Besides finding ourselves and becoming 
complete beings who are equipped to deal with all issues of life, we also need to live in peace and harmony with those around us. This is probably the most difficult part of life as there are many people who repulse us, who simply repell us, so how do we deal with this, the nasty, grumpy, rude person, the rebel, the miserable, depressed, etc....so many types of people that cross our paths. I adopted a policy of searching within these people something nice.....just one acceptable characteristic, searching deeper than that which they throw in my face..... and I have never failed.....reminds me of the saying....seek and thee shall find, when we seek for good, good will manifest.... When we reach the soul of the person, we break through all the false barriers they have built around them and we find the real person and in each and every living being there is something good.....no one is all good or all bad, it very much depends on what we DRAW OUT BY OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS THEM.....ON WHAT WE SEEK WITHIN THEM, WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM, BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH US AND THE WAY WE HANDLE SITUATIONS. 
BY FAR THE GREATEST TOOL IN LIFE IS THE DISCIPLINE OF LOVE........... UNDERSTANDING IT AND USING IT TO EXTRACT FROM LIFE AND PEOPLE WHAT WE NEED AND WANT FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, WITHOUT HARMING OR DOING THEM IN....IN EVERYTHING WE DO IT MUST ALWAYS BENEFIT BOTH SIDES EQUALLY. REMEMBER THE TWO EDGED SWORD....IT CUTS BOTH WAYS....AND WE USE IT CONTINUALLY WITH ALL WE MEET ON THE PASSAGES OF LIFE. LOVE DOES NOT CAUSE HARM.....when we love and cherish the earth we live on, we will respect all living entities, whether it be plant, animal, water, land, air, any part of creation and treat it with gentleness and consideration to the after effects of what we do. The earth is like one big machine with many gears and when we damage one of the gears everything that comes thereafter is affected in an adverse manner.....all the way down the line. We disturb the entire balance which affects everything around it causing havoc and destruction and we pay dearly for it in many ways. Same with our fellowman - love does not hurt or cause intentional pain, but with kindness, consideration and patience teaches and shows the right way. Most errors and mistakes come from ignorance, so we show, advise and guide onto the right paths. Love is a tremendously strict discipline and not at all easy to follow. It teaches us to see beyond the actions of people so we can REACT IN A POSITIVE MANNER. We see past the outer appearances, past the deeds and into the heart of the matter. This takes time and practise, it is a deliberate act of will from our side to do this until it becomes part of our nature and a habit that comes automatically. We are able to see the emotional condition of a person causing the wrongful deeds and that is where we need to be. Through the eyes of love we can see the fear causing acts of self defense, the pain causing acts of retaliation and rage, the confusion causing deeds  of inconsideration, the misunderstandings causing fights and arguments, the ignorance leading us into paths of darkness and these are the things we deal with....we don't treat the results, WE TREAT THE CAUSE OF THE ACTION AND THEN THE ACTION WILL RESPOND.....AND ACTION IS THE END RESULT OF A WHOLE STRING OF INSTIGATIONS FUELLING THE END RESULT. ONCE WE MASTER THIS INCREDIBLE MYSTERY, WE CAN DEACTIVATE ANY QUARREL OR FIGHT, WE CAN DRAW OUT OF PEOPLE WHAT WE WANT FROM THEM. WE GET TO THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM AND IT IS NEVER THE DEED - THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING OR SOMEONE BEHIND IT - SOMETHING THAT FUELS IT AND THAT IS WHERE THE WORK IS NEEDED WE HAVE TO REMOVE THE ROOT OF THE THE EVIL AND THEN AND ONLY THEN WILL IT STOP. To get to the root, we expose the entire situation and work through it, without fear of punishment, shame, disgrace and anything else. The purpose of the exposure is to resolve the issue, to get to the bottom, to what started it, to the origin and as far as we go we explain how it fits together, how it works, what it does, where it leads. Once we find understanding the fear dissolves, the pain is relieved, the confusion is cleared away, the ignorance has become knowledge and it's a win, win all the way......no one loses, everyone gains as we win the battles and clear away all doubt, fear and misunderstandings and we can see clearly.... AND ISN'T THIS WHAT WE ALL WANT...TO SEE CLEARLY AND LIVE IN THE EMBRACE OF THISKIND OF LOVE ........©

Tomorrow. ..why do we hurt.....

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A BREAK.....