Trust does not at all belong with man. We can never guarantee anything, it is not in our power......the paths to darkness are littered with good intentions. Trust belongs solely in Gods hands and we place our trust there too. Murphy's law is extremely active on the paths of trust, whenever we are untrusted with a task, something always happens.....we are waylaid, delayed by an accident, side tracked to help someone in an emergency, we take a wrong turn, have a flat tyre, in some or other manner prevented and delayed from succeeding within the given time......and then.....come all the accusations of how untrustworthy we are, how useless, how unreliable, yet these obstacles were not planned and are very, very real and we did do our best yet no one wants to accept our explanations leaving us feeling empty, disappointed, saddened.....we sit with terrible guilt and anger because we were prevented from achieving our goals and we were completely helpless to prevent it. We can't always leave enough gap to make it in time. Trust and expectations walk hand in hand and often we are expected to perform beyond our knowledge and abilities at the time. We are not trained or shown how, yet expected to deliver results. When we don't manage we are left feeling insecure, worthless and rejected.
LIFE IS NOT ABOUT EXPECTING THINGS FROM OTHERS, IT IS ABOUT ACCEPTING WHAT OTHERS ARE ABLE TO GIVE. WHEN WE GRATEFULLY ACCEPT AND ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT THEY HAVE TO OFFER, WHAT THEY CAN AND WANT TO GIVE, THEY TEND TO WANT TO GIVE MORE AND MORE - IT ALL ABOUT THE GOOD FEELINGS THAT ARE GENERATED BY GRATITUDE. WE ARE GIVING BY NATURE, WE ARE SOCIAL BEINGS BY NATURE, AND IT PLEASES US TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY.....AND WHEN SOMEONE IS GRATEFUL WE WILL BEND BACKWARDS TO HELP AND ASSIST THEM IN ANY WAY WE CAN.....IT IS A NATURAL REACTION TO A THANKFUL ACTION. There is no pressure, but rather A WILLINGNESS..... Each of us has a journey to travel, experiences to gain, to fulfill our purpose and become complete as beings so we may move on to the next journey fully equipped in soul, spirit, heart and mind. We cross paths with many people on this journey and we should be there to help each other, to encourage each other.....not to place our desires and burdens on others in the disguise of expectations. This is more of an endurance test - to learn to push through regardless of obstacles or time limits. A test to see how well we can overcome obstacles - dismantle them, move them, go over or under them and to still get where we need to be in oir own time. We trust in God to show us the way through, the paths that we cannot see with human eyes. Don't place trust in people, it is terribly unfair to place such tremendous pressure on them. Place it in a higher power and motivate other to do their best at all times....the best is all we can give and then gratefully accept what they can bring. This way trust can never be broken because it is in a safe place. Oir journeys are laid out for us are we should not push each other into situations where we don't want to be. We really make life so difficult with all the pushing all the time....relax, enjoy the depths of each journey, savour the taste of the experiences as we go through them...it is all about the pleasure and enjoyment of the journey.....©
Tomorrow.......rejection pain and fears..
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