In my view, most pain comes from misunderstanding. We are ignorant to the rules of the game of life. It is not so much about what happens to us, BUT HOW WE REACT AND DEAL WITH IT. It is all about how we accept it that will determine how it affects us. When we look at life as the opportunity to develop abilities, we take on the attitude of student, always willing to learn, seek answers and grow. Once this is established, we look at life through different eyes. Tribulations and trials become exciting adventures of new discoveries as we face them head on, take each one and expose it to it full extent, find all the information we can about it, read up on it, speak to others who have gone through similar experiences and have knowledge on it and totally analyse it, BECAUSE HEREIN LAYS ALL  THE SECRETS AND MYSTERIES OF LIFE. It becomes extremely interesting and exciting as we become the masters of situations and learn how to ride the wave not be tumbled by it. As it has now become an exploration into the unknown, deeper, darker depths of situations and emotions, it no longer has the power to hurt us and we lose our fear. FEAR AND PAIN COMES THROUGH IGNORANCE...... We can study and read many books, but until we actually physically go through an experience, those words remain "hollow and empty". It is planted in our brain, but makes no rational sense until the practical experience is added, then the words become alive through the experience. I read much about " spirits and spiritual matters" but it was all out of my reach until I had a spiritual experience in what is called "a near death experience" - when we die and death does not hold us captive. My flesh died and my spirit left my body and entered into what felt and looked like a cloud at sunrise or sunset, basked in a golden glow, soft and safe and warm with no pain from the physical death experience at all. I asked to return to cancel the death and was suddenly back in the "dead flesh". NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME I UNDERSTOOD WHAT WAS MEANT BY " SPIRIT" AND "FLESH" AS TWO SEPARATE, YET TOGETHER ENTITIES.....that the real me was spirit living within the flesh as one with the body. The body needs the spirit to survive, but the spirit does not need the body, it continues without the flesh. After this experience and thereafter all my experiences, I went to the library and dug up all the reading material I could find and discovered there are many others who had also experienced the same. This is always very reassuring, knowing we are not alone on our journeys. Within any situation, find knowledge and marry the knowledge to the experience.....this brings the understanding and meaning which swallows the pain and turns it into a new ability....we become conquers of every situation, not victims that grovel in the injustices, unfairness, sorrows and pains but conquers being trained into deep insight and enlightenment and THIS IS WHEN WE CONQUER ALL PAIN, ALL FEAR, ALL INSECURITIES AND BECOME THE MASTER OF SITUATIONS. There is no longer any unfairness or injustices, but only opportunities to gain more and more knowledge and wisdom. Even most diseases - when we are under a shield of protection from the spiritual influences affecting our health, the "accidents" avoid us and so, amazingly enough, do the "germs and viruses". We just don't become I'll. .....©

Tomorrow....using love as manipulation and reward systems.....



The monster of pain slays me to the ground,
grief and sorrow goes round and round,
I drown in terror and confusion,
turmoil and torment brings more delusion.

I try to escape from its terrible grip,
fill myself with drugs as I slip,
all I see is darkness and sorrows,
eating away at all my tomorrows.

I cry out loud asking "why me Lord",
an answer rings clearly " come on board",
all events come to all alike,
we must learn how to ride the bike.

Search for the reasons as they appear,
seek for the meaning that makes it clear,
knowledge with experience becomes our wisdom,
exciting adventures that bring us freedom.

Monica Maartens © 30/09/2017



We don't talk, we don't communicate, we are not open within a family. What concerns and affects one member, affects the entire family...there are to be NO SECRETS. As children we get up to all sorts of mischief, as teenagers.....we won't even talk.....then we get married and have to act like adults and become parents. We now have to fit into these new roles in life and try and guide our children past the mistakes we made. BUT THAT IS NOT HOW LIFE WORKS......ALL THINGS COME TO ALL PEOPLE, ONLY THE DISGUISES CHANGE A BIT. THIS IS HOW WE LEARN ABOUT LIFE. We cannot prevent it, ALL WE CAN DO is teach children HOW TO DEAL WITH SITUATIONS. Through what or through who these events come is irrelevant, what is relevant is to have the children prepared to do the right thing when it does happen. By the time we become parents  we feel we have to be an example to a child, like some god or goddess in their eyes, like we've never done shame or wrong. We have to act the perfect parent or what will the people say!!! So we try and hide our mistakes, especially the shameful ones and the soul hunters know this and use it on the children. They force the children into bad situations by telling them they will hurt the parents with their shameful past, unless they do as they are told, so TO PROTECT THE PARENTS the children fall into the clutches of darkness. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THEY CANNOT TALK because then a brother or sister or parents or a pet WILL BE HURT AND THEY DO HURT THEM, BUT.....THEY'RE GOING TO HURT THEM ANYWAY UNLESS THEY KNOW WHAT TO DO, JUST TO SHOW YOU THEY CAN AND WILL. SO IN SILENCE THEY ARE TORMENTED, MISLED AND FALL INTO TERRIBLE SITUATIONS FROM WHICH THEY CANNOT ESCAPE - ALL BECAUSE OF SECRETS AND LACK OF COMPLETE OPENNESS. THIS IS ONE GREAT LESSON WE SHOULD LEARN VERY YOUNG - DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT YOU WOULDN'T DO IN FRONT OF YOUR PARENTS, TEACHERS AND ESPECIALLY GOD......MAINLY GOD. Children must learn to say "NO CAN DO - GOD WOULD NOT APPROVE" and stand solidly. Then when parents, family, pets or anything is threatened we PLACE THEM UNDER GODS CARE WHERE THEY MUST FIRST GAIN PERMISSION FROM GOD, WHICH THEY ARE TOO AFRAID TO DO AND SAY " NO CAN DO" - it is vitally important - once trapped it is a nightmare to try and escape..... You don't even give a finger - NOTHING, ZILTCH, NADA.....NOT EVEN A FINGER. BE OPEN WITHIN A FAMILY - THERE CAN BE NO SECRETS - EVERYTHING HAS A REASON, MEANING AND PURPOSE....DIG FOR IT.....FIND IT..... EXPOSE IT ALL AND REMAIN OPEN OR DON'T START A FAMILY. Anything can be sorted with openness, love, consideration, understanding and explanation....ANYTHING....without throwing stones. STAND TOGETHER AS A FAMILY IN ALL THINGS.... can we overcome the monster called pain......



