Some experiences hold on to us and so we go with it unwrapping the events piece by piece. Others we step aside, get out of the way and let it flow past, because we can see more clearly from the side than in the midst of the storm. Very many of the paths we land on are NOT OUT OF CHOICE. We weren't even asked to choose, we are not even aware of the paths we are on, once there we can only see what is directly in front of us and not the bigger picture. We are swept up in the tide and simply get dragged along. At times we land in groups simply because we want to be part of something. We want to feel we "belong", so we go along for the comrade, the companionship, not intentionally " deciding" or "choosing" to walk on these paths. This is often how gangs are formed, we feel left out, isolated, alone and afraid and are sucked in and once in do we only see what is going on. Then we need to prove our "loyalty" to the group or gang by doing something bad, that stays within the group. Then due to ridicule and mockery, we take the dare, so we are not pushed away and rejected again, not realizing and possibly not caring that it is going to get worse. We will have to continue "proving" ourselves by doing even worse and then we don't know how to escape when it gets really bad.....we are now going to be in trouble with parents, teachers and possibly even the law. So we become trapped in a life we never intended. It is very hard to continually swim against the tide of wrong and evil. It is extremely exhausting and we become so tired that we give up and go with the flow only to bring heartache and tears later on. All this because we don't know how to swim with the tide, slowly moving to the side until we find a gap out. Sometimes the tide is just too strong to swim against and the only difference between those who stay on the surface and those who sink into the darkness, is the way we swim. While swimming with the tide, we can uncover and learn all about it, gaining valuable knowledge and experience which becomes the solid ground that starts building up under our feet, lifting us right out of the water. We swim with the tide, all the time moving out of it onto dry ground. As we gain knowledge and insight, we loosen ourselves from the main stream, keep our heads above water while building the new foundation and then get a full view as we rise up. The ones that sink are those that shut down, simply float along and fall to drugs as the solution to the problem and the drugs are like cement blocks on their feet dragging them even deeper. They do not gain from the experience, not willing to become aware and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, NOT WILLING TO LOOK AND SEE, NOT WANTING TO SEE, PROBABLY BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO BROKEN AND EXHAUSTED.....NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE WEAK, DROP OUTS, BAD OR EVIL..... SIMPLY JUST BROKEN.....THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN BY THE HAND FOR A WHILE........©
Tomorrow.....falling away into drugs......
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