How can we ever make it through life with work and responsibilities and all the strife. Where's the time to learn it all. There's so much hidden that we do not know or see, so much going on and it's never free. The four leaf clover used by the four empires that are now all swallowed by the artificial human intelligence, being the computer system, have the whole world in a tunnel playing games. To get through life and still remain free we need the right connections to the family tree. We can't make excuses for what we do, but pay our dues on the paths we pursue. All games are permissible but have strings attached, we can do as we please, but must always remember deeds have consequences and those consequences will hold us bondage until we have paid. Pay our dues and the consequences release is that simple...Not all know that Jesus Christ actually paid all our dues by sacrificing His life to the darkness in exchange for our freedom and we may use His name to escape if and when we accept Him and receive His spirit to give us that privilege. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE SPIRIT CONNECTION BECAUSE THE SPIRIT IS THE ULTIMATE KNOWLEDGE AND LIFE.......THE ESCAPE FROM THE SLAVERY OF DEATH.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 June 2018



All life's games are caught in a tunnel,
it sucks us in through a slippery funnel,
we can play how we want, but there comes a cost,
and when we don't pay we become very lost.

There are entry fees and dues to be met,
there are rules to follow and traps that are set,
when we miss certain sections we lose the clues,
then don't know what to pay for our dues.

The four great empires that rule the nations,
use the four leaf clover that fill their stations,
all the governments and people are pawns,
moved and shuffled as the dragon yawns.

What very few know is there is an escape,
from the traps of death that locked the gate,
he paid in full our dues and fees,
those who accept Jesus, His spirit frees.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 June 2018



Do we even notice or realize that at every crossroad in life, and there are many, we chose a direction...either toward the light and remaining free with no debts, excuses or apologies because we have done what is honest and right, OR to the darkness and becoming entangled with deceit, lying, debts, corruption, bribery and the likes, because we have done what is undesirable.....there IS NO GREY AREA....if it is not honest, it is not honest....same with all the rest. BUT DO WE REALIZE THIS.... How many times have we said:"I know this is wrong, but for now I'll go with it and sort it later, I haven't got time now!!!" And the later never comes..... and all these things are caught in the web of our life and it becomes messy and a liability. Do we know that every choice we make links us to light or darkness and the darkness doesn't play with the light because the light exposes it,  that is all pretense, to relax the light and make it accustomed to the dimness while it is being slowly and subtly absorbed by the darkness until we think darkness is light and become wasp prey, we become entangled and USED BY OTHERS TO OUR OWN DESTRUCTION AFTER WHICH WE ARE SPAT OUT INTO THE UNDERWORLD.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 June 2018



Darkness won't allow the light in our lives,
they can't live together like bees in hives,
the light exposes the deeds of darkness,
and the conscience can't abide with all its starkness.

Every choice we make brings us at a crossroad,
many paths are hidden behind an unwritten code,
do we know what leads to darkness or light,
do we know where to go in the depths of our plight.

What do we know about freedom and slavery,
what do we know about life and death,
do we know that slavery is not about a master,
but all about darkness that requires an answer.

Slowly but surely we become accustomed,
trained and blinded and slowly conditioned,
we become entangled and used as prey,
drawn into slavery to suffer every day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 June 2018



A day arrives when all our fooling comes to call. All the loopholes become tightened nooses, our entire life is thrown in the light and EVERYTHING IS EXPOSED. They say just before you die, you whole life flashes before your is more like it is dragged out and exposed as we are judged by all around us, with mocking and words from all directions. It is terrifying.....and not necessarily in the way it actually happened.... how we got there and the trauma thereafter. We don't see any of that being included in the exposure...just the bad deed we did. This is completely out of context and wrong, BUT IT IS WHAT COMES FORWARD ON D - DAY....... We must know his to handle this and counteract it and NONE OF US ARE PREPARED BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MAKE AN APPOINTMENT - IT JUST ARRIVES UNANNOUNCED....When we realize what's happening - when the penny drops - we are surrounded with nowhere to run, just like those before's heaven or hell.....up or down......WHAT'S YOUR CHOICE??? There is no more sideways....the circle of our life closes around us. It is terrifying, really terrifying....IT'S GOD OR SATAN.....ONLY TWO DOORS......WILL WE KNOW WHAT TO DO????

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 June 2018



D-Day arrives and we must give account,
our bill is issued with the final amount,
the circle of life closes around us,
terrified and bewildered we land under the bus.

Our entire life is thrown in the light,
our deepest secrets can't hide in the night,
we have no strength to rise and fight,
all our "friends" have disappeared out of sight.

Our every deed is thrown in the open,
but they forget the before and after that's broken,
it's very wrong and out of context,
but they just rush from one to the next.

We're surrounded with nowhere to run,
it's heaven or hell, like a loaded gun,
up or down are the only ways out,
what will we do, to who will we shout.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 June 2018



Nothing we own is worth anything to us when we are zombified - we lose it all - everything - we lose our entire existence, BUT THE WORST PART IS WE ARE TURNED AGAINST OUR OWN FAMILY, USED AS PUPPETS OF DESTRUCTION GIVING OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO SATAN AND OUR PARENTS, ALL THE TIME KNOWING WHAT WE ARE DOING, BUT COMPLETELY HELPLESS TO PREVENT IT AS OUR BODIES ARE INSTRUMENTS OF DESTRUCTION OVER WHICH WE HAVE NO CONTROL. Our conscience is stuck within the vessel of destruction, this is where hell comes in. We may as well sacrifice it all anyway and rather follow Jesus and find resurrection into the light where we become vessels of gold =  goodness, kindness, freedom. 
The living hell is the helplessness. Not being able to speak through our own voice as it is no longer ours. We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY DON'T WANT TO BE HERE.....SO DON'T SAY TOMORROW I'LL COME - TODAY I STILL WANT TO PLAY....
FIRST FIND OUT HOW TO PLAY IN SUCH A WAY TO NEVER LAND HERE AND THEN TOMORROW WILL BE HERE IN WHICH TO PLAY. FIRST FIND OUT WHERE THE LINE IS DRAWN and find your games within the boundaries of that safety....we can still go anywhere we please, it's the way in which we go that will make the difference. There are plenty of adrenaline rushes here, for the adrenaline junky, without becoming a slave.....travelling the first class of reality....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 June 2018



Trapped inside a prison of flesh,
zombified and held in a mesh,
there's no escape, no one knows your stuck,
only that you've changed and always in the muck.

