In my view, most pain comes from misunderstanding. We are ignorant to the rules of the game of life. It is not so much about what happens to us, BUT HOW WE REACT AND DEAL WITH IT. It is all about how we accept it that will determine how it affects us. When we look at life as the opportunity to develop abilities, we take on the attitude of student, always willing to learn, seek answers and grow. Once this is established, we look at life through different eyes. Tribulations and trials become exciting adventures of new discoveries as we face them head on, take each one and expose it to it full extent, find all the information we can about it, read up on it, speak to others who have gone through similar experiences and have knowledge on it and totally analyse it, BECAUSE HEREIN LAYS ALL THE SECRETS AND MYSTERIES OF LIFE. It becomes extremely interesting and exciting as we become the masters of situations and learn how to ride the wave not be tumbled by it. As it has now become an exploration into the unknown, deeper, darker depths of situations and emotions, it no longer has the power to hurt us and we lose our fear. FEAR AND PAIN COMES THROUGH IGNORANCE...... We can study and read many books, but until we actually physically go through an experience, those words remain "hollow and empty". It is planted in our brain, but makes no rational sense until the practical experience is added, then the words become alive through the experience. I read much about " spirits and spiritual matters" but it was all out of my reach until I had a spiritual experience in what is called "a near death experience" - when we die and death does not hold us captive. My flesh died and my spirit left my body and entered into what felt and looked like a cloud at sunrise or sunset, basked in a golden glow, soft and safe and warm with no pain from the physical death experience at all. I asked to return to cancel the death and was suddenly back in the "dead flesh". NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME I UNDERSTOOD WHAT WAS MEANT BY " SPIRIT" AND "FLESH" AS TWO SEPARATE, YET TOGETHER ENTITIES.....that the real me was spirit living within the flesh as one with the body. The body needs the spirit to survive, but the spirit does not need the body, it continues without the flesh. After this experience and thereafter all my experiences, I went to the library and dug up all the reading material I could find and discovered there are many others who had also experienced the same. This is always very reassuring, knowing we are not alone on our journeys. Within any situation, find knowledge and marry the knowledge to the experience.....this brings the understanding and meaning which swallows the pain and turns it into a new ability....we become conquers of every situation, not victims that grovel in the injustices, unfairness, sorrows and pains but conquers being trained into deep insight and enlightenment and THIS IS WHEN WE CONQUER ALL PAIN, ALL FEAR, ALL INSECURITIES AND BECOME THE MASTER OF SITUATIONS. There is no longer any unfairness or injustices, but only opportunities to gain more and more knowledge and wisdom. Even most diseases - when we are under a shield of protection from the spiritual influences affecting our health, the "accidents" avoid us and so, amazingly enough, do the "germs and viruses". We just don't become I'll. .....©
Tomorrow....using love as manipulation and reward systems.....
Tomorrow....using love as manipulation and reward systems.....
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