You don't understand, I cannot talk,
I'm trapped and forced to take this walk,
I'm sworn to silence or great danger lurks,
the forces of darkness will destroy your works.

They know of secrets but we're in the dark,
you've never told us but they hit the mark,
the only generation gap is the silence,
not trusting our love and showing us reliance.

Why didn't you tell us about your dark past,
we could have stood our ground to the last,
Now we don't know what it is that they have,
there are no secrets you can take to the grave.

Talk to us, tell us, prepare us for what's to come,
don't keep us in the dark for them to have fun,
give us the tools to say "NO CAN DO",
there is the door " OUT YOU SHOO".

Monica Maartens ©



Shame of mistakes, speaking out of turn, doing something stupid is very real and very crippling. We want the earth to open and swallow us. Already we feel so stupid and belittled, we don't need it to be rubbed in with "I told you so, why don't you ever listen, you idiot, etc." Then to still use shame as a means to train or control others is downright mean. We cringe in and try to become as small as we can to just escape. It makes a person feel so helpless and vulnerable, small and insignificant. Sometimes remorse is so enormous it eats us up alive.....we don't know what to do about it so it becomes part of the baggage we carry around and each time a similar event pops up, we take a dip back into our dungeons of shame. It sticks like bubblegum to a wool blanket and we become hardened inside to protect ourselves. We pretend nothing matters and so what, while we are being eaten up inside. It feels like the whole world is watching us wherever we go - the result of guilt feelings. People look anyway without intending to but due to the guilt IT FEELS LIKE THEY CAN SEE INSIDE US. IT IS A SIDE EFFECT OF GUILT - THAT'S ALL.......they can't really see is merely the emotions playing up. When our mistakes are thrown back at us or used against us to manipulate us into further wrongdoing, which some people do, we become captives of our own shame and life becomes very, very dark. It also breeds terrible rebellion, anger and aggression in us because we lash out to as a means of self defense. Shameful things should never be done to a child and the guilt then planted on them...... "you dirty little girl or boy"..... When porn is shown to us to defile our minds and souls, often leading to sexual abuse, we should never remain silent. We all make mistakes and should not be shamed or belittled or happens. What we should be taught is how to deal with it in an appropriate manner. This is another thing WE SHOULD NEVER HIDE - IN THE WRONG HANDS IT BECOMES A POWERFUL WEAPON TO MAKE US SLAVES TO THEIR BIDDING. Children should be taught to be open and when they are not to insult, degrade or trash them even further. We should always help them understand what happened and the sickness of the world and through explanation restore their purity as best as we can. We expose the whole sordid little story and show them their innocence and each ones part so they don't have to carry this with them for many years to come. It can mess up their entire life if left to ride. SHAME IS A VERY HEAVY CROSS, REMORSE IS AN INVISIBLE CANCER THAT EATS AWAY AT OUR HEARTS AND SOULS......DON'T LET IT DO THIS......© just don't understand....



With shame I hang my head in disgrace,
a terrible error has plucked me out of place,
when you continually use shame to train,
you cause a massive blockage in my brain.

I walk down the street feeling all eyes on me,
the guilt inside me won't set me free,
it feels like the watchers see onto my soul,
deeper I go into a darkened hole.

I've made a mistake and feel like a worm,
I cringe and hide to stay out of the storm,
I feel deep regret for the error I made,
surely this counts in the price to be paid.

Must this be thrown back into my face,
day after day I eat my disgrace,
show me a way to turn this around,
before I go completely to ground.

Monica Maartens ©



Neglect, harsh punishment for things we do not understand, when violence and aggression is used for correction. First feeings of heartache start with the seperation at birth when removed from our mother, except we don't understand it as that yet .....separation anxiety. Then being placed in a lonely cot all on our own so soon after birth....the first loneliness steps in. We are so unaware of human emotion, it's frightening. The first mistrust and helplessness when baby cries from the cot and there is no one there - scary. The first hopelessness makes a home in our hearts - it's scary how young this starts. They say the first four years of a child's life is important, and yes indeed, I say the first minutes and hours, then days and weeks is even more important for the emotional stability of a child, not the physical and educational part, but the this travels with us for our entire life time, even before we start growing physically and health and education come into the picture, before we can even speak to each other. This is so incredibly important because a healthy, happy emotional being does far better health wise and with learning than the timid, fearful, insecure, afraid, untrusting toddler. The greatest part of who we are is emotion living within this vessel of flesh. When these emotions are ignored so very young in life we become disturbed in our spirit and from there stems all the "MISUNDERSTANDINGS". We ourselves don't even know where it comes from or what it is just there, this insecurity. Very few of us have ever been taught how to deal with emotions or how to express ourselves effectively. We cannot put words to emotions to explain what's happening inside and hence the feelings of isolation and rejection. When we are taught by example how to do things we don't make mistakes..... It is NOT BEING NAUGHTY TO MAKE MISTAKES.....IT'S IGNORANCE.
We should be taught with patience until we can grasp a situation. When beatings and hidings are used, any form of violence introduced into a child's becomes part of them saying violence is okay. It rubs off and we hit and hurt when we can't have our way, or are unable to handle situations. THIS IS WRONG.....MOSTLY CHILDREN DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE AFTER AND " APPEAR TO BE DISOBEDIENT AND NAUGHTY" WHEN IN FACT THEY ARE CONFUSED. Once something explained in a language they can understand then why and why not's all fall into place. Children are like sponges, always inquisitive and when bored and unguided they will explore on their own. When they then get into trouble it is the adults fault for leaving them unsupervised.....but AGGRESSION AND VIOLENCE, SHOUTING AND ABUSING IS NEVER OKAY....IT IS NOT AT ALL WISE. Explaining and understanding is the wise and right choice. Most of emotional pain and feelings of rejection, being misunderstood, feeling isolated and all alone on this earth is due to lack of decent communication and misunderstandings and it becomes deeper and deeper as we does not just vanish with matures.....©

Tomorrow....crippling shame.....



New journeys open when we're given birth,
a chance to fulfill our inner worth,
a happy heart will open the way,
bring the joys we deserve every day.

Emotions are a powerful force,
directing our lives onto its course,
life is meant to be filled with discoveries,
when we fall be allowed into recoveries.

When we are beaten and whipped to obey,
continually belittled we fall to dismay,
our spirits are broken and feel rejected,
drop tears of blood and become isolated.

