Great excitement rules the house, with shrieks and laughter as far they go. Walking time has arrived and it's hands and feet everywhere. . .nothing, but nothing is safe as little miracle has become the greater terror in the home. They touch and pick up everything within their reach.....everything that can come loose.
So....BE WARNED....REMOVE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT HAS ANY MEANING, OR THAT CAN BREAK TO AVOID NOT ONLY LOSS BUT SERIOUS ACCIDENTS, ESPECIALLY GLASS THAT CAN BREAK AND CUT....IT IS VERY DANGEROUS. It is the parents duty to ensure these accidents don't happen, not only for the safety of the child, but also for legal purposes. If the child does happen to cut themselves and need to go to hospital for stitches, the hospital staff have to inform the police and welfare authorities and you may very well find yourself going home alone....what a terrible tragedy would that not be. The welfare is like the mouth of the dragon and they are always looking for fresh meat and any little excuse is sufficient for a child to vanish down its throat. Don't find yourself involved with the authorities....their hands are tied, they just follow the rules, so you can't even fight them. You also can't shout and scream at the child if they pick up things laying around.... It is this age of exploration and curiosity, they are going to pick it up, it MUST NOT BE THERE.....PERIOD. . and it is our responsibility to ensure it is not there.... Also, they are not at all steady on their feet, so keep all pens and pencils and crayons and sticks and anything sharp very far away from them, least they have it in their hand and fall forwards and thus sharp object pierces their eye, mouth or face, even their body....MAKE THE HOUSE BABY AND CHILD SAFE FOR QUITE SOME TIME. It's pretty pointless shouting and scaring the child when they have no idea what you're on about.... what have they done to deserve your anger.....are you going to play god or sergeant major and place your child under military rule ????? These times are extremely sensitive as we continue planting characteristics within the child which they will carry throughout their life.  We are now starting to move from the stubborn Taurus self will into the Gemini stage of development, where they point and touch everything, simply because they want to know what it is, so don't smack them...tell them what it is and what it is used for, even if you think they can't understand, they can and are busy recording it. Taurus and Gemini will walk side by side for some time to come and will each find their own space in our personality bringing Aries with it....everything new has the wonder and surprise of Aries, then they stubbornly get stuck on it like Taurus until we explain it into their mind where Gemini takes it and stores it, then all is hunky dory as they move to the next target.....we don't want them learning to seek approval and having to impress to obtain it....we love them, period, in whatever they do, when we want them to go in a different direction we give them the enticement and interest to follow where we guide them. When they pick up something and we want to take it off them, we exchange it for something we want them to play with, otherwise there will ensue a battle of wills and we don't want to develop a tug of war attitude....make an exchange, gently and swiftly and take their attention to the new things immediately. This will come in very, very handy later in life when we need to exchange evil and bad for good and pure.... We are already "programmed" correctly. Encourage with love and guidance and not  shouting and punishment.....a child should NEVER, BUT NEVER FEAR THEIR PARENTS....OR THEY WILL GO TO KIND STRANGERS...... PUNISHMENT IS NEVER NECESSARY WHEN WE TEACH THROUGH EXPLANATION, DEMONSTRATION, AND GUIDANCE.... THEY CANNOT POSSIBLY GET LOST... TIME, PRECIOUS TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN IS MOSTLY WHAT THEY NEED, TIME TO PLAY, TIME TO EXPLAIN, TIME TO HUG AND CUDDLE, TIME TO JUST LOVE, TIME TO JUST BE WITH THEM...TIME...TIME.....TIME....GIVE IT TO THEM.....©

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A BREAK.....