Everybody rushes along with a speed and we feel left behind because we go slower. Don't worry about it .....continue to build your solid foundation and proceed with care and consideration to all around you. The speedsters will all be held back to start all over again, as they have no foundation so their lives will crumble, that is when you move past and stay ahead, because you spent time on a solid foundation  that can't crumble. When we rush forward, we trample on many and will cross their paths again, with tail between the legs, needing to apologise and make right, which takes twice as long as just doing it right the first time. Don't worry about the rush. What is meant for us, will be in its right time, we won't lose out, what we WILL HAVE is depth in life, by going slower and doing a thorough job with research and preparation, we go at our own pace.....at the end of the race the tortoise passes the hare with honour in place....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 Jan 2018



To push and rush forward doesn't always mean success,
when we don't do our groundwork we may not progress,
we flutter about on top of the surface,
never reaching any depth of finding our purpose.

The ones that speed ahead invariably fall back,
tread on many toes to try and fill their lack,
they have no foundations so they crumble and fall,
lives in a mess as it comes to a stall.

Don't worry about those who pass in a rush,
their speed often drops them into a slush,
don't feel left behind because you go slower,
build solid foundations that become your power.

While the speedsters fall back you move ahead,
in truth and honour you can lay in bed,
with surety and confidence you can strive,
move ahead with a determined drive.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 Jan 2018



In a life that's so fast, with many decisions to suddenly make, how do we know which choices to make? Opportunities come and go in a flash, unless we grab them, they move right past. Remember life is a constant testing ground to see if we will stay on the right track or be able to be seduced into wrong and evil....always be aware of this....it's like a conveyor belt of choices that continually moves and we can select what we choose. There is a moral gauge we can use throughout life, that keeps us reasonably safe, and the conveyor will come past again and again with the same choices, maybe a little disguised from the previous time, so there really is no rush. Often we give good and receive bad in return, so we ask where does karma fit into this? To continue giving good in the face of evil is not an easy exercise to undertake, but a very necessary one to keep ourselves good and pure. When we return evil for evil we open the evil door into our lives and it enters in to stay with us, defiling our entire life. This is the reason why we give good for evil, otherwise evil grows and takes full control over our lives in every aspect. We remain good in the face of it all, so we use love for our neighbour as the gauge, even when they hate us. Any decision and path that opens that may cause harm to us or others, we turn away from. There are many other paths and many ways past obstacles and better choices always come along once we have resisted the bad ones....part of testing us.... so in the long run we win all the way.   

Tomorrow....scared of losing out...the rabbit and the tortoise....



Life is fast with many a choice,
we seek the ones in which to rejoice,
with love as compass we make each day,
where the good of all will pave the way.

Opportunities come past on a daily basis,
we select the ones that will saves our faces,
morals and virtues always take first place,
this will ensure that we win the race.

Often good is returned with bad
defiling the ground on which we stand,
we don't get drawn into the game,
it will surely bring shame to our name.

We continue with good until bad flees away,
we do not bow down to darkness's sway,
there are many paths in life to take,
the goodness and love we never forsake.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
30 Jan 2018



Who has choice to choose? The captive or the free man? Who is the captive, who is the free man? With guidance we still have free will to choose. Under authority we must obey. The ultimate choice is who and what guides our conscience and soul which will determine whether we are free or not. It is not another man that can make us free or captive, it is our way of thinking , our deeds and actions which gives another man power over us. When living in the light, we live in between the rules, as light is love and love is compassion, kindness, consideration, tolerance, fairness, justice, righteousness, doing no harm to others and against this there are no rules that we can break, therefore we remain free. We may have to work for an employer, or boss, or master, but remain free from judgement and threats. We may not climb the corporate ladder, as that places certain demands on our morals and virtues and that is okay, because life is not about title, position, money and material gain, but about living a decent, moral, happy life and that is provided by love and understanding, not by money and possessions. When we possess our own souls, it is far greater wealth than any material riches....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 Jan 2018



Who is captive and who is free?
Which are the paths on which we can see?
We all need guidance to find our way,
We need the right light to guide us each day.

No man can take us captive when our slate is clean,
we can always reach forward to realize our dream,
it's not a master that decides our fate,
it's our deeds and actions that fill our plate.

There are no rules against love divine,
with compassion and kindness we draw a line,
fairness and justice will show us the way,
with righteous actions our paths we relay.