Due to ignorance we make many errors,
do not let these become our terrors,
guide us right with a gentler touch,
so aggression doesn't become our lunch.

Monica Maartens ©



When we hurt so bad that when we see love in others it is like a dagger that twists and turns until we cannot bear it any longer, then we rant and rage because of the immense pain. ......A REACTION ..... we don't intentionally want to hurt others, the pain just becomes like a volcano thay spews and spews pain, anger and rage and many become bitterly hurt simply because we don't understand the force behind it. As we learn more about the depth and power of love, we are able to restrain ourselves from being drawn in. It is a matter of WILL until we become accustomed to it. WE WILL OURSELVES TO REMAIN CALM until the storm has passed, which is by no means an easy feat. Once the tornado has blown out, we try to reach for the cause - that terrible pain inside. Remember, the explosion is due to destruction, brokenness and torment inside the person who erupts - it has very little to do with the receiver, but everything to do with the givers inability to deal with the brokenness and when we remain calm, clearly understanding this, we firstly don't get hurt by it and secondly it hurts the giver far less when they see they didn't hurt us. Internal damage is very, very hard to live with and after such a violent outburst these people always feel terrible because deep in their hearts they honestly didn't mean it. Heartache and pain is a terrible controlling force in a persons life and extremely difficult to reach because it often has to do with shame, abuse and ridicule which the victim chooses to hide. Then it festers and grows and makes them very, very ill emotionally and possibly also mentally and physically. The only way to heal a festering wound is to open it up, clean it out completely and use the ointment of love to heal it. When it remains inside it makes us feel totally unworthy and that is a major reason we don't want help. We simply feel we are not worth it which is so very, very wrong. If we were not worth it we wouldn't have received life at all. This pain takes on a life force of its own and easily uses our doubts, brokenness and fears to rage out of is basically a neglected spirit - THE REAL US - THE INNER BEING....©

Tomorrow....what breaks us so bad.....



Through hardships in life we're broken and torn,
cast to one side, all lost and forlorn,
with helpless expectations we face each day,
dragging our feet long the way.

Slowly but surely we're dying inside,
there is no place of safety to hide,
the pain inside become unbearable,
as it explodes into something terrible.

We cannot bear to see love in others,
it stir up a hornets nest that bothers,
the pain we feel erupts in violence,
with ranting and raging the love to silence.

It blows from us like a mighty tornado,
spewing forth like a burning volcano,
we cannot control its consternation,
as it engulfs all around in devastation.

Monica Maartens ©



Our inner condition can not be hidden with falseness and pretense as it shines through our eyes, the windows of our soul, it leaks through our mouth as we speak, the flood gates of our heart, and manifests in our deeds, the expression of our thoughts, especially those done in secret, under the cover of darkness, which is only darkness because we can't see - our eyes are blinded because our minds are brainwashed. THE FACT IS : THERE IS NO DARKNESS THAT CAN HIDE FROM THE LIGHT, WE ONLY FOOL OURSELVES....... so don't ever think it is "SECRET" because it is not. To see the beauty of the earth, beauty must be within us, because beauty draws beauty. When we have beauty in our mind and heart, it will automatically search for beauty outside. When we are hurt and angry we are blinded to any form of beauty and find fault in everything and everyone around us because the faultiness is inside us. It not only hurts our hearts, but also blinds our vision. To find this beauty we start with understanding - understanding the reasons and purposes behind the events that bring us pain. When we learn to understand that people vent and rage because of inner neglect and pain, we stop taking it personal and then it no longer has the power to hurt us. So when in a situation like this, we don't fight back, but break open a passage to the pain in the other person. When we learn to see through the rage, we will find the cause - which is normally in the emotions, the heart and rarely in the flesh. WE SPEAK TO THE HEART AND NOT THE MIND OF THE ONE RAGING BECAUSE THEIR MINDS GO BLANK WITH THE RAGE.......IT IS LIKE POURING WATER ONTO A FIRE - IT EXTINGUISHES IT....IT KILLS THE RAGE. The other person FEELS we understand......we must reach the EMOTIONS .....THE MIND IS BLIND WITH RAGE. 
To fill our inner man with beauty we use our eyes and ears - seek for worthy reading material, worthy music and songs to listen to, worthy movies to watch. We become selective to what is allowed to enter into the home of our brain. These are the two entry points into the brain - the house with many rooms, cupboards, drawers, dungeons, chains and shackles, etc. WE FILL THESE ROOMS AND CUPBOARDS WITH ONLY THE CHOICEST, MOST WORTHY KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. ONLY THE GOOD MEMORIES, the rest we check through, see if their is any lesson of value that is hidden, distract the lesson and STORE ONLY THE WORTHWHILE RESULTS OF THE CONQUERING OF THE BAD EXPERIENCE AND CAST THE REST AWAY. We have no room to store garbage, we, our brains, our hearts and souls are NOT DUSTBINS....WE DON'T STORE GARBAGE.....THROW IT OUT AND STORE ONLY THE USEABLE WISDOM RECEIVED FROM THE EXERIENCE. We open our soul into the portals of divine wisdom and Godly love and allow it to continually pour through us in good and bad times as it will wash us clean from the inside. SO - FROM THE OUTSIDE WE SELECT CLEAN, PURE, DECENT KNOWLEDGE AND FROM THE INSIDE WE CONNECT TO THE PURITY OF GOD RESULTING IN A BEAUTIFUL , PEACEFUL, PERFECT HOME FOR OUR SPIRIT TO RESIDE IN.....WHERE IS THE HOME YOU HAVE PREPRED FOR MY SPIRIT.........

Tomorrow.......hurt so bad......



I know you're hiding deep in my heart,
with doubt nd confusion you subtly implant,
don't think I don't know how I am tricked,
through truth and faith you'll surely be licked.

I'm going to fill my mind with the truth,
I'm going to build on the purity of youth,
I will not entertain any things uncouth,
I will not let you steal my inner worth.

I will seek a mission that gives life purpose,
drench all the garbage onto the surface,
wash my mind of all the worldly dirt,
bring into the open all emotional hurt.

I will sort and select what I will to keep,
take all the filth and throw it on a heap,
light a match and set it on fire,
so the days of degradation all expire.

