Stay where we are once enlightened, we are so used to our comfort zone that any change seems to much to handle, so we draw away from it. We are scared of it. When we embark on a spiritual journey, it is not about changing house, lifestyle, job, is about becoming complete within ourselves, there where we are at that time. We stay where we are, because that is where we know life and believe me there are hurt, lonely people everywhere. So....we enrich ourselves exactly where we are and start sharing this enrichment with those around us, at home, the work place, everywhere. The more we share, the more we receive to share and the more we receive the more we grow and become complete, it starts flowing like a river with fresh water and knowledge every day. There is no upheaval, however, as we grow and become complete inside things will start changing ..mainly our outlook on life and our attitude toward others....these are the first clear signs of change, yet we are still in our house, our job, etc. We become fulfilled, happy, confident and content and many of our lusts and desires will vanish. Our terrible urge for material gain will diminish as we now hunger for more worthy gratification. We come to realize the material things are temporary but the true riches lay in personal development and virtues giving us balance and a deep peace and serenity inside. We change where we are, resulting in the possibility of some "friends" departing - those who were never real friends anyway - and new friendships are formed that are deeper and more sincere. WE ALL FEAR CHANGE AND THE UNKNOWN..... BUT THIS IS GOWTH AND FULFILLMENT THAT BRINGS CHANGES FOR THE GOOD, AND THIS WE SHOULD WELCOME AS IT OPENS A WHOLE NEW WORLD. WE START SEEING WITH SUCH CLARITY - IT IS AN AMAZING FEELING TO BELONG TO SOMETHING FAR BIGGER THAN US AND NOT FEEL SO LOST IN AN UGLY CRUEL WORLD. We become ANCHORED in the truth and that builds us and our home into a journey of completed beauty. WE KNOW WHERE WE COME FROM, WHAT WE ARE DOING HERE AND WHERE WE ARE GOING.....
As we become strengthened in the truth, our confidence grows and as we share and help others so we help our own growth because the more we use this knowledge and wisdom, the more of it is revealed and exposed in action. We become equipped with the wisdom that pours through our souls within the connection we have to the divine source of our Almighty Creator. We become solidly anchored and need never run, as the darkness will run from us. A light goes on inside us that radiates to everything round us, it penetrates deeply into all darkness exposing the snares and traps, the reasons, the meaning, the purpose, the way to deal with it and the escapes, within us and around us and as we become more enlightened, so the light becomes brighter and brighter until there is no darkness and we can see clearly. DON'T RUN FROM THIS SALVATION AND FREEDOM - the changes happen gradually as we become more and more enlightened and drawn back to our purity and innocence. It is like being washed inside, all the doubt, angst, fears, disappointments, griefs and misunderstandings fall into place as we find direction, purpose and meaning to it all. Life is not about going to work and back to provide for our daily living - it is all about the joy and excitement of doing what we do, finding love and happiness in it and spreading it to all around us - bringing laughter and joy into all our tasks each day. Finding delight in our privilege to be able to do what we do and do it to the best of our ability. Besides our daily existence, we need purpose, direction and a mission in life and what better mission is there but to bring fun and joy into the lives around us !!! To show others how to do good, be compassionate and kind, live free from the guilt of harm and wrongdoing. It opens the doors to blessings being poured upon us and our lives and enriches us with deep fulfillment. To have this mission of turning broken hearts to gold is sacred and divine - it costs nothing and brings enormous joy to us and all involved with us. INSTEAD OF BEING SITTERS AND MOPERS WE BECOME SHAKERS AND MOVERS....©

Tomorrow....truth and lies vs you and I...

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A BREAK.....