Everybody rushes along with a speed and we feel left behind because we go slower. Don't worry about it .....continue to build your solid foundation and proceed with care and consideration to all around you. The speedsters will all be held back to start all over again, as they have no foundation so their lives will crumble, that is when you move past and stay ahead, because you spent time on a solid foundation that can't crumble. When we rush forward, we trample on many and will cross their paths again, with tail between the legs, needing to apologise and make right, which takes twice as long as just doing it right the first time. Don't worry about the rush. What is meant for us, will be in its right time, we won't lose out, what we WILL HAVE is depth in life, by going slower and doing a thorough job with research and preparation, we go at our own the end of the race the tortoise passes the hare with honour in place....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 Jan 2018