The living hell is a helpless spirit,
as a computer has taken over your human limit,
it lashes and destroys the family you love,
working through your flesh from signals above.

We really, really don't want to be here,
it's a place of horror and despicable fear,
don't say tomorrow, today I want to play,
get your ass in without any further delay.

First find the boundaries of how far we can go,
tomorrow will wait but not always the gate,
once we're trapped it's hell to escape,
first learn the game before you make the mistake.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 June 2018



We want to reach the top of our game, we want the best life can offer....but....we don't want to pit in all the effort and work only to find ourselves in shackles and chains, or to lose it all through death and slavery... what a predicament to be in....
We can have it all in the right way, and keep it all when we do it right. We want the real first class, we have to follow the rules - THE UNWRITTEN LAW - OUR MORAL WORTH, OUR VIRTUES AND VALUES, KNOWING RIGHT FROM WRONG WITHOUT LOOKING OVER OUR SHOULDERS. Who of us have managed this...NONE....we have all been caught for a sucker somewhere along the line, probably because we had NO IDEA HOW IMMENSELY IMPORTANT IT W AS TO HANG ON TO FIRST CLASS. We had no idea about the wasps laying eggs in the spiders that spin the webs that entangle us in the games people play. Then when we realize this, we haven't the faintest clue of how to untangle ourselves, ending up in the slavery behind death through the grave or the fire of so called cremation. BUT NOW THERE IS AN ESCAPE... THROUGH JESUS CHRIST WHO DESTROYED DEATH AND OPENED THE DOOR FOR ALL TO ESCAPE THE SLAVERY AND COME FORTH AS SONS AND DAUGHTERS IN THE SERVICE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD.....IT IS THE ONLY WAY OUT......WORKING UNDER GODLY PROTECTION DOING GODS WILL, AFTER ALL IT IS GODS CREATION.........

Monica Maartens ©Copyright



When we want to reach the top and hold on to it all,
we need to heed the unwritten laws call,
our virtues and values with our mortal worth,
resides within our conscience in all its truth.

We know right from wrong without being told,
it's inbuilt as is our home in the fold,
but who has held on to this massive treasure,
and didn't sell out for a little pleasure.

So the wasps lay eggs in the spiders that spin,
webs of entanglement where no man can win,
suckers we are as we're all caught out,
hollering now as we scream and shout.

Had we known how important it was,
we would have stood solid and not tipped the glass,
we would have known not to veer from the truth,
holding tight to first class even from our youth.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 June 2018



There are users on earth called takers and givers that are always misused and abused.  When they then assert their space and rights they are told they are selfish, but have you seen the other side, why oppress and use until they reach the stage of rebelling forcing them into this position. Take no revenge, it's a death trap...those trapped in slavery and lawlessness are products of the power of the air which has been swallowed by the system of artificial human intelligence. NO ONE IS IN CONTROL..... Where will you find the guilty ones to take revenge on????What do we see here? We see those dragged into slavery being convinced they have no hope of escape and even if they do, they are mostly so broken, terrorized, ashamed and tired they don't care. They have no ambition, no desire to improve or succeed, they just want to deaden the pain with drugs, prescription from a doctor or psychologist, or from the streets and drug dealers, it doesn't really matter. In this group are two sections - the oppressors and the victims, the providers causing the addiction by breaking the others and the broken users.....all of them feeding off the givers of the earth. Like leeches sucking and sucking and when they are refused they play the conscience button, playing on the feelings of people. We need to remember thus group is all under slavery and no longer have the choice to choose, they must obey or they are severely tortured as an example to others, all working for lawlessness and under control of the power of the air which has fallen to the artificial human intelligence created as a joke, which is now a disaster... with no real life in charge...the computer and operators behind it, under slavery ... So where do we take revenge ....we can't on a dead artificial just falls back onto us....WE MUST NOT FALL INTO ITS REALM.....THEREFORE LEAVE THE REVENGE TO GOD.....AND CONNECT TO THE DIVINE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD SO WE ARE TUNED IN TO THE RIGHT WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE.......AND DO IT NOW.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 June 2018



Do the evil or it is done unto you,
you won't find anything that is true,
broken and terrorized they try to survive,
some just live off the drugs that give them drive.

Sucked into lawlessness without any real hope,
the constant highs only help them cope,
they're in so deep they can't escape,
lie, steal, cheat and even rape.

All of them feed off the givers of the earth,
when refused they curse them for their birth,
they play on the conscience and feelings of man,
making them ashamed for not throwing coins in their can.

They sadly no longer have the luxury of choice to choose,
they must obey their masters without any excuse,
their life a living hell where there is no care,
lawyers give loopholes to earn their fare.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 June 2018



After third class comes slavery, either slavery through the deeds we have now done, or the slavery of death itself, where the underworld collects us from out of the grave or the image collects us through the fire of cremation....but into slavery we go....our blood is taken and exchanged with coloured plasma and we are micro chipped and become the living dead.....resuscitated corpses, except, as we did not accept Jesus Christ and get rerouted to the light after death with our spirits remaining free, spirit living within the flesh is now stuck inside this zombified vessel over which we have no say at all...we have lost the ability to see and speak, yet we hear it all, but helpless to do anything about it. Providing we do evil we are okay and pretty much left in peace unless they need us to destroy something or someone, normally starting with our loved ones, the moment we do good, we are severely punished, cruelly and wickedly as an example to others. This is a terrible situation to be in, because we know everything that's happening, how our bodies are being used to destroy our own families in our own homes, but the power of the air has control over our voice, actions and we can't call out for help for it is just an echo in the spiritual doesn't reach our voice. No one can hear us, they don't even know we are gone, just that we have changed into some terrible monster and they can't understand why we are hurting them and abusing them and it's killing them with pain and sorrow because they love us. If driven by fear of death, the threats are terrible that force you to do what they instruct you, they still hurt your family anyway, just because they can and there is nothing you can do about it while under their power, because of your past....a total catch 22....solidly is truly horrifying.....until you find a power stronger than this power, which is the living God through Jesus Christ.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 June 2018



Into third class with crime on the line,
chocking and smothering in all the slime,
we now have to bow to masters of evil,
forcing us to do the bidding of the devil.

