When all sort of trials and tribulations come our way, don't cry and complain as this leads to hopelessness and depression, rather be exceedingly grateful for the opportunity to gain experience, something no man can ever take from us. We have been counted worthy enough to test - what an honour !!! But....are we going to succeed or fail??? Are we equipped to overcome the trials? NO - WE ARE NOT - NONE OF US ARE!! So what do we do now? All of us that have gone through trials and testing know full well that running from pillar to post trying to find answers and guidance is a fools paradise. Everyone has something to add which normally takes us even deeper into the maze of confusion and fear.....from the frying pan into the fire. We try what others say and it simply doesn't work for us, because we are all so different. Our outlook is different, our emotions are different, our background, understanding and experiences are different. THERE IS NO MAN THAT CAN TRULY HELP US. Once again, we are back to the needle in a haystack, if we know what to look for - WE FIND IT, BUT WE MUST FIRST IDENTIFY IT. We look back on all the wasted days, weeks and years of our lives taking detour after detour following others advice, getting nowhere... what a waste of time and effort. SO WHAT DO WE DO??? We first seek the headquarters and source of all knowledge and wisdom - which is contained within the kingdom of God......all secrets and mysteries, all true knowledge and wisdom, all answers and paths are found here. The Kingdom of God is obtaining the Spirit of God which opens the portals into all we will ever need and connecting directly, without a middleman incorrectly conveying the messages.... a direct connection to the source of all knowledge. Now....don't take my word for it and don't argue it UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS AND TESTED IT WITHIN YOUR OWN LIFE. COMMIT YOUR SPIRIT.....WITH YOUR MOUTH YOU CONFESS AND WITH YOUR HEART YOU BELIEVE.....SAY :"I COMMIT MY SPIRIT INTO JESUS HANDS AND I ASK FOR THE CONNECTION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN". BE BAPTISED INTO THE SPIRIT and then cooperate by using this connection....whenever in doubt, ASK FOR GUIDANCE and the spirit will awaken a thought in the mind and direct our eyes to the right knowledge or book or page and will clarify the answer to our question. IT ALWAYS WORKS WHEN WE USE IT. Life becomes far less complicated when we get the right answers in between the masses of written books. Now we have gained the right experience, store it in our experiences chambers and move on to the next test. We always use love as a measuring line....will it cause harm or hurt? If so DON'T DO IT....IT WILL COME BACK TO US.....©Copyright
Tomorrow...filling our lack.....
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