In humbleness we do all our labour,
as if working for God our days we savour,
there is no judgement in doing what's right,
we will always find our way in the light.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
29 Jan 2018



This is not easy because traps are well disguised as opportunities  as opportunities with strings attached, perks and privileges that bind us. When lured with payment in advance, in some cases, big bonuses and gifts....
Where we are not given time to consider all possibilities and rushed and pushed into quick decisions - beware - if it is above board we will be given all the time we need to investigate the situation before entering in. It is normally the fly by nights that want a quick buck that are in such a hurry. If it is meant to be, it will happen, if not now, then later. 
We are sold silence is golden, so shut up and get rich....take the bribe and look the other way. We are told it is normal to pay bribes to open doors through situations. There are so many hidden snares, so when everything is not played on the table for all to see - DON'T GET YOURSELF INVOLVED - IT'S A LINK IN A VERY LONG, HEAVY CHAIN AND IT BECOMES ATTACHED TO US BRINGING ENORMOUS REGRETS AT A LATER DATE. We find we can't carry it anymore and there IS NO ONE WILLING TO HELP WITH ALL THE DIRT. Don't do things you need to hide from family, friends, colleagues and the world.  
 Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 Jan 2018

Tomorrow...follow or lead.....



Seeing traps is not always easy,
they're hidden in things that are generally sleazy,
payments in advance and bonuses that are big,
greed and money without having to dig.

Beware of being rushed into decisions,
without considering all the positions,
don't be hasty to grab what comes near,
first make sure all the facts are clear.

Don't believe in the golden silence,
it ends in fights and horrendous violence,
don't look the other way when things are wrong,
it will trap you later and drag you along.

Our actions are links that build a chain,
ensure it is pure and will bring honest gain,
when deeds are dark it gets to heavy to carry,
defiling your life and the one you will marry.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 Jan 2018



The man with a plan falls into a different category, here are as many snares as anywhere else, but, in a different disguise. As he is always busy building a life and profession or career, he doesn't have so much idle time as others and therefore the snares are hidden within his profession. The go-getter always wants to achieve and wants to get to the top of his game as quickly as he can, so snares are often hidden in the short cuts... The "get there faster" area of his life. When others open doors for him, he becomes entangled in paybacks. However, when we stick to our guns and take the honest, hardworking choices we are able to move past these traps. Many high ranking jobs require people to belong to certain clubs, as a prestige thing, and within these "clubs" undesirable activities are sort of expected from them if they want to move "up"....sort of " fit in". There is great danger in this, as at a later stage it will be used against them. It acts as a leverage tool to steer them into a position where they can be controlled and manipulated, especially where big contracts come into play, then they have no choice but to become involved in dishonest dealings to cover up what happened in the "club". Thereafter they are shackled and chains to be used by their " new masters". This causes a lot of strain and stress, guilt feelings which filter through to the rest of their lives....bringing unnecessary frustration and helplessness.
At times it is better to change ones profession than to be chained....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 Jan 2018

Tomorrow....how do we discern this....



The man with a plan is not always wise,
the traps and tricks have a different disguise,
they lead him to pride in all his achievements
never allowing him any contentment.

Traps and snares are everywhere,
prodding and pushing us to take its dare,
a thin line travels between truth and falseness,
many knots tie us into deceitfulness.

We become entangled when we want to improve,
so many seductions lead us into a groove,
we must always remember things make their rounds,
never to do what will tie us in bounds.

We must never be ashamed of what we do,
ensure the words from our mouths are true,
whatever we give we must be willing to take,
with or without a plan all evil to forsake.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
27 Jan 2018



While trapped in the hands of iniquity and darkness, we can't see a way out, it just seems to be too difficult, just too much hard work, but to remain in this gloom is not a good idea because it gets worse and worse until we can't live with ourselves any more. A good way to start breaking the darkness is finding a good, worthy cause to become involved in. It starts very small but grows rapidly as we spend more and more time with worthy enterprises, leaving less time for evil activities. The darkness has to start taking second place and the more good we do, the brighter the light will shine into the darkness exposing escape routes. Good always overcomes evil and light always breaks open the darkness. Look at a torch - when shone into darkness it lights it up and we can see in the dark. Don't listen to those who say you can't do it or you are not worthy because you can do it and you are worthy. SO JUST DO IT - JUST TAKE THAT FIRST STEP AND CONTINUE IN IT AND ANYTHING THAT GETS IN THE WAY WE EXPOSE WITH KNOWLEDGE - UNCOVER IT, SEARCH IT OUT, THE MORE WE GET TO KNOW ABOUT  SCARES US - THE LESS THE FEAR BECOMES......balance the darkness with knowledge about it and it will turn into light......
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 Jan 2018

Tomorrow...the man with a plan......



