Lets do a checklist on how we are doing. 
The will, or spirit, our Aries side in us is developing fine as we venture into all our surroundings with vigour and curiosity, being very insistent on what we want to explore. If not held back by too many rules and regulations it should be doing just fine. As this part of us has nothing to do with body and DNA, but all about the inner person, it grows at its own pace with a little guidance.
The flesh or body in Taurus grows in leaps and bounds with the nutrition and food appropriate for our age. We are weighed and measured, injected and vaccinated, our respiration and heart beat is checked, our vision and hearing is evaluated, our brains are recording the information and all flesh things are running smoothly and growth is quite normal 
The mind and comprehension in Gemini is very much alive and questioning everything. As the brain records all what is seen and heard, the mind now checks it as it reasons and tries to understand and make sense of it all. This activity belongs to the unseen inner person - the spiritual side of us. The fleshy brain is like the hardware that only records exactly as it is received, the mind is like the program that finds the meaning and purpose behind it as it is not always literal but symbolic, so the mind and intelligence is linked to brain but is not the brain, is has note to do with the spirit than the flesh.
Now we come to the emotional side of us, our Cancer, which is for most part of our life badly neglected. Everything our flesh feels, our emotions feel too. When, in the case of a baby, our nappy is wet or soiled, it causes discomfort which results in irritation, confusion and left unchecked, anger and frustration. When left regularly and too long it causes nappy rash with stinging, burning pain all the time resulting in restlessness and continuous crying, even when dry. When we are hot, cold, hungry or hurting, it all affects our feelings and emotions. We have no emotional education, no one teaches us how to cope with our emotions, it is pretty much swept aside... We have to correct the outer circumstances to ease the restlessness and inner turmoil. We hug and comfort the child, give reassurance, love and time. Speak in gentle soft words and tones to restore our balance. When we rant and rage, scream and shout, it aggravates the situation and doesn't help anyone, a child cannot help how they feel, as a matter if fact neither can an adult, we can just hide it better. When we ignore these feelings and leave a baby or child in their cot or room to cry it out, it is the worst thing we can do, because these unresolved emotions make themselves a home in a deep dark dungeon of emotional turmoil and stores each and every event which later in life dwill become serious issues. And an injured heart has a memory like an never forgets and rarely forgives until it finds understanding. Only then can it release those feelings of neglect and misuse. The still waters run deep and may become become very revengeful once they are old enough and strong enough. These traumas in young life will use the grown up body with the child-like the mind goes back to the child emotional state and the now adult body takes the revenge. 
Baby or small child is checked for clean, dry nappies, they've been fed, their temperature is normal and if nothing physical can be found wrong, it is presumed the child is being naughty and promptly punished. They can't talk yet to say they are hurting inside, emotionally, or they are scared alone....and for this they are punished...HOW IGNORANT....... They may have heard and noise and are afraid, or the need to be lo gdoes a baby lay in their pram or cot each day.....they need to be turned regularly if they are not in a bib on your chest, where they should be......or the clothing maybe too tight, or they are just lonely and need to be close. By the time the can speak, they are already hiding in their dark dungeons, due to fear of punishment.....and then there is always a gap, a mistrust, and this is very, very deep because it started so young. IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO IGNORE EMOTIONS - IT IS THE GREATER PART OF WHO WE ARE, WE ARE BASICALLY EMOTIONS CONTAINED IN A VESSEL OF FLESH. So from this we can see we are ONE part flesh - the seen and THREE parts spirit - the unseen. So the unseen should receive three times the amount of attention that the seen part receives..... And who does we spend as much time beautifying our hearts and emotions, minds and thoughts, as we do our bodies and faces ????? WHY NOY ??? ©

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