Rejection and ego are best buddies, like milk and cream they are mixed together and need a little churning to separate them into individual entities. The ego and will travel within the spirit, always in a hurry to test the limits. They demand attention in the here and now and will not be ignored, or they will mope and moan in rejection and pain. When we are young our memory span is short and we need to speak as the thoughts come into our mind, we can't wait because then it is lost and to us, at that stage of our lives, this very important. We are yet to learn to wait our turn as the thoughts and words inside us burn. As adults we need to keep this in mind, a child is not rude, he or she just needs to tell you straight away. So.....patiently MAKE TIME FOR THE CHILD TO SPEAK OR SHOW YOU WHAT THEY NEED TO. They will learn in time about manners and not to interrupt while we are busy. It is when we are busy that we become irritated and abrupt and this crushes a child's spirit. MAKE THE TIME, or the child will become withdrawn, scared and silent - we don't want that. It is only for a few years that the child comes first, then they learn to bide their time as they become more considerate. We should always make time to pay attention to each other or children will go to others which is not always desirable..... this is how they land in the hands of evil.....the serpent awaits..
the mouth of darkness is wide open to those seeking attention. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CHILDREN - THE REST CAN WAIT. Feeling rejected and pushed aside because parents are too busy working, cleaning, cooking, playing is disastrous for a child. They will seek and find attention elsewhere, normally outside the home and strange it is always someone older and wiser....ever wondered why....your little child is in training right under your nose...WAKE UP....because this is going to cause a massive gap between child and parent because the child will be turned against you.....things will be done to them and they are told...."see, you mommy and daddy don't care...they are too busy, you are just in the way" ....and THESE WORDS WILL STICK FOR THE REST OF THEIR DAYS......BEWARE OF THIS....IT IS VERY, VERY REAL. Families must make time to speak and listen to each other - open communication in a family is vital to keep it strong and flowing while we learn cuts both ways.... THIS TIME MUST BE MADE. This starts even from as young as the cot or pram, when a baby cries....THE REST CAN WAIT - TEND TO THE BABY FIRST.....WE DON'T WANT A COT CASE REJECTION SYNDROME ON OUR HANDS....IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO OVERCOME A BROKEN BOND AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE. Don't shout at a child and bring them shame, especially in front of others. A child won't come to us anymore and become hermits in their hearts and that is where secrets, deceit and lies start breeding for which they will be shouted at yet again, but the problem is not the deceit and lie, BUT THE REJECTION AND FEAR OF SPEAKING....DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR CHILD. If need be, when can write, teach them to make notes about what bothers them and make a time EVERY DAY to sit calmly and discuss their worries and concerns with them, so they can learn how to deal with situations.....DO NOT IGNORE THEM.....THIS IS VERY, VERY IMPORTANT FOR A CHILD TO FEEL PART OF THE FAMILY, RESPECTED AND IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO BE HEARD AT ANY AND ALL TIMES....THEY SHOUKD NEVER FEEL THEY'RE IN THE WAY OR A NUISANCE....NEVER......SO...BE GENTLE AND KIND, FOR A CHILD IS MILD AND SENSITIVE....HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE....©
Tomorrow.....pain of lies.....
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