It's dark and gloomy in the hands of iniquity,
in circles we go when stuck in infinity,
to stay where we are brings even more doom,
forcing us deeper into this darkened gloom.

Find a good cause that is worthy and true,
slowly start rising out of the blue,
the more time we spend on goodness and kindness,
the less there is for sorrow and badness.

A light goes on that shines on our way,
dissolving the darkness that steals every day,
goodness exposes the traps of the dark,
washing away every stain and mark.

Don't listen to those who say that you can't
who use threats and fear to make their demand,
tell them you're busy and don't have the time
you'll see how you feel further down the line.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
26 Jan 2018



When we're not actively heading somewhere , not busy with a purpose in life, with a mission to achieve something, not doing something with our lives - we idle around and this is when we pick up problems. There are scouts who float about searching and selecting the idlers and once targeted and set aside, then the gang moves in with lures, enticements and seductions for easy money(because we are too lazy, slack or broken to work), easy sex and the easy way out of everything..... entrapping us, then  enslaving us through threats and fear of expose. As we have no defined purpose and direction to strive for and have so much "spare time", sitting doing nothing but moaning and complaining, we are easy targets and once trapped it is not so easy to escape their clutches because they NEVER RELEASE THEIR VICTIMS.......WE HAVE TO BREAK OURSELVES FREE, it is all on us and they will put up a fight to keep us trapped as THEY FEAR EXPOSURE IF WE DO ESCAPE AND GET AWAY....THE ONLY PERSON THAT DOESN'T TALK IS THE DEAD PERSON.....They will do anything and everything to keep us silent - even death. It starts with threats against us or our family, if that doesn't work, threats of exposure of our deeds, then violence and abuse and when we persist and still refuse them they go for the throat....they will destroy all our relationships, our job, our entire life falls to pieces....

Monica Maartens©Copyright
25 Jan 2018

Tomorrow...so how do we escape????



We're lost in life without any direction,
workers of iniquity continuously do inspection,
they target the ones who sit around,
trick them and trap them and bring them to ground.

With lures and enticement they lead us astray,
take us into darkness where we have no say,
without any resistance they lead us along,
until we're left with a tragic song.

The scouts are forever on the search,
mark us and isolate us as they lurch,
gently and slowly we are drawn aside,
until we awaken with no place to hide.

When we try to escape the threats appear,
encircled we are as they stand and leer,
they never release us once we are trapped,
into a cocoon we are tightly wrapped.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
25 Jan 2018



When we just sit back and accept everything that happens in our lives without uncovering the reason and purpose for it, we fall into a rut, a big, deep, dark hole from which we cannot find an escape. Every bit of knowledge we find, every reason and purpose fills this deep, dark hole with light and lifts us out of the ignorance and confusion that devours us and our lives. Once we uncover all there is to know about the situations we're in, the next door will automatically open for our next discovery. When we sit and do nothing, we can't move and obviously when we are stagnant, nothing will open and we rot away in bitterness, confusion, depression and anger at a life so unfair. DO SOMETHING....FIND WHAT IT IS TRYING TO TELL OR TEACH US AND ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD. ..DON'T STAGNATE AND ROT AWAY. Whether it is emotional, mental, spiritual or physical, we always need to move ahead, towards openness, towards understanding, towards freedom from what is blocking our path. WHEN WE UNDERSTAND THE REASONS BEHIND EVENTS AND SITUATIONS THE OBSTACLES REMOVE THEMSELVES....We concentrate on the meaning and reason, jot on trying to remove the obstacle.... The actual obstacle is our ignorance....ponder on that...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 Jan 2018



When water stagnates it rots to decay,
with no further use it is cast away,
it can't be used and serves no purpose,
as the rot and decay covers the surface.

Life is very much the same,
we've got to learn to play the game,
we can't hide away and never go out,
that's not what life is all about.

We may not seek for the trouble we find,
it searches us out from where we hide,
it's all about growing and becoming complete,
the experiences we gain we needn't delete.

