April 2018



The man with direction always finds a way, he is busy and stays out of idleness sway. For the unemployed life is very hard, to keep on seeking for a brand new start. Day after day you are turned away, eventually falling to idle decay. You become so tired you can't carry on, then sit on your haunches watching the sun. It's not always laziness and sloth, but total exhaustion that calls the bluff. We spend years in school learning about the past, but nothing worthwhile that makes us last. We should all be taught on self sustainability, how to make opportunities with our abilities. How to create something out of nothing so we can always find a way through any trouble. Before we judge a man on sloth, let's see what to do to improve his lot. Life is more than a job and shelter - it's a journey of discovering deeper things that matter, when we search a little deeper, we will find a way to bring new light into every day....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 April 2018



To awaken each day and seek for a honest way,
to put bread on the table and make things okay,
not knowing in which direction to walk,
who to confront and what to talk.

It's not at all an easy task,
to walk in  pretense with a facial mask,
knocking on doors with no way through,
finding the courage new ways to pursue.

We become so tired that we simply sit,
which doesn't help to lift us from the pit,
sometimes our efforts are not worth the returns,
but it keeps us from the fire that burns.

The idle man is the devils toy,
taking him upon ways that destroy,
leading others onto the paths of sin,
where none of them could ever win.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 April 2018

A BREAK.....