Where does courage come from ? It is a basic self assurance that we can achieve or do something, arising from being balanced. As children we are afraid of many things because the world is a big and scary place. We have a relationship with our parents and when we become afraid run to them for protection. As we wean away from them and start venturing on our own, there will be many things we won't try due to fear. Fear is basically we learn about what we fear and dissect it, it becomes manageable. Often we need guidance and direction and that is why it is so important to develop all sides of a child. We need a spiritual connection throughout life for the unseen realm in life. Even our parents can't protect us here - so it is wise to introduce a child to their divine inheritance and teach them how to have fellowship with God. Our soul is the divine residence and won't allow any other to occupy this space. When our souls are neglected we always live in a vacuum of insecurity, which we try to hide with arrogance, a couldn't care attitude, or rudeness to keep people at arms length so they won't notice our insecurity and fear. We have a wariness of the unknown, fear and are hesitant to make decisions , we ride the see saw and see where it ends. When we are spiritually anchored we KNOW WE HAVE BACKUP which gives us confidence in life. There is none that can successfully negotiate life alone and who can we trust that has our best interests at heart ? God, only God ! That takes care of the spiritual side. When children show fear we should take that fear and show them how to open it up and break it down into smaller pieces - once we know what something is, why it is there, what it does, the reason and purpose for its existence, this knowledge will dispel the fear. But a child needs to learn how to dissect the fear themselves so they have that knowledge to carry with them. Explain strange noises, especially at night....when a branch scratches on a window or roof - it is very scary laying alone in bed, all is quiet and pitch dark except for this noise, not knowing what it is. When unknown it is amplified and loud, once we know what it is and see it in daylight, it becomes a background noise, because the fear that amplified it is gone. Same with insects and animals, read their habits and show the child pictured - libraries are free and there are many books to enlighten a child's mind. Fear of people is disastrous, because it causes us to bow to authoritive voices and attitudes. We need to teach a child to stand by the truth because then they never need to fear anyone. Also, NOT TO KEEP SILENT.....SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN ...IT IS A BONDAGE TRAP ....WHEN WE CAN BE KEPT SILENT WE BECOME EXTREMELY VULNERABLE. When intimidated by older and stronger children a child should not suffer in silence, but make a massive noise, otherwise they become a victim for a very long time....possibly even their entire schooling. It is not the parents that must fight the battle for the child because that also adds fuel to the fire, but for the child to stand solidly against intimidation. Others will then be wary of them and leave them be.....bully's are generally cowards and insecure that is why they need to use aggression and bullying because they can't hold their own. When a child has fellowship with God, they have the Spirit inside them 24/7 under all circumstances which fighgts the battles for the child through the child's mouth with the right words for each occasion without it ending in fights and violence. THIS IS SO MASSIVELY IMPORTANT TO EQUIP OUR CHILDREN WITH THE RIGHT TOOLSFOR LIFE. WE CANNOT POSSIBLY BE WITH THEM 24/7. BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD CAN....and from the Spirit comes our love, understanding, wisdom, values and all things pertaining to life.....give the children this is the gift of life.... ©
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