When searching for the reasons there are,
we gain understanding that will take us far,
nothing will open unless we rise,
seek with interest every new surprise.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
24 Jan 2018



Life consists of a string of first times. Unless we enter into a door we do not know what lays behind it. Unless we experience a situation , we cannot find our own truth - the lessons it hides, the emotions it awakens, the mysteries it contains. So life is not a journey of restrictions, but one of discoveries. It is not always us that opens and closes doors. Many, many doors lay wide open with enormous enticements and temptations and enter in we will, it is the way we are... But...once in, the door disappears and we can't find the way out again and this is where our troubles begin. One of the first things we should learn as children, is to always carry a light with us, a spiritual torch that will shine on the way out. It's not so much about getting into trouble, BUT ABOUT GETTING OUT IN THE RIGHT WAY, WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED, NO DUES TO PAY....How will we ever grow and gain wisdom if we never enter life? Life is about completion of a journey - experiencing all the ups and downs and still remain free to continue. The strongest light we can take with us is our connection to the creator of the original life which is what we call 'God'. Through this connection we find the purpose and reason behind every event that either we seek out or that seeks us out. The spirit of God is the light of life, not the air that we breathe but the reason behind why we breathe....the doors out of any and all situations lays within the purpose and reason. Find that and find the door....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 Jan 2018

Tomorrow....don't just accept...find reason...



To get into trouble is a piece of cake,
there are always those that are on the make,
doors are wide open with many a lure,
but where do we go to find the cure?

Once we are in the doors disappear,
holding us tight in a grip of fear,
we need a light to show the way out,
so we always move forward and get about.

Every event carries purpose and meaning,
we need to seek further than what we are seeing,
experience comes from unravelling the truth,
finding the knowledge that brings us worth.

Life is not about hiding away,
being too scared to grab hold of the day,
discoveries we'll make when we search for the reasons, 
making us wise for all different seasons.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
23 Jan 2018



Many paths in life lead to traps, then we don't know how to find a way of escape to safety, so we withdraw from our families as a way of trying to protect them from the wrongs we have done, leaving them open to attack. We toddle along hoping for the best, but darker it becomes with each step that we take. When we want to turn away, all hell breaks lose as our past comes to visit with all its terror. We find our necks deeply stuck in a noose, the more we pull the tighter it gets. Fear and terror consumes our life, helpless frustration causes fighting and strife. We're given no choice but to pay our dues which is way beyond our ability to do. There is however another choice to escape the hands of the briber and blackmailer.....EXPOSE IT ALL INCLUDING THEIR PART IN IT... ESPECIALLY THEIR PART IN IT....HOW WOULD THEY KNOW UNLESS THEY ARRANGED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, SO NAIL THEM....We confess all the mistakes we made, turn our lives onto the paths God has laid. Once we come to the light of salvation, we are covered in a shield of protection. We no longer listen to the threats of damnation, but clean up our act in the path of forgiveness. Unless we make a break and get out of the traps, we will forever lose control of our life and future. A slave we will be without any say, living in fear of exposure day after day. Whatever we lose we will always replace with things that are better and more worthy than before. To remain where we are breeds irritation and anger, placing our family and loved ones in danger....GET OUT....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 Jan 2018

Tomorrow....GET OUT......



Life is filled with traps and tricks,
many don't have an instant fix,
but staying where we are brings great danger,
filling our lives with frustration and anger.

When we want to run we find the gate locked,
all the paths and escapes are solidly blocked,
we are blackmailed and threatened to pay our dues,
or we may not proceed with new paths to pursue.

This is when we seek a new master,
helping us out of trouble much faster,
we take the hand of God above,
who guides us through with everlasting love.

We confess our mistakes and receive forgiveness,
plucking us out of the hands of darkness,
we find a new way where the light shines brightly,
escaping the traps of the strong and mighty.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
22 Jan 2018



The one we allow control, we hand over control through wrong deeds and then hiding it becoming something that can be used against us, especially with family, friends and colleagues. The rest we don't care about, they're strangers. When we are young we think we can do what we want, we will get away with a scolding or maybe a hiding from our parents - then it's over and we continue in the wrong ways because we don't understand the consequences. It's more than our parents and teachers watching us, it is also the controllers of the world - the societies, cults and those running lawlessness - we are constantly being watched....KNOW THIS....BE AWARE OF THIS...The company man is the man that is willing to sacrifice his morals and decency for the sake of advancement in the job, and those who refuse are tricked and trapped in other ways. Unless we learn from a young age to repair our damages, replace our breakages, make right our errors and bring truth into our lies, we develop an attitude of trying to get away with the wrongs we do......AND THIS IS WHAT CATCHES US.....BE BRING IT UPON OURSELVES....we will become bitter and twisted leading to all kinds of emotional problems as we don't learn about life and how to overcome and conquer troubles taking us into a position of slavery to our faults. No man can control us when our slate is clean and in this life that is not easy, so we must learn how to remain free within our shortcomings or else the day will come where our past becomes bigger than us and we are forced to bow to another's control bringing with it all the frustration of helplessness and the rage that accompanies it......THIS IS NOT A PLACE WE WANT TO BE...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
21 Jan 2018



