A BASIC BREAKDOWN OF LOVE..... This is not the human kind of "love", which is actually desire and lust, here we speak of real love, the kind that comes from the soul and not from the flesh. This love is a Godly attribute and is the very core of all existence. Our spirit, soul and heart, and mind are all emotion encased in the vessel of flesh.....and this emotion is deeply influenced by good vibrations and bad vibrations.....the good vibrations are love and it brings harmony to our entire inner being making us amiable, agreeable and pleasant. We are going to glance at what can be taught, what comes through our soul directly from our God connection and the results and fruit....

As babies we start learning from the way we are held, touched and treated. When we are gentle with our children, they are generally gentle. When we hold them close for the first few months we build a powerful bond. When they become a little older we show them through actions how to play gently with their toys and pets, if there are pets, so they see, they hear by our voice how we speak softly, and they feel by the way we touch them. Soon we teach them consideration that each has a turn to be fed, bathed, played with, etc. Endurance is taught when they learn to eat with a spoon, it is over and over until they get the mouth, same with crawling and walking, it is over and over as we help them get along. They learn from us our patience, hopefully.....we learn to share, toys, food, hugs and kisses, we learn to co-exist, to be civil to each other....all the things we see and feel and absorb mentally is what we learn about love....smiling and laughing, affection, etc...we can add much more to the list, but we get the general drift. All these qualities we are learning have an impact on our nature and it fruits if you wish, it results in certain behaviours patterns. Fruits of love is gentleness, kindness, joy, happiness, laughter, relaxed and calm, peaceful, carefree, easy to be with and to handle, playful, open, fearless, excited, adventurous, healthy. Thus kind of child is an absolute pleasure, because there is no crying, no tantrums, no upsets...just a joyful little being coming into their own. Where there is anger children cringe away, the noise and fighting, and shouting and tenseness make them afraid, they know something is wrong and it makes them nervous and tense resulting in bad digestion, bad sleeping leading to unhealthy growth, tiredness, irritability, tantrums and drama, which no one needs. 
When children are very loving in a pure way, it scares potential intruders because thay cannot break through that kind of is too bright and repells them. This is interesting....we make our children wary of keep away from them.....this leads to fear....the child fears the stranger and fear is the door the intruder uses.. .when he sees he can use fear in a child he finds a grip on the child, so we should not teach a child fear, but let them develop the pure love that they carry, what they should be taught is no one is allowed to look or touch where it is inappropriate.....and guess where it starts ......yes.....with nappy changes....the child must see and know from very young that this is private and NOT FOR PUBLIC VIEWING....they pick it up from the nappy changes. So please, think what you are doing......think what you are planting into the child's brain....think..... We should avoid teaching our children is our duty to ensure that our child is safe at all times and take the necessary precautions wherever we keep the child, that no strangers can get to them, until they are old enough to understand and fend for themselves, but not to teach them fear....because they start fearing all sorts of things, possibly even us and that is no good...
We will see hiw this affects that growth of a child.   The loved child versus the unloved child....same environment, same food, only love being the difference...... ©

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A BREAK.....