Never.......until we are threatened in such a way as to make NEVER a second choice...if we fall in one way, we are continually tested until our Achilles heel is revealed. To try and protect our family they seek the soft one who will buckle under threats of harm to family, or fall for temptations : sex, easy money, title and positions of importance, for fame and fortune, etc, etc.. and so gain entrance into the family, we just need to make ONE MISTAKE ONLY ONCE AND THE DOOR IS OPEN.... HORRIFYING....TERRIFYING, BECAUSE HOW CAN WE KNOW !!!! We think we will protect the family while we are actually opening the door into the family....they want the whole family and have NO MERCY, they are going to hurt the family anyway, whether you try and protect them or not....these are family destroyers. When we do give in and do a wrong,  they shame us and use it as a manipulation tool to force us into more wrongs, whilst behind our backs they are using it to threaten the rest of the family by dirtying the precious family we can NEVER PROTECT ANY BY DOING A WRONG.....Because families are not close to each and open and honest about each day, simply because there is no time, we lose contact with each other, don't know each other and do not share. Today's life pulls families apart all the time. Parents... both of them, if there are even two parents, have to work to afford the cost of living, children are separated at a young age and forced into schools, hours of separation are long and there is very little time for family bonding and sharing each others days in EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS WITH COMPLETE OPENNESS AND HONESTY. Damage is done, there is no turning back....and we are strangers living under one roof afraid to tell the truth, afraid of the repercussions, afraid to cause hassles, afraid of disappointing the parents.....AND.....SILENCE BECOMES OUR DOWNFALL..... THERE IS A WAY OUT OF THIS....
WE EXPOSE THEM.....the damage is already done and will get worse and worse unless WE PUT A STOP TO IT..... we've already been hurt, and so has the family, and it would have happened anyway, WITHOUT YOUR INVOLVEMENT... SO CHUCK THE GUILT AND SORT THE PROBLEM.  These are family destroyers, they are out to destroy all love, all understanding, any type of family bond so they can claim your lives and make you their slaves....the harlot works on lust and sex and to succeed in her operations she needs to destroy all the goodness and purity and love and decency in human is NOT YOUR FAULT, IT WILL HAPPEN ANYWAY, DOESN'T MATTER THROUGH WHO THEY WORK... SHATTERED FAMILIES BRING HARLOT SLAVES, IT'S A SIMPLE AS THAT. The family has already been infiltrated, regardless through who, unless we speak out and expose exactly how we were caught, we WILL END IN BONDAGE AND BE USED AND THREATENED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. They LOVE SILENCE because it gives them the licence to play us. It is very easy to fall into one of the many traps, because we don't know it all and they make it very difficult to escape. YET, IT IS NOT SO HARD TO ESCAPE WHEN WE KNOW THE TRUTH. Truth ALWAYS gives a way out and this they fear. As they have lured and tempted us, THEY ARE IN THE WRONG AND THEY KNOW IT AND THEREFORE THEY USE THREATS TO SILENCE US....WE NEED A GREATER POWER TO GUIDE US THROUGH......LIES ARE A NO-NO....COMPLETELY OUT, SILENCE IS OUT....Families MUST learn to be stand by each other through thick and thin, so......WE EXPOSE THE METHODS THEY USE AND THE WAYS IN WHICH THEY TRAP US. What I did : I gave my burdens to Jesus, I exposed it, ask forgiveness for giving in to their threats, placed my family under the divine protection and safety of God, went for the jugular and refuse to bow to them any more or again.....been there, done that, moved on.....when they threatened me with exposure I told them "gave the situation to Jesus, prayed, placed my family under Gods care, so don't speak to me, speak to my lawyer and be gone with you.    .AND THEY RAN . ......CLEANED OUT A TOWN SINGLE HANDEDLY.....THEY RAN .....NOT ME...I CAME .  THEY RAN. I became so tired of fear, that I hit it head on and it worked... Now THEY FEARED ME.....NICE CHANGE....THE HUNTER BECAME THE HUNTED. ..because they knew I would not remain silent any longer, BUT SHOUT IT TO THE WORLD.......

Tomorrow.....tears of the judges and lawyers......

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A BREAK.....