From a very young age we play follow the leader,
never questioning the hand of the feeder,
we play hide and seek and learn about deceit,
never questioning the deeds that we so freely reap.

We're delivered into the hands of the peers,
from a distance being watched by the seers,
societies and cults are always looking around,
to harvest from the youth those that go to ground.

We do naughty things then hide it away,
think it's a joke to lie in the day,
it soon becomes a habit that with us stay,
stealing our truth as we fall to decay.

Later in life we fall into slavery,
as exposure and shame steals all our bravery,
we lose all control as the evil rules,
turning our lives into misery and blues.

Monica Maartens©Copyright
21 Jan 2018



Once we lose the track it is immensely difficult to get back on, simply because of all the loose ends...all the hidden agendas come to light, the cover up's are exposed, the lies and deceit is revealed and at times the embarrassment and shame prevents us from coming clean. When these choices came our way, we couldn't see any other way except forward, not knowing how devious and evil it can become, and to now open up and spill the beans would mean hurting and disappointing our families and friends who trusted and believed in us, we consider how the truth is going to affect them, how hurt they will be and make the decision to do the best we can under the circumstances, which is the natural reaction, to bow to evil and choose the lesser of the two evils. Little by little we become more and more entangled in this mess until we can no longer manoeuvre our way out ....then comes the big crunch, when we are taken captive by it and become slaves...when it all comes falling onto our heads and we will do anything to keep it covered for ever.   ..life shouldn't be so hard, but it is.   And the sooner we break the silence with the truth, the better it is for us and all those around us....

Monica Maartens©Copyright
20 Jan 2018



Between desire and temptation we lose our way,
we fall off the track almost every day,
daily the darkness draws us further down,
as we try and cover our tracks like a circus clown.

Embarrassment and shame prevents us coming clean,
we consider what it would do to our family's dream,
trusted and believed in to do what is right,
what shock it would be to find us in the night.

So we lie and deceive to cover our tracks up,
choose the lesser of the two evils with which to jump,
make the best of what we have,
become so entangled we have to laugh.

But, the crunch will come when we hit it a dead end,
it all comes falling onto our heads,
so the sooner we let the cat out the bag,
the better it is as it won't make us gag.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
20 Jan 2018



Desire for a better life and improvement, awakens many thoughts as we reach for our dreams any way we can. Lures and temptations open easy ways that develop a tendency to take what we can. Soon we become greedy in things we would never do, greed becomes second nature leading us into many doors of deceit, lies, coverups and troubles that are not worth the things we receive and once a door is opened, it is very difficult to shut again, without turning in a completely different direction which is all but impossible once we have spent years developing a career, building a house, setting up a family and becoming set in our ways. We then adopt an attitude of accepting what comes our way without even thinking about it....taking us blindly down the passages of darkness....very sad indeed....©Monica Maartens Copyright
19 Jan 2018



We become accustomed to little deceits,
day after day it continually repeats,
it soon becomes habit through the passing days,
infiltrating throughout all our ways.

We build a life, a home, a family,
forgetting to consider all of humanity,
providing it suits us, we don't care,
what happens to the ones who do not dare.

Little doors of deceit open upon our way,
we don't even notice the darkened decay,
little by little it draws us in,
disguised as fun and songs to sing.

Pretty soon greed takes control,
consuming our lives as it goes on a roll,
hook, line and sinker, we're swallowed and trapped,
as slowly but surely our lifeblood is sapped.

