So much of what and who we become is planted in our minds through lessons in history, influences such as tells us scope of horror...are we blind?? We are so brainwashed and conditioned placing us in boxes and containers of who and what we should be - yet we are everything in all things...when it comes to the brain and spirit, there is NO MALE OR FEMALE, NO DOCTOR OR LAWYER OR TEACHER, ETC. Our minds are capable of filling our brains with becoming anything and everything. Our hands are not MALE OR FEMALE, to sew or cook or be a mechanic, it's a hand with five fingers, that's it. ...and it follows the instructions from our mind. Because we are born on a certain date we supposedly fall under a certain sign and because we believe it, we are boxed in by it. We are told we are Leo or Scorpio, etc and ignore the rest, yet we all have all signs within us as it is actually stages through which we go, before it fell into wrong hands and was used to herd us into categories for control and manipulation and to enrich others, never developing the other traits and assets that are within us, causing a mental blockage and restrictions. When we open our minds to all things and release our thoughts to all possibilities and start listening to our soul, a massive new world opens to us with immeasurable opportunities. We allow ourselves to be trained into one direction and when we lose our job, we wander around aimlessly. Our genderless minds can be trained into any skill, our genderless hands can be trained to do any job. My vision in life is try and test all things that come my way, to see if I can do it, what it feels like, where it can take me, once I succeed it is ticked off my list, tried, done it, now have the experience, ready for the next. I don't have to stay in one place all my life to give the appearance of stability. My stability is built on the foundations of purity and truth, so I move around all the time. My stability is in developing as many talents as I can, not in material possessions, the less I own the freer I am to move around and gain this delightful experience, which no one can steal... it's all mine to share with whoever I choose. Some things come easy as it is from my nature, inbuilt talents that merely need development, others I need to learn the rules and train and practise until it does comes easy...there is just one question....AM I WILLING TO PUT IN THE TIME AND EFFORT TO DEVELOP DIFFERENT SKILLS??? AM I WILLING TO PUT IN WEEKS, MAYBE YEARS OF WORK AND LABOUR TO EVENTUALLY REAP THE FRUITS AND REWARDS THAT COME AFTER TIME. ROME IS NOT BUILT IN A DAY, AM I WILLING TO WORK FOR A YEAR OR MORE WITHOUT ANY FINANCIAL OR EMOTIONAL PAYMENT. AM I WILLING TO LAY THE FOUNDATION DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY, PATIENTLY WAITING FOR THE FRUIT TO RIPEN???? If I choose to be influenced by a star sign that cages me into certain characteristics and directions, it will program my mind as I read and follow what it says, OR IF I CHOOSE to follow God as my guide opening all doors to everything, giving me the Spirit of light and truth which guides me in and out of any path, light or dark, always showing a way through while developing new is up to us to FIND OUT....OUR LIFE....OUR CHOICE.... OUR RESPONSIBILITY, OUR JOURNEY....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
08 Dec 2017
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