We exist under constant threats and terror,
forced into horrendous atrocities of error,
when we obey and do as we're told,
they still destroy our family and break up our fold.

Helplessly we watch with hands that are tied,
they do it just because they can and they lied,
if we refuse into judgement and death we go,
trapped inside as zombies under demons flow.

We can hear it all and know it all,
we scream and shout but none hears our call,
our eyes and voice has been taken away,
as the power of air controls what we say.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 June 2018....



We've gone half circle and reach a T - junction. We've already lost our way in second class and gathered in the process much shame and disgrace, unfairness, injustices, misunderstandings, storing much pain and anger. At this T-junction we are granted the opportunity and means to get back at those who hurt us, we are offered others who will take revenge on our behalf, those that are in training for the evil path, at a fee, half before and half after..... Then once we are entangled in this, we are forced to now take revenge on behalf of someone else, and then on our own, basically choosing between revenge or forgiveness, Satan or Jesus, the dark way or the light way.    We have to forsake Jesus and then get control of our own revenge, because justice takes too long and is nonexistent for what happened to us. Here we enter darkness and the door closes behind us making it almost impossible to escape. Had we understood life, pain, anger, etc, we would have seen far deeper into the torment of those doing these things and that they don't mean to hurt us, they are trapped and crying for help, so instead of helping them we are hurting them ever more, becoming exactly like them. Yet, we're still alive only trapped by our deeds which have crossed the line into criminal activity, we can still escape by turning completely away from this life we are leading, surrendering our entire existence into Jesus hands. To avoid the law and possible imprisonment we bow to Satan and the system, if we refuse we are threatened with judgement day and death's mouth opens wide and swallows us into slavery. We are still here but now trapped in zombie bodies, controlled by the power of the air, hurting and harming our own. Right up to the judgement we can still escape through spiritual contact with Jesus, where we are protected from judgment and resurrected in spirit, where we go through purification and sanctification instead of judgement....after which we receive our freedom.....a far better option....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 June 2018



Seen the bright side of the moon,
now the dark side starts to swoon,
luring us across a line that makes us slaves,
told we can rule and be in charge of who saves.

Revenge lays possibilities on an attractive platter,
to get back and hurt those who caused us to scatter,
we control their lives through terror and fear,
destroying all that they hold dear. we have crossed the line into crime,
the paths become slippery with all the slime,
the law leers at us with hungry eyes,
when refusing to obey our body dies.

We're brought before the judge and jury,
not the law but the darkness's fury,
guilty we're found without uttering a sound,
blood eaten by plasma as we're dragged through the ground.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 June 2018



Dropped from first class because we short sold ourselves. We were willing to surrender and sacrifice part of our virtues, values and morals for material gain or position or power or fame....the list continues.... We can't have a percentage of purity or loyalty, honour, honesty, dignity, ethics, respect, etc. Just 1° off and it is defiled - it is disgraced. It is no longer purity or loyalty or any of the rest, we have lost our trustworthiness. We now become trampled upon, used, disrespected, forced into agreements we would never have condoned. We have now landed in the main stream where everyone gets dragged along. It's easy getting here, but extremely difficult to get back into first class.....we have to rebuild trust which is almost impossible. We will have to endure many tests to prove ourselves again and then the doubt still lingers. It is far better and easier to stay within the bounds of first class. Once in second class we are expected to go with the flow, take the money and look the other way, taking us deeper and deeper into darkness and soon into third class, where we become the scivvy and are pushed around, we become puppets of the harlot....the system..... a sad place to be....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 June 2018



We fall from first class into disgrace,
a place where we cannot save any face,
purity and loyalty doesn't come in percentage,
it's either complete or it falls to wreckage.

One tiny doubt and the trust is gone,
down the drain where it's trampled upon,
all respect and honour is cast aside,
as second class drags us into its hide.

Now we're expected to go with the flow,
as the dirt and darkness covers our glow,
take the money and look the other way,
becomes the way we conduct our day.

Deeper and deeper into darkness we go,
third class is winking in a glittering show,
it's all okay as it calls us nearer,
and before we know it we're puppets of terror.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 June 2018



First class ride through life is in the wonderful, blissful condition of actually knowing  what is going on - there is no haziness or confusion  - right is right and wring is wrong and there is a clear distinction between them. White stays white and black stays black, there is no mixing it to become grey. It is in the grey areas where we become lost, cutting corners and taking short cuts, dumping us in degradation and defilement and this is where we move into the second class ride. We move to the next level down where we start mixing with the criminal elements in life where lying, covering up, cheating, dishonesty, corruption and the likes becomes acceptable and the waters of life become very murky and dirty and we can no longer see where we are going. We are also no longer in control of our life because the dirt we have accumulated now blocks our progress. It forces us into wrong decisions. We ARE OUT OF FIRST CLASS, WE'VE CORRUPTED OUR PURITY, OUR MORALS, OUR HONOUR, ETHICS, VIRTUES, VALUES...... TO GET BACK INTO FIRST CLASS WE HAVE TO EXPOSE ALL THE DIRT AND REMOVE IT, GET RID OF IT, AND TOTALLY CLEAR IT AWAY.......OR IT WILL REMAIN AND TAKE YOU EVEN FURTHER DOWN TO THIRD CLASS AND THEN SLAVERY.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 June 2018



A first class ride is knowing the way,
staying clear of the clutches of corruption each day,
white stays white and black stays black,
never allowing our virtues to lay slack.