Monica Maartens©Copyright
19 Jan 20181



The doors of immorality has many entrances, looking upon nudity of others, even on TV and in magazines...give the licence to look upon your and your families nudity within your home. Visiting porn or strip clubs to be "one of the boys" gives the right to visit your bedroom and bathroom wherever you go...A two way door is opened into your life and into your home involving your entire family.   The harlot sends her crew in to harvest your family and collect the whole lot...for her profit. Children are placed in danger of sexual immorality and abuse at schools and playgrounds the doors of affairs swing open as the seducers entice you and your family relentlessly.....when they are refused the attention they demand, they trick and drug their victims and trap you that way.  YOU OPENED THE DOOR.......... THEY WILL SURELY ENTER IN AND GO THE WHOLE WAY....SEXUAL IMMORALITY = TOYS OF THE HARLOT...END OF STORY....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright

Tomorrow....door to greed....



The door of immorality is very deep,
we think it's all games and fun,
but we fall into the harlots heap,
forever held at the barrel of a gun.

Our purity is taken,
Our innocence forsaken,
Lives are forever defiled,
any love is totally denied.

Thrown into the trash as second hand goods,
played and exchanged regardless of moods,
we have no say as we're passed to the next,
it's pointless trying to do our best.

Families are sucked into the hornets nest,
who lays her eggs in the spiders webs,
catching the innocent and making them prey,
to fill their pockets for another day.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
18 Jan 2018



What most of don't realize or don't know is when doors are opened for us it is for the intention of getting into our lives and get to our families ..it takes only one in a family to enter through the door and outsiders can get to any in the family....
very scary....as we enter so they enter.... it becomes a two way street and that is why so many things happen which we haven't planned and we have no idea where it came from...it came through the open door......we become horrified at what's happening in our lives and with our families and we keep searching where we went wrong.....we didn't go wrong...it's not from us...we just ignorantly entered the wrong doors without realizing what it actually meant. Be careful what doors you enter into and explain it to the children...
Over the next few days we will enter some doors and see what enters in....door of deceit: When we accept favours, bribes, etc, to get ahead in life, to take the easy way through and out of trouble, deceit enters into our lives and home and can do whatever it chooses with our jobs, family, extended family and even friends. BECAUSE WE OPENED THAT DOOR and then we shout: "unfairness, injustices, this can't be happening to me...BUT IT IS BECAUSE YOU ENTERED THAT DOOR AND THIS IS ONE OF THE MANY SIDE EFFECTS OF OPENING UP TO DECEIT....AND IT GETS MUCH, MUCH WORSE AS TIME GOES BY...

Monica Maartens©Copyright
17 Jan 2018

Tomorrow...door of immorality....



Are we aware that when a door unlocks,
and we enter in to see what it stocks,
that door also opens into our lives,
taking us into some mighty deep dives.

It's a two way street that bring us deceit,
as strange things occur that cause us defeat,
many things happen which we never planned,
as others take control and our lives become damned.

Do not agree to the easy way out,
pay your dues as you go about life,
work your way forward with honest labour,
bringing its joy for you to savour.

Don't let deceit enter through your door,
it will bash and beat you to the floor,
when we enter doors we can't shout unfair,
we played along and took the dare.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
17 Jan 2018



As we go through life, we always find out too late what the cost was. When desire is burning  strong and offers are laid on the table, check the cost -not financially - but morally....it can cost you your wife or husband or children's purity and futures.....check the cost. We are extremely eager to jump in feet first and then find out too late that the sacrifice demanded from us far outweighs the benefits and achievements we have acquired, but....it is too late to pull out. It is better to take the slow, long road and develop our talents, so that the excellence of our works paves the way. We cannot be denied our place simply due to the quality of what we have to offer and therefore we can lay down the demands. When others open the doors for us, as a shortcut to success, be very, very wary, there is always a price to pay - always strings attached and this is how we become entangled in the webs of life. We 'owe a favour' for the opened door and become enslaved. Always open your own doors through knowledge, proper foundations and building a career on hard work and truth, this way we are in charge of our own doors - we get to open and close them as we wish without any debts to anyone. There are many ways to achieve what we want in life, many ways past obstacles - DON'T GET TRAPPED AND FALL INTO OTHERS HANDS. WHEN WE REALLY BECOME GOOD AT WHAT WE DO, DOORS WILL OPEN WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM OTHERS....CHOOSE THIS PATH....

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 Jan 2018
Tomorrow....traps of accepting wrong help....



When desire is burning hot and strong,
we often land on paths that are wrong,
we want to get to the top very fast,
then accept dodgy offers that cannot last.

Beware of doors that are opened by others,
there is always a cost that lays under the covers,
only too late we are told what to pay,
then we're trapped within a darkened sway.

