Emotional stress has an enormous affect on our physical bodily functions....this is merely through the eyes of a child and not a scientific study.....when we are continuously agitated and stressed our hearts pump faster due to the energies that are moving too fast. The blood runs past the cells to quickly to do their jobs effectively and the entire physical system suffers. The blood transfers the nutrients and oxygen to the cells and needs the time to deliver this, while the lymph fluids collect all the left overs that the cells no longer need and removes it from the cells. When we are overstressed it doesn't have the time to this properly and our muscles start aching due to the build up of held back excretions and waste and we develop knots and lumps in the muscles, especially around the shoulders and neck causing at times severe headaches and pain and discomfort. When we massage these muscles we break down these lumps and grind them down to be released into the lymph to be carried to the kidneys and out of the system while we are in a relaxed state. But.....the root of the problem is not physical but emotional. Same with depression, we become lethargic and the system slows down too much giving the waste time to settle in the cells instead of being moved out with the same results, our physical system also becomes lethargic and doesn't work effectively. We tend to treat this with blood pressure pills, which further fill us with medication which cloggs up the blood vessels causing even further stress to the body. IT IS OUR EMOTIONAL SYSTEM THAT NEEDS THE DOCTOR.... NOT THE FLESH. We have to find the right energy balance so the body can tick to the right rythym. We become stressed or depressed due to ignorance of how emotions operate. High blood pressure is common with those who are perfectionists - everything has to precise and perfect or they become agitated, annoyed and angry which pushes the pressure up due to the extra energy released by these emotions and we tend to then grave high energy food or take alcohol or drugs to calm us down. In fact we should concentrate on becoming more calm and making space for error, needing to learn patience, relaxation, and tolerance as most people are a work in progress and not perfect. We need to relax and give more time and stop rushing everything and wanting it immediately, if not sooner. Same with depression, which is common with those that are timid and sensitive. Bad things are said or happen and we are not equipped to handle it - it is an emotional disturbance that brings us down and we go into a black hole from which we cannot escape. We read all the motivational books that fill our mind, but it does nothing for the emotions - the pain still stays the same. We then have this internal war where the mind says one thing and the emotions say "you're a liar, bull dust, that's not how it works in my heart". The doors of depression opened for me when I joined my spirit to Gods Spirit and I became a student of emotions - when I realized there is something hidden in everything that happens, there is a reason for it all, there is a deeper meaning. From here I started finding information on everything that happens in my life, when it happens. With this came understanding, which totally turned my life around...a light went on. I could now allow my emotions to FEEL AGAIN without fearing them. I searched for the meaning and purpose behind the words and actions and stopped taking things at face value, a whole new world opened up. ALL THE FEELINGS OF UNFAIRNESS AND BEING VICTIMIZED VAPOURIZED INTO THIN AIR AS IT WAS REPLACED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING OF HOW I PERCEIVE IT. I realized that most people lash out due to pain and not to victimize me and that changed my entire outlook on life. I was able to forgive, let it roll off my back and not take it personally, which took away the pain and depression. I was now in control of how to deal with what others throw my way - it no longer affected me in a bad way like before as I was staring to understand what was going on. I HAD BECOME A STUDENT OF LIFE AND STARTED SUCKING OUT OF EACH EXPERIENCE THE WISDOM THAT LAY HIDDEN INSIDE IT, BECAUSE I KNEW WHAT I WAS LOOKNG FOR AND IGNORING THE PAIN ASSOCIATED WITH IT...AND IT FELT WONDERFUL. THIS MADE ME CALM AND RELAXED BECAUSE I SAW IT AS TRAINING FOR A FUTURE PURPOSE AND DUG IN DEEP TO LEARN ALL I CAN WHILE IT WAS THERE SO I COULD MOVE ON TO THE NEXT TRAINING SESSION. I believe we become stuck until we have harvested the lessons we are meant to learn in any situation in life, otherwise they reoccur over and over. I DEVELOPED A HEALTHY ATTITUDE TO LEARN AND GROW THROUGH EACH EVENT THAT CROSSED MY PATH WHICH ALLOWED ME TO SIT ON TOP OF IT AND NOT BE SQUASHED UNDER IT. MY HEALTH IMPROVED, MY HEART WAS FREE AND WILD, MY SPIRIT GOT WINGS TO FLY AND LIFE BECAME AN EXCITING ADVENTURE FILLED WITH JOY AT EACH NEW DISCOVERY...THERE IS SO MUCH WE KNOW NOTHING OF, WE CAN NEVER BECOME BORED. THE BURDEN OF SORROW, PAIN, REGRETS, ACCUSATIONS, CONFUSION ALL VANISHED LEAVING ME ONLY WITH THE WISDOM OF THE EXPERIENCES. IT DOES WONDERS....BECOME A STUDENT OF LIFE....IT'S AMAZING........©

Tomorrow. . emotional paths......

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