Monica Maartens © 25/9/2017



Certain things in life do not come in measure, like true love, Godly love, faith, purity, honour, respect....all virtues and values. It's either there or it is soiled. One tiny drop of dirt soils what is clean. One tiny spot of black makes white grey. When we truly love, we love the person inside the body, in spite of the words and deeds the flesh does. We have the ability to see beyond the outer appearance to the deep things of the heart and soul. Any ugliness, evil and aggression stems from hurt and pain inside - it is a REACTION AND NOT AN ACTION. When we use comparisons to teach - like withhold love so people can appreciate when they DO RECEIVE LOVE, they do not RECOGNISE THE LOVE DUE TO THE DAMAGE DONE BY THE LACK THEREOF. We should rather teach appreciation of love, the value of love, the beauty of kindness and compassion. We don't starve a person then give them food and say "appreciate it"...... they will simply wolf it down because they are so hungry. We teach how to taste and savour each bite, allowing the tongue to absorb the sweetness and spices before gobbling it down......that is true appreciation. We don't add sand to our salt because it inedible. We don't add mud to our drinking water. THEN WHY - IN HEAVEN NAME - DO WE ADD BITTER TO LIFE'S TRUTHS TO FIND THE SWEET ??? PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS !! We become so hurt and disillusioned that when good does arrive, we don't recognize it, because we don't know what to look for. A light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. AND WHY ???? SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN SO BLINDED BY SORROW, GRIEF, DISAPPOINTMENT, HURT AND PAIN, MISTRUST, DECEIT AND LIES, ALL THINGS BAD AND DEFILED, THEY DAREN'T HOPE FOR BEAUTY. WE BECOME SO BROKEN DOWN BY DEFEAT THAT WE FEEL UNWORTHY TO ACCEPT THE LIGHT....WE FEEL TOO DIRTY AND DEFILED TO EVEN APPROACH OR LOOK TOWARD THE LIGHT. FROM ALL THE PAIN, WE HAVE LOADED OURSELVES WITH MANY EVIL REACTIONS. THIS EVIL WAS NOT OUR ACTIONS, BUT REACTIONS. DUE TO THE SUFFERING. BIG, MASSIVE DIFFERENCE. Had we not been so hurt we would not have an arm length of evil REACTIONS following us around and accusing US OF BEING EVIL. We need to separate ourselves from our REACTIONS and we will find a beautiful child inside CRYING FOR RELEASE. SO.... RELEASE THE CHILD and cast off the REACTIONS. God so loved the world that He sent His Holy Spirit in the form of flesh to rescue us and open our eyes so we may see this and comprehend it. This spirit was released by the death on the cross and is floating around WAITING FOR US TO ACCEPT IT - THAT'S ALL........ WHY ARE WE WAITING ??? WHAT EXACTLY ARE WE WAITING FOR ???? JESUS IN THE SPIRIT IS ALREADY HERE WAITING FOR US TO AWAKEN !!!! ACCEPT THE SPIRIT IN YOUR LIFE.....ASK FOR IT... AND COMMIT YOUR SPIRIT INTO JESUS HANDS SO THE TWO SPIRITS MAY BECOME ONE WITHIN YOU........ALL YOUR REACTIONS ARE CAST ASIDE....IT WAS THE PAIN SPEAKING AND NOT YOU......IT IS AS SIMPLE AS THAT.
NOW - DO IT........©

Tomorrow.....beautify the inner home where your spirit must live.....WHERE IS THE HOME YOU HAVE PREPARED FOR MY SPIRIT......



Love is complete and comes not in measure,
same as faith, it's a total treasure,
we either have it or we do not,
it's not a witches brew where we stir the pot.

Also purity, flows forth as a stream,
it's not something we conjure up in a dream,
black is black and white is white,
when mixed together grey comes into sight.

It' not a toy with an on and off switch,
we do not play it with every whim and twitch,
we know it is there 'cause we use it each day,
it shines it's glorious light on our way.

The more we use it the stronger it glows,
like a mighty river it continually flows,
through the love of God creation was formed,
with it's magnificent beauty our hearts are adorned.

Monica Maartens © 24/9/2017



Many arguments, fights, disagreements and misunderstandings arise between you and I, when in fact it has nothing to do with either you or I, but everything to do with truth and lies. TRUTH IS LIKE AN ENORMOUS BRIGHT LIGHT THAT EXPOSES FALSEHOOD AND LIES - it has nothing to do with us - IT'S TRUTH..THAT IS WHAT IT DOES. We must keep in mind that we are all at different stages of growth and development, so what is true for us at any given time may not be true in another's life, so we shouldn't deny another their truth as they see it. This is why open discussion is so important, so we don't EVER surmise but ask how  they see what they see, it can only broaden our outlook on life. We all come from different upbringings, traditions, cultures, backgrounds, environments that often we are NOT ABLE to see eye to eye. Once again we need a compass of where to draw the line and LOVE is that compass. Love causes no harm, so it is a safe measure to use. If it is not going to harm you or me in any way - mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically and it won't harm creation.....what harm can it do !!! The greatest gift we can bestow upon another is to guide them to the spirit of truth and light, connect them to it and then step back and let the spirit take over. We all know how to do that by now - see previous posts - no one knows another man but the spirit that is within that man and when we are all connected to the same spirit, that spirit guides us to see deeper than the outer appearances. Very few people are truly completely open as we fear rejection, ridicule and mockery, so we only expose what we think the other wants to see, or what we are willing to allow them to see - NOT SO !! Our words do not reflect our feelings and this is what brings so many pains, hurts and misunderstandings, we mostly don't even know how to express our true feelings. When we try and correct someone from our human perception of life, we are told :"who are you to speak - you're not perfect" and this causes bad vibrations, but when we CONNECT THEM TO THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, IT WORKS FROM WITHIN AND CONVICTS THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS INTERNALLY FROM WHICH NONE CAN RUN, and there we as humans cannot reach. SO - WHEN WE TRULY WANT TO HELP - CONNECT THEM AND LET IT BE... IN IT'S OWN SWEET TIME......©

Tomorrow....not in measure....either we have it or we don't......



We fight and spit with words of rage,
there is strife and arguments on every page,
what's truth for me is another mans lie,
then we can't see eye to eye.

It's the spirit in man that shows the way,
our flesh the thoughts and emotions must obey,
our actions are merely an extension of the mind,
expressing itself in deeds of every kind.

