Once we become truly aware, we know what we seek and once identified, we will always find it in between all the rubble. We cannot find a needle in a haystack UNLESS WE KNOW WHAT THE NEEDLE LOOKS LIKE. We become so confused and tormented in all the upheavals and horrors life brings, simple because we haven't learnt to identify what we seek. It is another of life's great secrets and mysteries. Everything we need to know is freely available, but we lack the skill of zoning in and identifying what we seek. So, how do we do this ? Actions develop from where the eyes go - when we learn to shoot and aim, the hand follows the vision of the eye, so the eye aims and the hand follows. Firstly we need to be AWARE of what it is we seek, which comes from the heart and soul......the desire, passion or need. Secondly we aim the eye at the knowledge that will increase our vision - some is internal in thought, some is in books we read or people we talk to. Any fear, confusion and doubt vanishes when knowledge enters simply because we gain understanding for what it is and what its purpose and meaning is. This now goes into the storehouse of our brain, from where the mind draws from to create images and thoughts. Next time it comes around we say "I know you" and there is no fear or confusion. Thirdly we have now developed the skill of identification within the mind which sends a message to the eye from inside, directing it to whatever it is we are searching for and 'whalla' - it pops into vision. The needle shines brightly in the haystack and we just pluck it out. This is what awareness is all about - knowing what it is that we are looking for and THEN WE ALWAYS FIND IT. This goes for relationships as well - when we seek for understanding in others, it comes forward, when we seek their goodness, it comes out to play, when we seek love and kindness in their heart, it manifests itself. When we pick on faults and flaws, they radiate with the attention. BECOME AWARE OF THE POWER AND INFLUENCE WE HAVE ON THE REACTIONS OF OTHER PEOPLE AND LIFE IN GENERAL. WORK ON AWARENESS, DEVELOP THE SKILL - IT IS LIFE CHANGING - NO MORE HELPLESSNESS....WE CAN HELP OURSELVES - IT'S HEAVEN......© knowledge affects us.....
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