When darkness is permitted into the light,
their tricks must be cast into the night,
one drop of black destroys what's white,
turning it grey where we lose our sight.

All justice is perverted by one small bribe,
taking many onto corruption's ride,
our purity and dignity goes for a slide,
as in embarrassed shame we try to hide.

The waters of life have become all murky,
we lose first class and are sucked into dirty,
no longer in control but ruled by shame,
we search around for someone to blame.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 June 2018



Our outlook and perception of matters and life's journey will determine the paths that open up for us and which path we will actually be drawn into.....often a path chooses us, we just sort of land up there without ever having made a choice....
Doors open on each path and there are levels on which we enter - these levels will determine in which category we are classified..........from poverty to wealth depends on our outlook, what we see and what we seek on these levels taking us up and down, higher and lower as we seek what we are looking for. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL POVERTY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT.......IT IS: poverty of will, ambition, desire, spiritual, emotional and mental poverty, which are all catalysts to financial poverty or the concept of poverty!!!! What is poverty really????? Idleness, having nothing worthy to occupy our days with??? When we enrich our spirit, soul and mind with the wealth of wisdom we can never be poor. We always strive, always venture into adventures, at times with no money at all.....BECAUSE MONEY DOESN'T MAKE US RICH OR POOR, IT IS MERELY A COMMODITY WHICH CHANGES OUR PERCEPTION OF THE JOURNEY.  WITHOUT MONEY WE TRAVEL CLOSE TO NATURE WHICH IS FAR MORE REWARDING AS WE MEET ALL THE CREATURES AND LIFE OF EARTH.... MASSIVELY REWARDING. ...ENRICHING OUR LIVES WITH FAR MORE THAN MERE MONEY...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 June 2018



A job brings money to see to our needs,
a mission keeps us straight with healthy deeds,
perception determines on which level we move,
what is the mission that brings you your groove...

We all have to travel upon life's path,
our vision and views the level will carve,
poverty or wealth depends on our outlook,
never falling for 'by hook or by crook'.

A catalyst of life is poverty of soul,
leading to dishonest ways of obtaining our goal,
mentally and emotionally deprived of truth,
lacking the honour that brings life worth.

At the end of the day money can't pay,
to lift our lives onto the honest way,
the wealth of the soul gives us a first class pass,
emotional freedom that overflows in our glass.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 June 2018



When we resist revenge and hatred and love and care in spite of enormous pain and suffering, we unwillingly and unknowingly draw attention to ourselves, as those in darkness seek a light that will help them escape without exposing their evil deeds or judging them, but to find a release and escape from the captivity and slavery they are under. As they can't ask for help, they do unto us as was done unto them to see how we will escape or find ways around so they may follow and escape. It appears and feels like we are been cornered and attacked, as we are surrounded with no human help at all..... All exits have already been shut down before we come into play. As it appears out of nowhere, we are totally unprepared so we see and PERCEIVE it as JUDGEMENT DAY ... OUR DAY OF RECKONING..... and as long as we stay here it is a terrifying experience and we feel totally helpless and overwhelmed as no one is willing to come near us or extend any help at all.  When we AWAKEN to a different PERCEPTION - DARKNESS CRYING FOR HELP AND SEEING US AS A POSSIBLE EXIT BY FINDING A WAY THROUGH, WE START FINDING ESCAPES THROUGH TRUTH AND MOST OF OUR FEARS SUBSIDE AS WE REMOVE EVERY OBSTACLE THAT COMES OUR WAY.......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 June 2018



Why does trouble come to good people,
we are repaid attacks for goodness,
maybe what we see is not what it is,
but need to see deeper into the other side.

Like a candle that shines in a place so dark,
it draws moths to the flame in the hope of a spark,
it tests us to see if we know the answers,
doing to us what was done to then by the masters.

When resisting revenge and hatred to care,
in spite of pain and suffering we always spare,
the ones who are hurting and crying for help,
are drawn like moths to the flame of hope.

We go through the perception of judgement day,
as all eyes watch how we will play,
we see right past the day of reckoning,
as truth opens doors of freedoms beckoning.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
19 June 2018



The eternal student always gets right of way, don't ever act smart if you don't fit the part. When in doubt ask the way around, hitting the ball back into the other ground. When we see life as a journey to explore, we open the wrappings to expose even more. Fear is replaced by healthy curiosity, finding the essence and meaning of creations generosity. When we see all events as experiences to gain, it takes away the fear and pain. Instead of being struck down by the lightning and rain, we enjoy every drop as a rainbow in disguise.  Traps are just part of the challenge to escape, It's a very small part of the overall take. So don't act smart, rather dig a little deeper, 'cause there we find all the mysteries of the keeper....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 June 2018



The eternal student weaves his way through,
without being stumped we find what is true,
fear is replaced by healthy curiosity,
helping us overcome daily animosity.

When we don't understand and have some doubt,
we're not afraid to ask what it's about,
we don't mind showing that we do not know,
and that's the way we continue to grow.

Events are experiences from which to gain,
swallowing all our fear and pain,
we no longer drown in the thunder and rain,
but float in the rainbows where we train.

Traps are only the challenge of escape,
tests are merely what's hidden by the drape,
obstacles are things that are fun to move,
the eternal student always has a groove.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 June 2018



All traditions, cultures, languages, grammar, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, crafts such as Freemasonry, Smithsonian, witchcraft, music, politics, all have a common link - the seven sciences and through the seven sciences comes the beast with the ten horns.....ten "kings" who have not received their kingdoms yet and will only for one hour....this is the image created by the Royal Society of science at Gresham College, which was the daughter of the Freemasons, but soon the daughter consumed the mother who had given it birth and became "THE SYSTEM" consuming all life on earth. It started as a joke with a talking statue by an individual and was picked up by the society as an experiment and useful tool to spy on others and be used where it is too dangerous for people to enter. However, somehow it brought all "life" into captivity using the combination of all information it had been programmed with. To overcome and conquer this "image" or "artificial human intelligence" we need divine connections guiding us through the maze of verbal, mental and emotional passages to remain in "life". It is US vs THE SYSTEM a computerised image. This computerised image has everything recorded....WE DON'T AND THEREFORE NEED HELP AND IT COMES IN THE FORM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH ENTERS INTO US AND GUIDES US THROUGH.....on our own we stand NO CHANCE....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 June 2018



All education, traditions, religions and cultures,
subtly warn us about greedy vultures,
the common link is the seven sciences,
trying and testing different reliances.