We have to obey what we are told to do,
or they shut the doors on the paths we pursue,
there are no shortcuts to true success,
through knowledge and skills we do progress.

Don't become entangled in the webs of life,
it always ends up in bitterness and strife,
take the long road and build solid foundations,
through hard work and truth we find inspirations.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 Jan 2018



Each person is born with a purpose in life, we've all been born with gifts and talents, the mystery of success is finding our gifts and developing them to their full potential. When we take our natural talents, learning comes easy and therefore it is fun and exciting and because we enjoy what we are doing, we become successful, bringing great joy and satisfaction. This is the recipe to a happy, contented life - to succeed in what we do, regardless of how insignificant it may seem to others in our life, it is enormously important to us, BECAUSE WE SUCCEEDED. WE DID IT. WE COMPLETED THE TASK. We don't measure ourselves to others abilities, because we are not them, we are us......so we measure ourselves to our own capabilities in our own time with our own dreams. This is where we find our success. One of life's greatest successes is to be happy in what we do because this joy breeds kindness, gentleness, generosity and makes us become loving, delightful people taking our joy into the world and making it a better place. What greater success could any person achieve...

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 Jan 2018



Inner talents cry out to be heard,
implanted gifts of our very own,
natural abilities that come with ease,
an inborn purpose that needs release.

When forced through tradition to follow other paths,
life turns to misery without any laughs,
we do what we have to, through a sense of duty,
never enjoying the fruits of our natural ability.

Whenever we're forced we can't bring our best,
it lays dormant as we struggle with the rest,
when we do the things we are born to do,
we find joy on all the paths we pursue.

With delight we manage all our tasks,
we don't have to hide behind deceitful masks,
it brings us great pleasure as we succeed,
and success brings the happiness we so desperately need.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
15 Jan 2018



Without purity man becomes defiled leading to frustration, anger violence and rebellion. A man without morals is a sick man, we lose our humaneness as the defilement and degradation shames us, hurts us, soils our minds and hearts and we are forced to harden ourselves to survive. Pain causes devastation and we all too often shut down our feelings and stop caring for ourselves, others and creation as a whole, because it is far easier then repairing the damage, that which can be repaired. Once our innocence is taken, our purity is defiled, our trust is broken, it takes a lot of understanding to reshape our lives in such a manner as to still be humane and decent. Mostly we feel the world 'owe's' us, because it defiled us, but the world's a dead thing and will give nothing in return, it is not even aware of you and you get what is one the path that you travel...tough cookie....the way it is.... It is up to us to find the reasons and not to allow it to destroy our lives, to learn to still be decent in spite of the horrors and disappointments we encounter and to use it for upliftment and not destruction..

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 Jan 2018



Oppression is by no means a force of control,
it belittles and degrades another mans soul,
when pushed too far, it will surely explode,
as the nation comes forward to drop its load.

Man's spirit is crushed as he's pushed to the ground,
he may stay down where lethargy and spite is found,
lack of interest shows in all his labour,
as there is no joy that he can savour.

Oppression doesn't care what it does to a nation,
turning it into a cesspool of bitter degradation,
helpless and tormented they go through each day,
without any desire to improve on their way.

The mindset becomes one of anger and revenge,
wanting to even the score becomes immense,
they break and destroy wherever they go,
as an entire nation falls to a darkened flow.

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
14 Jan 



Oppression is by no means a force of control, it is insulting and degrading to be treated as a quivering fool by those who are stronger and have the power. Oppression causes lethargy, as no one wants to do anything and is extremely detrimental to a countries economy. When people are continually belittled and pushed down, they either stay down or they rebel, causing havoc either way. When they stay down they react with total lack of interest and spite, always doing the opposite of what they should and breaking down, just like they're broken down, so they too break down, or if they rise and rebel they destroy everything in their path. The oppression didn't care what it was doing to them, so they don't care what they do to others, turning a nation into a bitter cesspool of defilement and degradation. This is what break a nation and a people. Those holding this kind of power, lose touch with the reality of their nation, as they live in the lap of luxury and all is well with them.....but.....all is not well with the people that are being oppressed. To pick up a nation from degradation is a mammoth task as the pain, disgust, anger, rage and all the defilement and injustices have to first be removed, to build them up and lift them out of their mindset, because all they want is revenge and to equal the score.... leading to further degradation because they now become the oppressor and the cycle continues.......

Monica Maartens ©Copyright
13 Jan 2018

Tomorrow...following our own path...

A BREAK.....