When do we strive for material assets and when do we decline? WE CHECK THE COST.....NOT THE FINANCIAL COST....BUT THE MORAL COST. NO MATERIAL POSSESSION IS WORTH THE CAPTIVITY OF OUR SOUL - RELINQUISHING OUR MORAL VALUES - THIS COST IS TOO HIGH simply because of all the sorrow, regrets and remorse which comes with it. When we throw away our ethics and values, we lose part of who we are and not only lose our own self respect, but the respect of our family and others. We take a few steps down the ladder in our human standards and things start becoming very slippery. We start losing contact with ourselves and life becomes messy. Normally we simply write it off and try to pretend it is not there, BUT IT IS THERE and darkens our outlook on life as we start accepting cheating and dishonestly and conform to lower standards. We hide behind the "means justify the end story," BUT IT DOESN'T, when we take all things into consideration. Our entire attitude changes, toward our family, friends, colleagues and the world. We be come sneaky as we try to hide our dishonest gain placing immense strain in everyone around us. Many possessions are nice to have, but very few are really necessary for a comfortable life, so always MEASURE THE MORAL COST BECAUSE A FREE SOUL AND CLEAR CONSCIENCE IS FAR MORE VALUABLE...
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 Feb 2018
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