Life and events come and go all the time, it's just what happens - it's like a cycle that is set in motion with all the experiences we need to go through to develop all parts of us to reach completion....becoming a fully fledged human being with soul, spirit, heart and mind all working in harmony, equipping us for any future journeys. It is packed with all possible tests and situations, almost like an instruction manual. Our ignorance doesn't count, excuses mean nothing, you can't argue with an instruction manual, the events are going to come anyway. We receive the gift of life, a vessel or body to live in, fully equipped with all the tools we need....hands, feet, eyes, ears, a voice, a thinking brain and OUR LIFE IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY AND WE MUST SEE TO IT THAT WE FIND THE CORRECT KNOWLEDGE.....THAT WE FIND THE PATH THAT WILL TAKE US RIGHT THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE.
TO FIND THE NARROW PATH - the thin line that stops with us.....pain, hurt, injustices, insults, degradation, anger, etc stops with us ..... we refuse to pass it on. Instead of crossing that line and going into the circle that goes round and round and round again and again, by returning pain, hurt, injustices, anger, etc. ..WE CHOOSE TO GO THE STRAIGHT PATH DOING WHAT IS RIGHT, GOOD, HONOURABLE AND KIND. Often in life we DO NOT RECEIVE WHAT WE GIVE.....WE GIVE LOVE, WE RECEIVE HATRED IN RETURN, WE GIVE KINDNESS ONLY TO BE USED AND ABUSED. BUT.......WE CONTINUE GIVING LOVE AND KINDNESS SO IT WILL REMAIN WITH US. REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE RECEIVE, WE LOVE IN SPITE OF THE HATRED, ANGER AND RAGE, SO LOVE KEEPS LIVING IN US. When we go around the circle and hate in return, hate takes up residency inside us and eats away all our love. The reason we continue to love is because we understand that those spreading hatred are hurt and lost, so instead of being angry with them, we show empathy and compassion on their affliction. THIS IS MY VIEW OF THE NARROW PATH THAT SO FEW FIND........ DOING WHAT IS GOOD, DECENT, CIVIL, KIND, LOVING IN THE FACE OF ALL THE UNFAIRNESS AND EVILS OF THE WORLD, SIMPLY BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT WE WANT TO LIVE WITHIN US, SO THAT IS WHAT WE NURTURE AND PRACTISE. Refusing to be dragged down those paths of darkness. This is very difficult to do, especially when living in a continuously abusive situation....BUT IT IS SO IMPORTANT NOT TO BE SUCKED IN BECAUSE THEN OUR LIVES BECOME VERY BITTER AND DARK. IT IS SOMETHING WE WILL OURSELVES TO DO BECAUSE WE DON'T WANT THE DEFILEMENT AND DEPRAVATION OF HATRED IN OUR LIVES. It is a choice we must make and hold on to because on this path all things are revealed to us and we always find our answers, our way and our truth and an incredible peace abides within us.....©
Tomorrow.......what are spiritual forces ???
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