When we have a disagreement on topics, we thrash it out until we reach a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved. The greater man is not the one who INSISTS ON BEING RIGHT, BUT THE ONE WHO IS WILLING TO YIELD AND MAKE ALLOWANCES FOR OTHER OPINIONS. Life throws us many curve balls, often obstacles are thrown in our path to prevent us from finding the truth, to waylay us and keep us occupied with totally unnecessary problems and hassel's. HOW DO WE DISCERN WHAT IS IMPORTANT AND WHAT TO IGNORE??? When we have an aim in mind and an obstacle serves no useful purpose to aid us reaching our goal - we push it aside - so often these obstacles block our path and we end up on a totally different path all together......not at all where we were heading. I truly believe there is knowledge and lessons in all things that come our way, but each in its own time, so unless it has relevance to what we are busy with, it is in the wrong place for now and if we can't move it, we go round it, over it or under it.....there is always a way.....but we don't allow it to sidetrack or block us. It can and probably will come around again and if it wasn't meant to be, it will just pass by. With this in mind, we get ahead, weaving our way through or past these many pitfalls. If and when it is useful for building knowledge and skills, we break it down to manageable pieces, turn the mountain in molehills which are easier to unravel and deal with.....bit by bit. We then take from it what we need and store it in our minds for future use. It is pointless learning a library full of knowledge and theory when we can't compare it to the actuality, to real life events and circumstances as and when they happen. The "theory" very rarely agrees with the real experiences. As we go through the experiences and marry the theory and written knowledge to it, we build an enormously strong background which to fall back on and this is where wisdom comes in. When the theory and practise agree, when it serves the purpose for which we need it ......©
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
28 Dec 2017
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