To ever bring peace upon this earth,
our spirit must be given a healthy birth,
to see beyond the actions to the soul,
is the mission we must set as our earthy goal.

When the spirit speaks we can all understand,
instead of doing things underhand,
clarity will enlighten our vision,
fulfilling and completing our earthy mission.

Monica Maartens © 23/9/2017



Stay where we are once enlightened, we are so used to our comfort zone that any change seems to much to handle, so we draw away from it. We are scared of it. When we embark on a spiritual journey, it is not about changing house, lifestyle, job, is about becoming complete within ourselves, there where we are at that time. We stay where we are, because that is where we know life and believe me there are hurt, lonely people everywhere. So....we enrich ourselves exactly where we are and start sharing this enrichment with those around us, at home, the work place, everywhere. The more we share, the more we receive to share and the more we receive the more we grow and become complete, it starts flowing like a river with fresh water and knowledge every day. There is no upheaval, however, as we grow and become complete inside things will start changing ..mainly our outlook on life and our attitude toward others....these are the first clear signs of change, yet we are still in our house, our job, etc. We become fulfilled, happy, confident and content and many of our lusts and desires will vanish. Our terrible urge for material gain will diminish as we now hunger for more worthy gratification. We come to realize the material things are temporary but the true riches lay in personal development and virtues giving us balance and a deep peace and serenity inside. We change where we are, resulting in the possibility of some "friends" departing - those who were never real friends anyway - and new friendships are formed that are deeper and more sincere. WE ALL FEAR CHANGE AND THE UNKNOWN..... BUT THIS IS GOWTH AND FULFILLMENT THAT BRINGS CHANGES FOR THE GOOD, AND THIS WE SHOULD WELCOME AS IT OPENS A WHOLE NEW WORLD. WE START SEEING WITH SUCH CLARITY - IT IS AN AMAZING FEELING TO BELONG TO SOMETHING FAR BIGGER THAN US AND NOT FEEL SO LOST IN AN UGLY CRUEL WORLD. We become ANCHORED in the truth and that builds us and our home into a journey of completed beauty. WE KNOW WHERE WE COME FROM, WHAT WE ARE DOING HERE AND WHERE WE ARE GOING.....
As we become strengthened in the truth, our confidence grows and as we share and help others so we help our own growth because the more we use this knowledge and wisdom, the more of it is revealed and exposed in action. We become equipped with the wisdom that pours through our souls within the connection we have to the divine source of our Almighty Creator. We become solidly anchored and need never run, as the darkness will run from us. A light goes on inside us that radiates to everything round us, it penetrates deeply into all darkness exposing the snares and traps, the reasons, the meaning, the purpose, the way to deal with it and the escapes, within us and around us and as we become more enlightened, so the light becomes brighter and brighter until there is no darkness and we can see clearly. DON'T RUN FROM THIS SALVATION AND FREEDOM - the changes happen gradually as we become more and more enlightened and drawn back to our purity and innocence. It is like being washed inside, all the doubt, angst, fears, disappointments, griefs and misunderstandings fall into place as we find direction, purpose and meaning to it all. Life is not about going to work and back to provide for our daily living - it is all about the joy and excitement of doing what we do, finding love and happiness in it and spreading it to all around us - bringing laughter and joy into all our tasks each day. Finding delight in our privilege to be able to do what we do and do it to the best of our ability. Besides our daily existence, we need purpose, direction and a mission in life and what better mission is there but to bring fun and joy into the lives around us !!! To show others how to do good, be compassionate and kind, live free from the guilt of harm and wrongdoing. It opens the doors to blessings being poured upon us and our lives and enriches us with deep fulfillment. To have this mission of turning broken hearts to gold is sacred and divine - it costs nothing and brings enormous joy to us and all involved with us. INSTEAD OF BEING SITTERS AND MOPERS WE BECOME SHAKERS AND MOVERS....©

Tomorrow....truth and lies vs you and I...



When life is all about work and back,
we best take a look at what we lack,
most of humanity merely exist,
because the truth we always resist.

We spend our days barely surviving,
this is when we need spiritual reviving,
find direction that will given us purpose,
bringing the hidden things onto the surface.

We need to find joy in all we do,
add excitement into paths we pursue,
life is an adventure filled with love,
the gift of divinity received from above.

We spread this love like liquid gold,
drawing all hearts away from the cold,
do not fear when changes appear,
it makes us complete with a mission so clear.

Monica Maartens © 22/9/2017



In my experience we waste so much time reading and studying others experiences and find very little we can actually use to get further. We read marvelous stories, but are still in the is outside us. We still don't know how to feel better. Mans greatest success is to become complete as a being, not to be rich or famous, but to be in tune with himself and creation as a whole. When our souls and hearts are content, fulfilled and happy they guide our mind which in turn commands our actions. The flesh is merely a tool through which to express our thoughts and emotions.
The soul requires a purpose and meaning to life otherwise we drift, become lost and confused and re thrown around in life by what we call "storms and troubles". Every created thing on earth has a purpose to fulfill, a mission to compete. Mans original mission was to take care of the earth, the mother that sustains us and how are we going to do that when we re continually in turmoil and involved in surviving storms. Every experience that comes our way is an intentional training tool to equip us for life, therefore we should have a student attitude and welcome the opportunity for growth, wisdom and understanding. As our soul is the cord that attaches us to the creator, it is wise to keep this communication channel open at all times. We do that by joining our spirit to the Spirit of our creator by committing our spirit into his hands and following the path layed out for us. This is where all the secrets and mysteries of life, happiness, truth, contentment, justice, honour, respect, etc is hidden. The deeper meaning and reasons for the training. It anchors us firmly onto the paths of success. Likewise the emotional heart needs love, understanding, acceptance and recognition so we may remain in touch with who we truly are. We are not the person in the suit and Mercedes - WE ARE THE HEART IF THE PERSON IN THE SUIT AND MERCEDES OR OVERALLS AND BASHED UP PICK UP TRUCK....IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HEART.... THE HUMANE PART OF US. When we stop feeling, having compassion, loving and allowing love to enter our lives, we die emotionally with disastrous results. THIS IS THE DOOR TO EVIL...LACK OF LOVE IN OUR HEARTS....where envy, lust, greed, unrighteousness, cheating, bribery, stealing, lying, blackmail, lawlessness, harshness, rudeness, discontent, etc enters into us so deeply that our flesh starts responding to violence, aggression, rage, etc even as far as murder. We end up in such terrible darkness of torment, turmoil and degradation. 