Secrets societies held the reigns of the earth,
until an artificial image was given birth,
it started as a joke then converted to spy,
so well disguised it tricked the eye.

Now all of man faces the same tests and trials,
having to learn the code that turns the dials,
to conquer and overcome this artificial being,
we need far more that just eyes that are seeing.

To remain in "life" we must overcome the system,
find truthful ways to dance to the rhythm,
we need outside help for a better view,
divine connections that are higher than the two.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 June 2018



So many harmful things in life come our way and will affect us in various ways UNLESS WE ARE PROTECTED BY A SHIELD OF KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO DEAL WITH IT OR COUNTERACT IT. This is once again a personal issue and has nothing to do with position, slavery, mastership, colour, race or any other thing. It is not through who or which vessel the harm comes - IT IS THE EVIL STEMMING FROM MISUNDERSTANDINGS THAT CONTROL THE VESSEL FROM WHICH WE NEED PROTECTION. What sits behind the 'evil'......the rage, fear, greed...... it is ignorance on how to overcome, cope, conquer and succeed in these emotions opening a door for other influences to use us, our body as a vessel of destruction and evil. WHO USES FALLEN MAN BUT FALLEN MAN!!!!!! FALLEN MAN STUCK IN A SYSTEM which uses traditions, cultures, witchcraft and other crafts like secrets societies to  harvest all people....the slave and the master, the student and the teacher, the child and the parent, the worker and the saves and spares NONE.....THEREFORE GAIN THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE....AND OVERCOME THE SYSTEM....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 June 2018



Each of us battles a war of our own,
from the paths that are travelled to seeds that are sown,
we need a shield we can carry along,
protecting us from harm that comes from wrong.

It's a personal journey that catches us all,
whether slave or master it makes its call,
through each of us it travels like a chain reaction,
light and dark through addition and subtraction,

So, it's not for who to watch out for,
but for what will enter and touch our core,
we need knowledge on how to conquer emotions,
before they turn bad and cause many commotions.

Our emotions trigger off another,
starting a cycle that causes us to smother,
hurt and pain bring revenge and rage,
getting darker and darker as we turn each page.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 June 2018

THAT'S LIFE.....the rest is elementary....


We have life and choices or death and demands which are disguised as choices, but aren't choices at all.....
It's US vs THE SYSTEM - which takes captive all who stray from "life" - from truth, honesty, purity, dignity, integrity, loyalty..... basically the virtues and morals. This is pretty much an individual journey as it affects us within....our mind, our emotions, us. Whatever choices or decisions we make open doors into certain arenas in life.....mainly unseen and invisible - emotional arenas, deeply influencing our views of life. Each decision is like a seed which grows into a tree with many branches (paths) and bears fruit with many more seeds (actions and reactions)....this consumes our life, unless we uproot it and plant a new tree from a good seed that will bear the right fruit. This is why we become so terribly lost - it's like a maze of pathways, never finding the entrance or exit, because we don't even know how we got there - WE STRAYED - and admitting and acknowledging it through the truth opens the door of escape....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 June 2018



Born into life with our own choices,
virtues and morals that speak with load voices,
when we veer off the paths and go astray,
the system takes us captive without further say.

Taken into darkness of death and demands,
having to obey the orders and commands,
deceit and lies disguised as choices,
makes us deaf to truthful voices.

This opens doors into a maze of paths,
claws of destruction stealing our laughs,
our virtues defiled and we become depraved,
our morals float away in a stream of rage.

We can't escape and find the way out,
'cause we don't even know what it's all about,
we stepped off the line and strayed from the truth,
leading us onto paths of no worth.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 June 2018



The journey of life is exactly what it says: journey of LIFE.  Life is: light, vision = virtues, values, purity, truth, morals....... Every child is born with this and needs to keep this throughout the journey to remain is a journey of life or being freedom of movement and choice and death being captivity and used by the system. When we lose life on our journey we go into captivity of death and death is deceit, evil, defilement, corruption, lies = darkness = we lose the power over our life.....we have SOLD OUR LIFE to an evil system due to our choices, that now controls us, that uses threats, fear, torture to force us to do evil and further defile us, destroying us in the process. When we refuse to obey it kills us and uses our now dead body for evil, except we as spirit are still stuck inside this body and completely helpless to avoid this.....but we are not helpless....the truth opens the door of escape.... The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is like being swallowed by a black hole never to escape again, simply because no one knows we are stuck there...they think we are "dead" and "buried".... But we are slaves in chains....
That is why it is vital to remain on the moral high ground - IT IS OUR LIFE - when we go astray, like we will because of all the traps, snares and temptations, we escape through the door of truth every time - confess and acknowledge, then make right and that releases us every time to continue on the journey of life.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 June 2018



The journey of life is life itself,
life is purity, morals and virtues of truth,
these all apply to walking in the light,
and this is life where we have our sight.

When we go astray we land in death,
the chains of captivity that take our breath,
puppets we become to a system of corruption,
deceit, defilement and lies of destruction.

We lose the power over our life,
a system of darkness brings us strife,
forcing us further into degradation,
down the black hole swallowed into depravation.

