Throughout childhood our main teachers are Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer until we become aware of mirrors, the opposite sex, glamour and beauty and want to start impressing, normally only in our teens when the next four join the party....Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. More about that a bit later, we aren't through with childhood yet. All these behind the scenes "teachers or masters" work, or should be working within the framework of Godly teaching, guiding our paths with truth, virtues and values in each sector of our growth as is appropriate to our age and development. This is individual according to each child. As I see it, the milky way is our childhood years and there are teachers, beside the schools, and society's that select out of the milky way those they want in their society at an older age. After this the society of Venus selects the girls and Mars collects the boys they have chosen. These society's exist upon the earth as clubs, etc and without anyone's knowledge the children are subtly guided into what they want them to become.....we are already groomed from very young. They are in a way isolated and through parents and teachers are tested and trained by these masters. They operate through the people around the children. The unchosen ones remain in the milky way and eventually land up in the meteor belt where they have to fight and battle and sell themselves to obtain a place, otherwise they simple remain one of the masses. Simply my observation, but when we look deeply into it, it makes perfect sense. Besides all this going on, the most important and first major attribute to establish within a child is love.....real, genuine love. 
LOVE is a mighty tree with very deep roots and many, many branches. The roots reach right through our souls into our core, which is the center of our excistence, our umbilical cord to our creator, an unbreakable bond that will always be there even we become lost in the maze of life. It is, when we are older, that hole in our soul, that emptiness which nothing can fill....that is our special space for a relationship with God, nothing can fill that space because nothing can get there, only God can, it is the home of love, our God connection, our emotional center. From here the entire tree is watered with love and truth. The trunk represents our physical body, our earth or DNA, the flesh part which we consider to be our Taurus, the vessel which carries the rest of us. The branches of the tree represent the spirit as they branch out into all directions exploring all the paths and ways of life, which is the fire in us, the Aries, and if not chained will develop into many abilities and talents as we test and try all sorts of different things. It has no natural fear and is very willing and eager to venture into anything and everything, remember it is spirit, it knows no bounds, as long as the body can keep up, it will go. The leaves are the kitchen of the tree and through photosynthesis convert the minerals, etc into food for the tree, like the mind...our Gemini or air, filtering through the brain all the knowledge recorded, finding the meaning and understanding behind it, taking what is useful and casting the rubble out. This is a major job, because the eyes and ears collect an enormous amount of useless garbage that has no place or use in our lives. Added to this is the soul, heart and emotions...probably the greatest force of them all ...when we feel down in the dumps, nothing wants to play...the spirit is dampened, the mind has lost interest, and we have no motivation, sad emotions are terribly heavy and weigh all of us down. And this is where love plays such a major part. When we are loved we know it, we feel it, it fills our entire being and nothing is impossible, we are ready and able to reach the impossible with no completes us, makes us a whole unit. This is our deep waters department...we can fly on the wings of eagles, or we can sink into the deepest, darkest, dungeons of despair that shuts down all systems. Love is the true water of life, vitality and growth. This love, which is all embracing is a gift from God, it is a very special type of love that can see through any obstacles and when nurtured and cherished becomes our very life force. This is the Cancer that can bring serenity, calm waters and beautiful sunshine, or it can rage with devastating storms of terrible destruction...when these deep waters are disturbed it drains all our energy like a monstrous black hole and the energy of everyone around them. It sucks all the joy out of life in the entire area. 
Now love is partly taught through actions in a mental capacity which leads to fruits. But before it can grasp any of this we need to open the sluice gates through our souls to the portals of Gods love, the origin from where it springs forth.......

Tomorrow we will take a peep into the breakdown........©

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A BREAK.....