We start weaving adulthood into childhood. We are far more then just a body of flesh......we are also spirit, mind... not brain....mind, heart and soul, which is our fire and drive, our mental comprehension and our emotions and deeper purpose and meaning of all this. ALL OF US SHOULD GROW TOGETHER.... The spirit comes first when we are conceived....or so I believe, as it gives the growth together with the flesh. This is our baby and child that will travel with us throughout out life. It goes through three stages as we will see as we go along this journey......it is what is commonly called Aries, Leo and Sagittarius....the fire or spirit stages which is in every one of us, unless it has been smothered or destroyed along the way. In actual fact it is our spiritual side and is always exploring and wondering....like a child. When the spirit is quenched or broken we lose our enthusiasm and vigour for life and become stagnant.....we fall in a rut and can't get moving.
Then along come the toddler stage in the flesh....the earthly domain where hunger, discomfort, pain, etc. all play a role... everything to do with the body which is big at this age....the body is growing fast and pushes us to crawl and start walking and all the physical things. Wanting the physical closeness after birth, it is like the birth, when the baby is ready it turns to prepare for birth, when the baby is ready to be weaned, they start crawling, before then they need the closeness if the mother or father body, as much as possible...this is displayed in the Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Much to do with the self's absorption if the flesh nature, lusts and desires.....the commands of the flesh....many seeds planted in the brain... which is part of the flesh will send messages to the parts of the body according to the programming from the brain. Being hot or cold, feeling pain....all goes to the brain and nerve centre to send the appropriate impulse messages to the various parts of the body.
When our minds start operating apart from the programmed brain, understanding and comprehension appears and develops through Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.....very much to do with reasoning, fairness, justice, balancing, comparing, etc. The MIND takes what is planted in the BRAIN and starts reasoning and arguing about its validity. It starts making sense of what has been planted in the brain. This is the stage where a child wants to know everything, questions, questions, questions......... and we must have the right answers and answer as truthfully as possible. When we don't have an answer, make it a team effort to search for the correct answers to show a child how and where to do research and find answers because this will open the doors of much excitement to a child. Our brains are remarkable.... they record everything and somewhere in the future will dig out certain information to the letter....so don't lie to the child, it will blow up in your face. We don't say "because I am your mother and I say so"..... This is no good.....the child's mind needs the truth, otherwise it cannot be stored and goes into a communal room to be sorted at a later date and when that room becomes overcrowded, they call a person mad, or insane.....because they lose it....too much rubble lay unsorted and they become lost. There will be 100 " why's" every day and we as adults need to play this game and not stump the inquiring mind, but fly with the child mind....it is like a refresher course for ourself, seeing the world through the eyes of our child again. Very exciting times.
Now comes the emotions....there from the beginning, but not recognised as emotions until later. Early in life it is more of a need than an emotion....like not being left alone in a big empty world alone in a cot in a big empty room.....it is scary and lonely and affects the emotions. When we deprive a baby of this much needed contact directly after birth they become withdrawn and fearful ...they start shutting down the emotional machine subconsciously because there is no help....and this could lead to serious emotional problems, depressions, isolation, withdrawal, etc... It is serious. Here we see our Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces weaving through our lives. Each time our emotions are disregarded in favour of fleshy things, we go inside and hide deep inside our hearts and souls and store this. Our soul becomes a safety retreat and this come become a dungeon full of hurt, pain, misunderstanding, on which we silently and secretively brood. When emotions are respected and treated with kindness and gentleness and consideration the windows remain open and feelings can come and go and we are able to speak of our feelings and emotions, so it never closes up to become dark and ominous with disappointment, fear, aloneness, helplessness and waiting......which will eventually lead to revenge....simply because these unresolved emotions fester and grow and eventually explode. ©
Tomorrow we take a closer look at the influence if the zodiac in our upbringing and also the influence of God and religion.....the way I see it.....
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