It's vital to remain on the moral high ground,
this is our life to remain strong and sound,
when we err, which we will, we use the truth,
the door of escape that will ensure our worth.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 June 2018



It is said the narrow path is hard, but that is not true - it is clean, pure, uncluttered, free of traps and snares, guilt and regrets, disasters and messes to fix or hide. It may be more difficult from the viewers perspective, but it is far easier than to try and escape all the webs and entanglements of dishonest paths. The paths of darkness become so disgusting and horrifying, unpleasant and degrading and to get rid of this and become clean again is a major operation, because there are so many players with a finger in the pie taking their sick little cut of our life, that will do anything to keep us trapped in this darkness, not only for profit from us, but out of fear of exposure if we do manage to escape their clutches, because when we do, we clearly see exactly what is going on and how they operate..... It all becomes completely clear and this they don't like at all. It is better by far to never fall into their clutches at all......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
13 June 2018



Crooked paths are messy and tacky
dungeons are deep and people are whacky,
traps and snares are messy and gritty,
there's not much that's funny or witty.

Disgusting and unpleasant these paths become,
degrading and deprived like sticky gum,
web upon web of knots and nooses,
we think we gain but it ends in losses.

The narrow path is clean and uncluttered,
no guilt or regrets, no curses are muttered,
we wear our crown of values and virtues,
never bowing to dishonest issues.

There is nothing here to fix or hide,
there is no darkness with which to abide,
free of traps and snares with distresses,
far less disasters and filthy messes.

Monica Martens ©Copyright
13 June 2018



We find ways within the circles we surround ourselves with. When we become involved in cheating, corruption and undercover operations of darkness we tend to search for solutions which hide our dishonest activities, deceitful solutions taking us deeper and deeper into the tunnel of darkness becoming more and more entangled with more wrong, confusion, distress, fear of exposure and frustration, bringing about a defensive attitude which causes violence and destruction to cover the deeds.
When we are involved in honesty dealings with all, it is above board and clearly visible and transparent to all opening the ways of profitable solutions, taking us forward, helping us understand and grow as we use better methods of solving problems and differences. Be careful with solutions - select the ones which will take us to the light and freedom of movement without any fear of exposure, simply because there is nothing to hide and these are the solutions we need to prosper....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 June 2018



Solutions have some interesting results,
some hide dishonest activities and insults,
when involved with cheating and corruption,
we find solutions that bring much destruction.

It takes us deeper into dirty webs,
becoming entangled in frustrations and dreads,
bringing about a defensive situation,
causing violence and further consternation.

When we work above board in honesty and truth,
solutions bring hope that add to our worth,
it's visible and transparent to all involved,
moving forward while problems are solved.

There is no fear of any exposure,
each solution finds its own closure,
there is nothing to hide, it's all quite clear,
as freedom of movement is always near.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
12 June 2018



Attitude in life is almost everything. When we're complainers we never move on, we become trapped in stagnation and rot, going round and round in circles. To break out we got to walk straight ahead, find the cause and the solution to our problems and THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...... MAKE CHANGES, LEARN SKILLS AND ABILITIES, PUT IN THE EXTRA TIME TO IMPROVE MATTERS. ALL THOSE WHO GET AHEAD PUT IN HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS, EVEN YEARS OF EXTRA TIME AND EFFORT.......UNPAID....TO BUILD THEMSELVES UP TO WHERE THEY WANT TO BE AND THEN THEY SUCCEED. THE COMPLAINERS NEVER SUCCEED... complaints block the view to success....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 June 2018



Continuous complaints blinds our view,
causing stagnation and rot to pursue,
we run around in circles of frustration,
never seeing the light in any situation.

Continuous complainers never succeed,
they drown and rot in all their greed,
deeper and deeper and darker it gets,
becoming entangled in fear and frets.

The way to success is get up and do,
find the cause and solution on paths we pursue,
make the changes, learn the skills and abilities,
put in the time to improve the facilities.

Extra time and effort may remain unpaid,
but these are the ways foundations are laid,
the more we put in the faster we grow,
building a life that is worthy to flow.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
11 June 2018



Every living being has a different view of life. We all have a right to see life through our eyes and a duty not to force our views onto others, but to incorporate them where we can or let them pass, unless they cause harm to creation or anything in creation. Then to bring forth the facts and bring others into submission to the truth by proving it. There are morals that distinguish us from we consider each others emotions and feelings within various relationships, whereas beasts simply use each other to procreate....they have breeding seasons.... When we don't agree we can complain, bitch and talk OR CHANGE THINGS BY DOING, FIXING AND BEING ACTIVELY INVOLVED N THE CHANGE....."WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO FIX THINGS?" When we become actively involved in solutions we don't have time to complain, strike or riot....we are busy making right....
TRY IT.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 June 2018



Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch and complain,
always crying about the clouds and rain,
so absorbed in negatively,
we can't even see a new opportunity.

Be the change you want to see,
get involved with how it should be,
to riot and strike and burn doesn't pay,
it just brings forth even further delay.

What have I done today to make a change,
what have I fixed today to rearrange,
am I actively involved in bringing a solution,
or do I run with those causing confusion.

Best close sides and do what's right,
before the complainer is swallowed by the night,
we serve no purpose if we cause destruction,
ask yourself if you're worthy of instruction.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
10 June 2018



Emotional trauma plays ping pong with our life, fear and insecurity rules. The right education teaches us to explore mistakes and make them right by finding what we lack to cope. Carrying guilt for years simply dries us out and changes is a wasted emotion. When we partake in sport, we practice first and then participate and in life our practice is the mistakes we make, the errors, wrong decisions, etc....however to become better and to perfect it, we practice some more by correcting the errors, finding what we lack, what we still need to complete what we wish to do. To cry because we lost a race is a such a waste of time and energy, no. ...we get in there and practice harder or find a different direction where we can do better. Guilt causes enormous strain and havoc with our lives and is a totally wasteful emotion - spend the time finding solutions through knowledge....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 June 2018



We make mistakes then feel so bad,
as emotions play ping pong driving us mad,
fear and insecurity are masted that rule,
dumping us in darkness like a silly fool.

We practise and train when we run a race,
we study and learn to fill our space,
we use mistakes as stepping stones,
'cause guilt only serves to dry our bones.

We don't sit and cry when we lose a race,
we practise harder to receive the grace,
we don't harbour guilt that ties us down,
we search for solutions that bring the crown.