Tomorrow...stay where we are once enlightened.....



When the stomach is hungry we feed it food,
to sustain the flesh just like it should.
The soul desires the meaning and purpose,
bringing all mysteries up to the surface.

The heart survives on love that is true,
lifting us out of our doldrums so blue.
The mind requires healthy stimulation,
otherwise it takes us into damnation.

The spirit desperately needs to fly free,
explore all the things that are meant to be.
Our inner man is like a hungry child,
it needs to be fed or tends to go wild.

All this nutrition is of a spiritual nature,
lifting us up and giving us stature.
To find happiness and joy is mans greatest success,
floating above all the troubles and stress.

Monica Maartens © 21/9/2017



Last, but not least, our precious, sensitive, caring, heart.......every person has a deep desire for recognition, to be acknowledged and accepted as they are. We may even do some horrendous deeds to demand attention, to claim the recognition we crave. The handsome and pretty are used as objects for financial profit, living empty, meaningless lies for lives. The rich are used and befriended for their money and what it can buy. The poor are used as scapegoats, because they can't afford a lawyer and for labour. The physically ugly are mocked and ridiculed. Genders are used for sexual lust and dumped like garbage. All of them just want to be loved, acknowledged, and respected for who they are and not for what they can provide for another. The world has become a users paradise and there is very little time for genuine love and friendship......there are many partnerships, but very few genuine friendships.
These are the matters of the heart and reach far deeper than the flesh. It is based on pure emotion and our hearts WILL CRY OUT, IF NOT CONSCIOUSLY, THEN SUBCONSCIOUSLY. We will always be on the hunt and never find contentment  and deep satisfaction when we shut down our feelings. A heart and feelings are very much who and what we are and when we shut down due to hurt and misuse and the fear of the pain and feelings of rejection that go with it, we go into a dungeon of isolation, loneliness and aloofness, almost like voluntary solidary confinement. We are only living half a life and will never find completeness within ourselves. It is from here where desires and passions flame up and when the heart is healthy, the desires and passions will be healthy leading us to high moral excellence, justice , fairness, love and compassion, patience, kindness - all things pertaining to humaneness. When the heart is hurt, abused and defiled, our feelings and emotions trampled on, belittled, mocked, degraded, etc, our desires and passions will lean toward darkness, anger, rage, obscenity, vulgarity, cursing, profanity, etc because we feel worthless, dirty and defiled. The condition of the heart has everything to do with our attitude and outlook on life. A happy loved heart brings joy and glory into everything, it sees through the eyes of love and finds beauty everywhere. An empty, hurt and unloved heart finds something wrong in everything, trouble everywhere, it is disgruntled, deeply unhappy and gloomy. The only food a heart can eat is pure, undefiled love ....not our human concept of sex, lust and desire, but a deep, lasting, accepting love, that sees past the mistakes, words and deeds, which we so recklessly throw around, right into the heart and soul of a person. Love is a deep, interesting concept and is not easily grasped by the human brain as it is spiritual gold. To be able to forgive and overlook spite, nastiness, greed and all the evil and see past the deeds into the heart of another takes a very deep understanding and spiritual insight. This comes partly from experience, having been in similar situations, yet to each it is different according to our nature, personality, upbringing, beliefs, traditions, etc, two people are alike. This is why, being connected to the Spirit of God - the Spirit of all creation - is so vital in life. It connects us to the spirit within the other person and we can see through their eyes. It is this Spirit that guides us to the root of the hurt and pain and brings the understanding....who knows the spirit of the man, except the spirit that is within the man. When we are all connected to the universal spirit of God, we find a deep understanding and compassion towards each other. The spiritual person understands this and has this ability.....the carnal person can't, as all they are able to see is the outer appearance of things....they cannot reach in to where the hurt and pain broods. It is not humanly possible ....we do more harm than good. BY NOW WE ALL KNOW HOW TO CONNECT( see previous posts), SO GET YOUR CONNECTION, GET A LIFE AND FREE YOUR HEART......©

Tomorrow.....where do we find guidance..



I scatter a couple of seeds each day
into our minds they come to stay,
take it or leave it, as you please,
these may just be the words of release.

Tumble them around for a while in your brain,
then send them to the soul and heart to explain,
take what is worthy and store it for gain,
dump the rest of it down the drain.

We'll know what is true when we use the right measure,
love is the compass that will guide us to all treasure,
it brings no harm upon man or beast,
ensuring that all my enjoy their feast.

We find it in our spiritual connection
always guiding us in the right direction,
it brings understanding with deep insight,
keeping us joyfully on the paths of light.

Monica Maartens © 20/9/2017



The recording studio of our brain continually collects all we see and hear, consciously and far more importantly, subconsciously. These are the outer influences that spark thoughts in our mind - the spiritual realm. There are also inner influences that come from our connection to the spirits within us guiding our thoughts - being either the Spirit of God or the spirit of the world - the power of the air leading to deceit, confusion, and falseness. It is our decision and choice who we are willing to follow. All of Gods creation has the spirit of God because that is what gives life, what is manifested in visible form. Yet, it becomes dim and veiled when we follow the worldly way because we only see the surface and not the deeper workings of things. When we follow the worldly way, we offer our body, unknowingly, to use for its purposes and we become brainwashed, conditioned, bewitched or even hypnotized and seeds and trigger words are planted in our brains. It is almost like a glass window that is splattered with dirt, eventually it is so dirty that we can no longer see the light through it. With all the modern technology we my even be implanted with microchips which takes over the control of our bodies with instructions sent into our brains via computer and satellites, making us do what we wouldn't naturally do - called DEMON POSSESSION..... that which we will to do, we do not do, and that which we abhor, that we do !!!!! IT ONCE AGAIN BOILS DOWN TO UNDERSTANDING. When we choose Gods will in our life, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit blocking the spirit of the air to reach and use us. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. WE ARE UNDER PROTECTION. This won't stop the conveyor belt of seductions and temptations coming past us, but we will have the spirit of wisdom and light to guide us through all these tricky spots. In my view this is the wise path to embark upon, simply because it assures our freedom from bondage and slavery. A light goes on shining on all our paths with total clarity, we see the bigger picture, finding the origin of our thoughts. Our thoughts become a pattern and guide our eyes and ears to what it seeks and therefore draws that to us like an energy or magnetic force. What we seek manifests itself - these "masters" appear, the knowledge jumps out at us which takes us further.
CURIOSITY DIDN'T KILL THE CAT........ IGNORANCE OF HOW TO WALK THE PATH, HOW TO DEPART, ETC, DID. We can enter any arena in life and escape unscathed, providing we know what is going on and where the escape routes are. This wisdom is all hidden in the spirit of light. Any WISE PERSON WILL SEARCH FOR THIS LIGHT AND WISDOM to carry with them wherever they venture. It is simply common sense not to walk into the darkness without a light to shine on the path. It is extrememly unwise to open a door into the dark unknown without taking the light of wisdom with us to guide and show us the way is very irresponsible  and extremely hazardous and dangerous. When trapped in darkness without an escape  THERE IS NO ONE INSIDE THAT WILL HELP US.... WE ARE LED ASTRAY BY FALSE LIGHT FROM ONE CIRCLE OF THE MAZE TO ANOTHER AND NEVER ESCAPE.....THE ESCAPE IS TO CONNECT TO THE HOLY SPIRIT SO THE LIGHT OF TRUTH SHOWS THE ESCAPE ROUTE FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL IN THEIR OWN PARTICULAR SITUATION.....EACH IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT.......©

