Wherever we go we leave tracks behind us, either of goodness, righteousness and decency, or badness, destruction, rebellion, trouble, dissention. We write it off as youthful escapades BUT IT HAS LEFT ITS MARKS ON OUR LIVES WHICH OTHERS CAN SEE. WE ARE BRANDED..... Now we apply for a job and because of our rebellion and destruction, for which we have not paid or made right, certain doors will not open for us, because we are irresponsible....we don't settle our debts.... We are not given reasons, but the jobs go to others all the time, leaving us stranded. We must never think we can hide things, WE CAN'T.....EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO IS RECORDED SOMEWHERE, so we must very, very sure of the paths we wish to follow later in life so our youthful irresponsibility doesn't condemn our future and send us onto paths of destruction. There are invisible rules and laws on all paths, make sure you know what they are and follow them....KNOW THAT WE LEAVE FOOTPRINTS WHEREVER WE GO....
Monica Maartens ©Copyright
31 July 2018