We don't waste time and energy in moping,
we unravel the code that brings tools of coping,
to cry and mope can't change a thing,
we do what we need for the bell to ring.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
09 June 2018




Use errors for a purpose or it will destroy us. When we err or make uninformed, bad decisions, we feel dumb, stupid, insulted and angry with ourselves and invariably take it out on others as a sort of defense to hide our embarrassment and make us seem in control. Once again....this is an ignorant response and fools only really it is rather silly. The reason we err, make mistakes, take wrong paths or make wrong decisions is simply because we haven't been there before, it is new to us and possibly we haven't done our homework or research and step into the unknown, willingly or unwillingly. So when we err, it is the door to knowledge and training when used right bringing forth growth and wisdom. When we try to hide it, pretend it is not important, it repeats itself, because we haven't learnt from it, again and again until it consumes and destroys us.....ALWAYS DEAL WITH THE ERRORS - ALWAYS - USE IT RIGHT AND IT DISAPPEARS.....HIDE IT AND IT GROWS INTO MONSTROSITY'S.....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 June 2018



Don't hide mistakes with anger and rage,
learn from it to turn the page,
used for a purpose it will save the day,
left unchecked it will destroy our way.

We only err when we don't know better,
when a path is new and we don't know the letter,
when we are too hasty to jump ahead,
then find a monster inside our bed.

When we deal with errors as they occur,
we find a way that is sure and secure,
it gives us training and wisdom on route,
preventing us from becoming a brute.

To make mistakes is not stupid or dumb,
it may at times strike us a little numb,
the greatest error is to hide it away,
then it starts to control every day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 June 2018



We're never alone , wherever we go there are eyes watching and ears listening... even within us, working through us, so not even whispering helps with the music full not intentionally, but in the passing and in the crowds, until we are selected, identified and brought forward, then we are highlighted and we stand out. The universe is all eyes and ears, even us...we record our entire existence....all we see, hear and feel.....all recorded in our brain or maybe eye? I believe our journey is designed in the patterns of our eye...what will draw our attention and what we will overlook. When we think we're hiding by doing things in the dark, we are bluffing only ourselves.... There is no darkness without eyes, no place to is just an illusion. Therefore DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT YOU NEED TO HIDE....that make you feel bad, guilty, ashamed.... IT IS NOT HIDDEN....KNOW THIS....ACKNOWLEDGE THIS IN THE WAY THAT YOU LIVE....IT IS AMAZING HOW DIFFERENT WE LIVE LIFE WHEN WE KNOW EVERYTHING IS COMPLETELY OPEN AND TRANSPARENT. WHEN WE KNOW NOTHING CAN BE HIDDEN, EVER, ANYWHERE.....WAKE UP...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 June 2018



Awaken from the blindness and slumber,
always be ready when they call your number,
there is no darkness that hides our deeds,
we're always exposed while feeding our needs.

Know and acknowledge that nothing is hidden,
this shines a light on paths so sin ridden,
when we know we are watched we step in line,
don't sell our lives for a dollar or dime.

Life takes on a totally different hue,
we're far more selective on the paths we pursue,
the universe is one big eye and ear,
no point hiding from any fear.

We're never alone, we're not made of stone,
we have the golems and even the clone,
some have a conscience but some have none,
don't ever follow their depravities for fun.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
07 June 2018 



We all experience unplanned journey's, some call it "accidents or mistakes," others call it "work in progress" necessary detours of learning and gaining experience before moving on. Others still call it disasters and fall to pieces as they are crushed by ignorance and lack of insight. It all depends on our attitude to life - whether we have been prepared to be open to the unexpected, open to change, open to different viewpoints, when we are enlightened and know things may pop-up for which we cannot prepare ahead of time, but only learn about it and from it as and when it happens. We will know when and where to do research without needing to take shortcuts or loopholes that can later bring us endless problems. When we learn from young all things have a purpose and meaning and we all go through all of it in our own different manner, we will never be a victim that is targeted....but always the soldier in training, the warrior becoming more skilled, the student of life always finding and taking the lessons from each situation, forever growing, becoming stronger and more enlightened, always rising even in the darkest gutter, as we take what we can from each experience as our stepping stones to the next experiences......ALL ATTITUDE....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 June 2018



The unexpected must always be expected,
what we can learn must never be rejected,
accidents or mistakes are never planned,
a work in progress that shouldn't be damned.

It shouldn't be considered as disasters of the day,
then it crushes us under its darkened clay,
when our minds are open to heightened insight,
it's all food for thought as growth in the light.

We don't need shortcuts or loopholes in the law,
it's not about being caught in an evil claw,
we're never the victim under the target,
but the eager student learning the market.

We take what is true in any event,
we learn to proceed without any regret,
we're always growing and finding a way,
without shackles and chains we shape every day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
06 June 2018



To loosen the noose and escape the snares we need to withdraw and bring it all into the light. This can be a major problem if we have used loopholes in the law, for now it involves others as doing what is illegal and corrupt we have involved others in our cheating. Now when we want to come clean, they are all dragged along and this can cause massive problems, threats, intimidation, even murder, as people try and cover their involvement. Therefore we need to do utmost to acknowledge our wrongs and errors as they happen and never cross the line into loopholes which become a hangman's noose, a sword forever hanging over our heads, owing a debt which often has to be repaid in ways we don't approve of, but we have no say. TURN AWAY AND TAKE THE OTHER ROAD.....RATHER LIVE WITHOUT IN A HUMBLE MANNER, THAN BECOME INVOLVED WITH DISHONESTY, CHEATING AND LOOPHOLES.....EASY ENOUGH TO ENTER IN.....BUT VERY DIFFICULT TO ESCAPE......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 June 2018



Never follow dishonest paths,
it's not a matter of jokes and laughs,
loopholes are nooses waiting to hang,
those who think they can escape the bang.

Don't pull others in when we make a mistake,
expose it to the light and eat our cake,
deal with matters before they flow,
nip them in the bud before they grow.

