When crossing certain unseen lines, we cross over into darkness and it becomes our master. Lot's of violence comes from the inability to express ourselves properly leading to misunderstandings and tremendous frustrations - why can't you understand what I am trying to say??? We are led astray by temptations, things that we would never had done unless lured or tricked into believing it is safe and okay. We are basically very trusting and easily fall into traps deliberately set to snare us. Then WE THINK WE CAN REMAIN SILENT, NO ONE WILL KNOW and it will disappear into our past, and it does....FOR A WHILE...
THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. ..Traps are set to enslave us, make us feel guilty and can then be used as pawns. We FEAR TO EXPOSE WHERE WE FELL VICTIM, LEAST OUR LOVED ONE ARE DISGUSTED AND REPELLED BY WHAT WE HAVE DONE, SO WE CROSS AN INVISIBLE LINE INTO SECRETS AND LIES AND THIS IS THE REAL TRAP.....not so much what we have done, BUT THE FEAR OF EXPOSING IT. TRAP NR TWO IS WHEN WE THINK WE CAN EVEN THE SCORE WITH REVENGE - REVENGE IS ANOTHER INVISIBLE LINE WE CROSS....both making us slaves to darkness. THIS IS A VERY TRICKY SITUATION, because we are doomed if we do and doomed if we don't. BUT.....a little wrath from family and loved ones is far better than BEING TRAPPED FOR A LIFE TIME BY DARKNESS. We can only hope the family love is strong enough to forgive within the family and NOT FALL INTO THE HANDS OF DARKNESS BECAUSE THAT IS DISASTROUS. It becomes worse and worse causing far more damage to a family than being open. Once darkness knows we are afraid of exposure and are even willing to lie to keep things covered, we are in very serious danger and they will have a field day with us......©
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
02 Jan 2017
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