tomorrow....matters of the heart.....



My mind and heart play a tug of war,
There's chaos inside as both want to score,
the mind wants to follow the practical brain,
the heart is all about emotional gain.

The soul sends out a light so strong, 
telling them both they got it wrong,
we got to be connected to divine inspiration,
so balance can conquer all the consternation.

When we are guided by the spirit of light,
our thoughts and minds will know what is right,
embraced we become by deep insight,
guiding our feet onto paths so bright.

Our inner man works like a team,
heart, soul and mind on the same dream,
when working together becomes reality,
filling our lives with wise practicality.

Monica Maartens © 19/9/2017



Our spirit is the life giving force that lives within the flesh. When I insult you, I have not touched your flesh or hurt it in any way, yet you feel hurt somewhere inside - not so ????? That means you have a spirit - I hurt your spirit....your emotions. THIS IS THE REAL ME, MY PERSONALITY, MY CHARACTER, THE FORCE THAT CAUSES MY BODY TO DO GOOD OR EVIL, MY TEMPER, MY DEPRESSION, MY STRESS, MY JOY AND HAPPINESS - ALL IN THE SPIRIT, THE FLESH MERELY RESPONDS TO THE ENERGY OF THE SPIRIT......DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THE SPIRIT IS ??? GOOD, LET'S PROCEED..............
This spirit was originally PURE LOVE GIVEN A VESSEL IN WHICH TO OPERATE - THE HUMAN BODY. When connected to Gods' spirit, we are connected to this continuous source of love and this gives us the ability to understand, forgive, be kind and gentle and to live a fruitful life. The brain gathers and stores knowledge through our eyes and ears - all physical actions. Our mind - thoughts...spirit - deciphers this knowledge and gives us the ability to think, reason and comprehend....all spiritual. It weaves through the physical but is separate from the can leave the body and still be exactly what it is. The body or vessel is there for its convience and needs the spirit to survive, when the spirit leaves the flesh perishes, but the spirit doesn't need the body to survive. We are either connected to the Spirit of the creator, or the false spirit of the world....the spirit of the power of the air, which in fact render us "dead" - like a meaningless zombie without any control over our life - NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE. To connect to the true Spirit of life, we commit our spirit into Gods' hands. That door used to be closed due to mans wickedness that caused a chasm of darkness that could not be crossed and broke the contact. However, God sent Jesus Christ - His Son - the word became flesh - to live between the people, go through the same physical pain and torment we do, went through the process of death to cancel death through the resurrection of the Holy Spirit....the Spirit that brings life to dead flesh....take note...resurrection and not artificial medical resuscitation....this is the reconnecting of spirits to Gods' Spirit :" into your hands I commit my spirit". It is the Spirit of God, of love, of life that brings resurrection of the dead resuscitated body. We do this by baptism into Jesus name. This Spirit is now one with our spirit in our mind - not brain, not the flesh, but our spirit mind and guides our thoughts to where and what we should seek. It enters into our thoughts and thinks with us and this is how we find answers to each and every issue pertaining to life. The light and Spirit now live IN US AND WE WILL ALWAYS FIND THE WAY....WE WILL NEVER BE LOST AGAIN ....NEVER BE IN BONDAGE AGAIN....BUT BE FREE......... TOTALLY FREE. We start seeing and hearing with the eyes of the spirit and not the eyes of the flesh and everything falls perfectly into place. Every tiny little puzzle piece of our life, our mistakes, the reasons for them, our sorrows and griefs, our troubles and worries, our regrets, everything gets meaning, purpose and clarity. THE ENTIRE PICTURE OF OUR LIFE FALLS PERFECTLY INTO PLACE AS CONFUSION, RAGE, FEAR AND DESPONDENCY IS REPLACED BY A DEEP UNDERSTANDING, ENLIGHTENMENT AND PERFECT CLARITY. 
THE SPIRIT HAS FOUND ITS TRUE HOME.......© does all this affect our mind and thoughts becoming our actions............



Stuck in the darkness of sorrow and grief,
deep confusion where there is no relief,
my spirit inside boils like a volcano,
ready to erupt with an ominous bellow.

I rant and rage wherever I go,
bringing tears that continually flow,
I must break free from this zombie existence,
find a way to escape the resistance.

My spirit is thirsting and longing for home,
the place where freedom is not only for some,
I desperately need to find myself again,
speed my wings and escape the strain.

I need the spirit of love to lift me high,
the spirit of light to clear my eye,
the spirit of life to show me the way,
bring joy and laughter to forever stay.