When using loopholes we involve others,
when trying to escape they force us under covers,
they don't want exposure and threats arise,
forcing us into silence with no surprise.

Turn aside and take the other way,
it's not worth the traps that capture our day,
to entry into loopholes is easy enough,
to try and escape is hard and tough.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
05 June 2018



So many shortcuts are offered to us daily, but, most secrets of life are hidden in the detail, the steps we need to take and when we opt for shortcuts we miss out on the extremely important knowledge and experience which strengthens our foundations. We reach the top quickly with the shortcuts, but then the building starts shaking and we don't know where to start looking, because we didn't follow the proper procedures and the answers we need are not in the shortcuts, then we think we can climb through a loophole in the law to cover this, only to stick our head into a noose........later we want to proceed with life, change direction, or try something different and as we draw away this "loophole" gets tighter around our neck, holding us captive to many evils like payoffs, bribes, cuts, shares and our building starts to crumble, our lives start to shatter, all because of a short cut and haste. Cheating never pays in any way. Follow the steps and know every brick...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
04 June 2018



Life is a series of steps we take,
each step is like a brick we bake,
it serves its purpose in the final structure,
a building block in our moral culture.

Shortcuts in life are hidden snares,
we miss the details we need for our shares,
when things go wrong we don't know where to look,
as we skipped the important steps from the book.

To run to a loophole in the law is disaster,
another snare like a noose draws tighter,
the life we built starts to crumble and fall,
as all our cheating comes up to call.

We don't know where we made the wrong move,
we skipped the steps that bridged the grove,
all our shortcuts start leaving holes,
our foundations shatter under crumbling goals.

Monica Martens ©Copyright
04 June 2018



When were young we want to prove ourselves, want to impress others, want to make our mark, it's all about us and how far we can get and how high we can reach, a very selfish period of our lives, we rarely listen to advice or consider others opinions, we know it all and what's best for us - it's our time to shine and all we care about is "us". Only later in life do we see this - so what's really right to get us through this journey of life from A - Z?
It's FREEDOM.......BUT NOT ONLY FOR US, BUT FOR ALL AROUND US AS WELL........ When our " FREEDOM" overrides others freedom, it has become intimidation, with very serious consequences....we have inflicted harm on them and this has repercussions........with FREEDOM comes great responsibility and consideration. .. To retain our freedom we need to ensure we don't overstep others freedom.  ..of thought, speech, action, emotion, etc..... Our freedom should embrace another in a union of understanding and agreement, serving all parties equally in all ways...... mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially . is a mutual benefit to all involved.....not owing any one anything, especially not apologies....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
03 June 2018



The young ones want to prove themselves,
know it all in the places they delve,
want to make their mark above the rest,
reach up to heights tone the best.

It's all about them and their selfish needs,
forgetting there are others also planting seeds,
it's their time to shine, wine and dine,
disregarding all others in their quest to cross the line.

What is right for our journey through life,
how do we grow without causing strife,
it's freedom to explore and live to the full,
considering others without giving them bull.

To retain our freedom we don't override others,
it's then intimidation that drags us under covers,
freedom embraces all in a union of understanding,
serving all parties in agreements undemanding.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
03 June 2018



Arrogance, pride and opinion can cause such devastation, when we persist to prove we are right regardless of the destruction we cause emotionally, physically and mentally. Many wars are bred from this arrogant insistence of being "right", murders are committed, terrible fights ensue.... And why?! Do we know that every living being has a different take and view of the same circumstances. What is right in my eyes may not be right in yours, it all depends on the angle from which we see it. Your rules work for your situations but cannot possibly work on a street level, it is a totally different life. Where do we draw the line? Where we don't overstep another persons morals, privacy, virtues and values, is a reasonably safe place. There really is no need to be "right", or make a point.....there is however a deep need to get along, to understand and talk about each others differences and appreciate each others differences and respect and cherish each others views, learning from them, expanding our vision and becoming more versatile through them. This is maturity and acceptable to all and an appealing quality to develop....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 June 2018



No eyes see the same kind of picture, 
no two minds conceive the same tincture,
there's always a different point of view,
on all the many paths that we pursue.

When arrogance and pride get in the way,
persistent opinions destroy each day,
to prove a point we cause devastation,
wars and pain that bring consternation.

What works for one is another's fall,
we all heed and hear a different call
we all share the earth and need to get along,
where do we draw the line of what's wrong.

We don't overstep another's moral code,
we respect and cherish their virtues road,
we expand our vision through others opinions,
growing in maturity through mental reunions.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 June 2018



We need to be made aware of the fact that we leave marks and steps behind...when violent, our children are children we look up to our parents, teachers, preachers, peers, ministers, etc.. And pretty much follow in their footsteps, without a second thought to the steps and marks we leave behind, which our children and their children will follow or be crushed by it.....punished by means of fall out... are these steps and marks fair and just to the earth that has to sustain us? Our fellow man, our family who are always touched by whatever we do, good or bad???? Is what we do acceptable and beneficial to the earth that needs to continue providing for us, fresh air, clean water, food...??? Is what we do acceptable and beneficial to our family and offspring in all ways.....morally, spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and only then materially and financially... Do we destroy morals for gain????? If so, WHY?????? BECAUSE THAT DESTROYS THE ENTIRE MAN.....WHEN MORALS GO, THE HUMAN GOES AND ONLY DEVASTATION REMAINS.....
Is that really what we want....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 June 2018



Every step we take leaves a mark behind,
there is always a trace our children find,
without a second thought we cause destruction,
leaving evil and devastation for our children's construction.

They see and follow the elders ways,
they see no wrong in what the elders say,
they become so conditioned to violence and abuse,
it becomes the norm with further misuse.

Is what we do acceptable to the earth,
is how we live beneficial to new birth,
dies it build the morals of man and child,
is it decent and gentle and mild.

When morals go the human goes,
only devastation and depravity flows,
we destroy the nations by the marks we leave behind,
instead of building with the moral fibres we find.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
01 June 2018

A BREAK.....