As we go through life, we always find out too late what the cost was. When desire is burning strong and offers are laid on the table, check the cost -not financially - but morally....it can cost you your wife or husband or children's purity and futures.....check the cost. We are extremely eager to jump in feet first and then find out too late that the sacrifice demanded from us far outweighs the benefits and achievements we have acquired, but....it is too late to pull out. It is better to take the slow, long road and develop our talents, so that the excellence of our works paves the way. We cannot be denied our place simply due to the quality of what we have to offer and therefore we can lay down the demands. When others open the doors for us, as a shortcut to success, be very, very wary, there is always a price to pay - always strings attached and this is how we become entangled in the webs of life. We 'owe a favour' for the opened door and become enslaved. Always open your own doors through knowledge, proper foundations and building a career on hard work and truth, this way we are in charge of our own doors - we get to open and close them as we wish without any debts to anyone. There are many ways to achieve what we want in life, many ways past obstacles - DON'T GET TRAPPED AND FALL INTO OTHERS HANDS. WHEN WE REALLY BECOME GOOD AT WHAT WE DO, DOORS WILL OPEN WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM OTHERS....CHOOSE THIS PATH....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
16 Jan 2018
Tomorrow....traps of accepting wrong help....
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