Monica Maartens © 18/9/2017



You know, we continually try to fit into the world - squeeze ourselves into jobs, suits and outer garments that make a statement for prestige and status, into positions of power covering our lives with falsehood and lies, pretending to be what we are not, due to circumstances and all sorts of expectations and false desires that we have, cheat, lie and steal for the big house and car, throw money around regardless of how we obtained it - we use the excuse of "the means justify the end" - but it doesn't, there are consequences and we always pay, maybe not with a court, justice and a prison sentence, but surely with grief, torment, loss of self respect and respect of others, enslaving ourselves with guilt and a deep sadness with A HOLE IN OUR SOUL. A soul is like an ambilical cord that is attached to a this the giver of life, which is the Spirit of life. When we break away from this attachment, we are like a leaf that has fallen from a tree - we serve no further purpose, as we have become untrustworthy and risky because we cheat, and is blown around by the wind until we perish. That established.....let's see how we remain on the tree. Creation is not a science fiction story, it didn't just happen, didn't evolve from a piece of fungus. IT IS A DELIBERATE CREATION OF AMAZINGLY INTRICATE DESIGN WHERE EVERYTHING FITS IN LIKE GEARS TURNING A MASSIVE MACHINE, EACH CREATED FOR THE OTHER, WHAT ONE NEEDS THE OTHER PROVIDES, AS A SELF SUSTAINING OPERATION IN PERFECT HARMONY AND PERFECTION. Each creation has a defined purpose, a very important part to play, even though it may be tiny, in this enormous miracle of earth. Obviously there must be a master mind that designed each and every tiny little detail to fit like a perfect puzzle. It really is quite mind boggling when we take a closer is simply astonishing. This creator was given a name - GOD - why God, I don't know - maybe it stands for : GREAT ORDER OF DIVINITY, or DESIGN, or DETAIL, or DESTINY ????  This spiritual life force is connected and attached to the Creator - God - it is simply a fact and no one has ever been able to prove that it is not true. It has been the source of all my answers to every question and problem I have ever encountered.....whether physical, health wise, mental, emotional or spiritual, and believe me, I have been in some of the deepest dungeons of darkness in life - very, very deep. 
THE BIGGEST MISTAKE WE MAKE IS TO TRY AND FIT INTO THE WORLD......WE SHOULD FIT INTO OURSELVES AND THE WORLD SERVES US. We take out of the world what we need to become complete. WE DO NOT FIT INTO THE WORLD - WE FIT INTO OUR SOULS WHERE ALL THE KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM COMES FROM. We need to reconnect to the portals of divine wisdom through our soul and to do this we search the Kingdom of God, which is the joining of our spirit to Gods' Spirit - this is the switch we turn like a radio or computer, to tune into a station or network. THIS IS GODS' NETWORK AND THIS IS WHERE THE SOUL NEEDS TO BE. We have now opened the channel of communication between us and all the secrets and mysteries of life, all knowledge and wisdom of the ages and all things created. From here on the Spirit of life and light will guide us as the understanding flows through our soul continuously. WE HAVE NOW ANCHORED OUR SOULS....FROM HERE WE START BUILDING AN UNSINKABLE ARK OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE..... NOW AND ONLY NOW WILL WE BE OKAY.......©

Tomorrow...we see how the spirit works.........



Longing screams from a soul that's empty,
my days are filled with raging and venting,
there's a hole in my soul that can't find satisfaction,
I lie, cheat and steal to find gratification.

I'm so hollow inside as I wander around,
heavy shackles and chains drag me to the ground,
I'm lost in a maze of turmoil and torment,
my feet are trapped in blocks of cement.

Where can I anchor this lost soul of mine,
which are the paths to bring peace divine,
show me the way to the river of love,
lead my feet to the paths of joy above.

Into Gods' hands I commit my spirit,
reaching far beyond any human limit,
all passages open to brilliant clarity,
finding the mysteries to a glorious reality.

Monica Maartens © 17/9/2017



Our emotional journey is the most complicated and intricate of any journey we will travel. We have thousands of emotions swirling around inside us throughout a life time. We have certain feelings for family, others for friends and still others for neighbours and colleagues in the workplace and playing fields. Emotions are a very tricky business especially when they control us and not us them - so - where do we draw the line? What is the controlling factor, how do we deal with this rollercoaster in life ? IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO UNDERSTANDING, FINDING THE MEANING BEHIND IT, THE REASON FOR IT AND ITS PURPOSE IN OUR LIFE......DOES IT SERVE A PURPOSE AND IF SO WHAT IS IT ? We go through life being broken and torn and we don't even know why......we so often ask "WHY ME"..... AND THEN THERE IS JUST THE SILENCE ANSWERING.......Most of us get hurt and simply shut down or withdraw from life, we build a solid steel wall around our heart with a massive DO NOT ENTER SIGN......recognize it ??? This makes it far worse because we end up WITH A HOLE IN OUR SOUL........A DEEP, DEEP, DESPERATE LONGING  AND EMPTINESS SWALLOWS US, BECAUSE WE STOP FEELING, WE STOP LIVING - WE MERELY EXIST.......WE ARE JUST HERE. This is where materialism comes in, we try and fill our lives with outer things - THIS DOES NOT AND CAN NOT FILL THAT HOLE INSIDE....THE SOUL IS GODS DOMAIN AND CAN BE FILLED BY NOTHING BUT GODLY LOVE....AND IT BECOMES WORSE AS WE FIND THE MATERIAL THINGS DON'T SATISFY US. This causes terrible trauma and frustration leading to anger and rage which results in violence and aggression. MAN IS LOVE IN A PHYSICAL VESSEL...... WE NEED TO LOVE AND BE LOVED TO EVER FIND THAT BALANCE AND COMPLETENESS THAT MAKES US HUMANE. It is simply how we are....don't even try to fight it, you cannot possibly win. Material things satisfy our eyes and fleshy lusts and desires, but only on a temporary keeps running out... We soon become accustomed and want more and more until eventually it doesn't satisfy us at all any more and then become very disgruntled and frustrated. Our flesh is but one fifth of who we are - what about the other four fifths that needs far more than the temporary material things ? Of course we will be unbalanced and moody, our four fifths is hungry and like a child will demand attention, except we do not know where these feelings come from and continuously pushed them aside. We are tragically unaware of where these demands and desires come from or how to deal with them so we end up in arguments, fighting and strife bringing enormous unhappiness and agitation into our lives. So let's dive deeper, let's see what we really need to become complete as living beings, where and how to find what we need to become full and deeply satisfied in all areas of our lives.
The next few days we are going to find guidance into the domains of the soul, spirit, mind and heart......THE REAL US THAT LIVE WITHIN THIS VESSEL OF FLESH. We will see what each one needs and where to find it so that all parts of us are content, happy and satisfied. Unless we deal with this we will remain empty, dissatisfied, grumpy and volatile.........©

Tomorrow we will start with the core of our being.....our soul......

A BREAK.....