How can we ever make it through life with work and responsibilities and all the strife. Where's the time to learn it all. There's so much hidden that we do not know or see, so much going on and it's never free. The four leaf clover used by the four empires that are now all swallowed by the artificial human intelligence, being the computer system, have the whole world in a tunnel playing games. To get through life and still remain free we need the right connections to the family tree. We can't make excuses for what we do, but pay our dues on the paths we pursue. All games are permissible but have strings attached, we can do as we please, but must always remember deeds have consequences and those consequences will hold us bondage until we have paid. Pay our dues and the consequences release is that simple...Not all know that Jesus Christ actually paid all our dues by sacrificing His life to the darkness in exchange for our freedom and we may use His name to escape if and when we accept Him and receive His spirit to give us that privilege. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SPIRIT CONNECTION BECAUSE THE SPIRIT IS THE ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE AND LIFE.......THE ESCAPE FROM THE SLAVERY OF DEATH.....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 June 2018